Article 5 of our constitution provided by our forefather ...please read very important

It forefathers provided the people with a safe way to restore a tyrannical government
In article v of the original constitution (not the current 3000 page version which is actually stripping our rights everyday) a means to end the over reaching strong arm of Congress.
I have been researching COS project which there are currently 15 states signed and ready to present amendments to cover these 3 current issues
1 overspending
2 career terms
3 over reach of Congress
In order to move this forward our country needs 34 states on board, currently have 15 ready, once we have the 34 the amendments will be presented by delegates (delegates will be chosen by the state) assigned by each of those 34 states.
Once they are passed it will take 38 states in which to ratify the proposed amendments
Congress can not stop this as it is an article of the constitution to prevent a tyrannical government
The fail safe is that in order to prevent what people refer to as a runaway convention. Is 13 states can oppose the process which halts the ratification.

For those interested see the link below

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Comment by linda dagosta on October 27, 2019 at 11:54am
This is not a constitutional convention.. there was and only will wver be 1 constitutional convention .. this is a convention of the states that our forefathers in light of knowing that power only corrupts when given power.. that the future would present our nation with a power greedy government.
They designed article 5 so that the people via state representation can take back what Congress has turned against the people.
We have come to that point .. it is time to act NOW and act fast. They are spending millions to stop this campaign so that they remain in control yo strip our rights completely.
If this fails
You as well as those around you when they come to each door to collect our fire arms will be forced to fight against the last constitutional rights to protect our freedom
Once they remove the right to bare arms .. we have LOST
Comment by James Roberts on October 27, 2019 at 11:37am

I heard a decade ago they had more than enough state legislatures on board for a Constitutional Convention.

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