Linda dagosta's Blog (43)

Article V of the constitution CONVENTION OF THE STATES

This is a Convention of STATES.
Not to be confused with constitutional convention. 1787 was the only constitutional convention
Please go to
Read and if you agree please get involved and TAKE ACTION

Added by linda dagosta on October 27, 2019 at 12:00pm — 1 Comment

Article 5 of our constitution provided by our forefather ...please read very important

It forefathers provided the people with a safe way to restore a tyrannical government

In article v of the original constitution (not the current 3000 page version which is actually stripping our rights everyday) a means to end the over reaching strong arm of Congress.

I have been researching COS project which there are currently 15 states signed and ready to present amendments to cover these 3 current issues

1 overspending

2 career terms

3 over reach of Congress

In… Continue

Added by linda dagosta on October 27, 2019 at 11:33am — 2 Comments

Ted kaczynski's Manifesto read em and weep

Fortunately my son was raised a free thinker not controlled by the school system and he did not become a sheeple he brought this to my attention yesterday and after reading it seriously sums up my thoughts and feelings so was he really a Madman or was he realizing what many are realizing with Western Society.…


Added by linda dagosta on July 24, 2018 at 9:06am — 2 Comments

what is going on (RANT) police ticketing in bulk

yesterday I saw on my way back from Wilkes-Barre, Pa = 4 statie SUV's that had pulled over a block of cars

then as I traveled the interstate I saw a number of cars busy writing tickets as well as several along the roadside waiting to pounce.

My warning reached out to my loved ones to be wary and be warned. The LE were on the move and ready to ticket...

 Yet even though my warnings were heard and my youngest was obeying the laws,, he managed to get pulled over for passing…


Added by linda dagosta on May 27, 2017 at 10:30am — 1 Comment

"They said" Trump will never get in office... BUT

Now that he is in office.. we need to be alert and wary. Abraham Lincoln, JFK, many famous people who took a stand for the PEOPLE have been assassinated in the past. History does and always will repeat.  Need to be careful.

But Trump is a smart chess player he can foresee the outcome before he makes the first move I put my money on him to make the changes we so deserve. Heads up people keep your eye on the ball.

Added by linda dagosta on March 1, 2017 at 12:36am — No Comments

Soros behind Trump... WOW
I wont even go into this one.. we all know what this means ... end game

Added by linda dagosta on December 17, 2016 at 12:47pm — No Comments

Political war Against the American Public

what this means: this along with Netflix the Human Experiment, which goes into details of how corporations are poisoning the population and we are paying them to do this..With products we buy everyday BPA is one of the foremost then going into GMO and the list goes on and on,, raising the flags when over 24% of our youth are sterile already,,,

It is…


Added by linda dagosta on December 17, 2016 at 12:43pm — No Comments

Some forecasts of what the next 45 days will present this country...

Anyone care to venture what they believe the next 45 days will unfold?
Civil war first?
Israel going to start war with us or start ww III?
will trump or Clinton be assassinated or both?
Are we heading for world war III?
Will we Bow to Putin?
Cant trust mainstream news.. so who can tell me which channels they get the best intel of world wide status

when can we jail H-Clinton?
give me some thoughts on how you feel things are going to unfold..

Added by linda dagosta on December 16, 2016 at 9:59pm — 1 Comment

who thinks we are in for more chaos once the inauguration takes place?

 I think IT IS ALL OVER AT THIS POINT; YES I HAVE HEARD PROMISES MADE... but in the past we have all heard them before.. .. yet once in office we all get the shaft... once they have that private meeting in the woods.. the newly elected prez takes his threats seriously and cow bows to the elite in charge.. the only ones that didn't ended up dead before they finished,,, so what will happen? follow through as promised and end up dead,,or be a good puppet...,, and begin to lie.. 

Added by linda dagosta on December 3, 2016 at 7:46pm — No Comments

someone please identify these for me

I have noticed these towers or platforms being placed around interstates and now our town has a digital bill board  with these platforms on them..

some say they are cell towers I have seen cell towers these do not look like your standard cell tower.. so if not cell towers what are they?>>…


Added by linda dagosta on December 3, 2016 at 7:22pm — No Comments

again my computer hdd is corrupt

I am again down until i reformat and get both my data recovered and format two hard drives.

Added by linda dagosta on September 15, 2016 at 7:31am — 6 Comments

The Family Institution is LOST:

Read the article for yourself...

In the past 30 years, intact two-parent households have grown smaller and both adults increasingly work outside the home.

The birth rate has been in gradual decline, sliding from an average of three children per family to two children.

61 percent of all married women are in…


Added by linda dagosta on August 8, 2016 at 5:20am — 2 Comments

NCLB no child left behind passed in 2002.

Since then there have been many students who have graduated and they are now in the work force.

Please forgive me, but when someone at a cash register cant even count on the proper change it is frustrating and insidious to think how much our current laws are failing our futures.

How can anyone expect a student to succeed if they cant even count, or speak proper English, or know how to draw a pie chart. or basically function at a high school level let alone a forth grade level…


Added by linda dagosta on August 8, 2016 at 4:41am — No Comments

Run in with the 5-0 tonight need to rant short story that led up to it,,, steaming and relieved BUT

Well let me share with you an actual event that transpired tonight on my way home from removing a lecher out of my house. Don't get me wrong I believe in paying it forward and helping others out, but not when they take full advantage of hospitality and kindness and take that as being a weakness. They are now gone and no longer welcome in my home.

My son had an employee who appeared to be down on their luck, their engine seized. In order to ensure my son had an employee to cover his…

Added by linda dagosta on August 8, 2016 at 4:30am — No Comments

Ok after a long battle in my personal life i am again digging and researching once again

 SO these are works in progress and I am avidly trying to put things together so i can see the bigger picture,, so forgive me if some of the posts seem like rants more than posts or blogs.. I am trying to tie stuff together ..

This one is about  more in the aliens and health care and legal system.. forgive i may appear to be jumping all over the map but it may be the only way i can come to a conclusion and clearly see the picture in its entirety. I run much of my research past my…


Added by linda dagosta on July 23, 2016 at 9:33pm — No Comments

Other interesting questions that come flooding into my thoughts,,

So consider this:

I have been all over the map researching tons of fascinating suggestions.. theoretical yes but all very plausible ..

for instance: 

 how be it that science fiction seems to predict what is to come.

How is it that some of our space tech movies from before space exploration began, seem to become what we discovered to be reality ?

 It appears that Hollywood has some insight to what we are about to be faced with before we face it? So how are…


Added by linda dagosta on July 21, 2016 at 10:32am — No Comments

watching "unsealed alien files..

interesting points they bring out and i have always wondered how over the course of time we hadn't advanced up until just the turn of this last we are in leaps and bounds.. reverse technology.. you betcha

not much else makes sense.

the blue planet project ?

Time travel has been a question asked since almost the beginning of time.. I believe it is plausible.

Infections disease? alien infections? also plausible.  since sightings have increased so have…


Added by linda dagosta on July 21, 2016 at 9:46am — No Comments

okay stumbled across this on Facebook want to add my two cents

I want change:;; Trey Scott Wharton

 "They poison the air

They poison the water

They poison vaccines

For our sons and daughters

Call it conspiracy

But it doesn’t phase me

Watch some world Star Hip Hop

And see if I’m crazy

Dumb upon dumb

The dumbing down worked

They can’t answer a question

But they know how to…


Added by linda dagosta on July 19, 2016 at 8:00pm — No Comments

Is religion being used to control the masses? You decide

Some of this blog I have taken from a web site which I give credit  by referencing the link> The rest  comes from what I have researched and the notes I have taken. Most of it is common knowledge and if you track the stars and research sun gods and religion it is all there and how it lines up with the theme of Christianity. 
I am not trying to remove anyone's faith.
For years I was a firm believer even though years ago in my youth I always held a passion for…

Added by linda dagosta on December 10, 2015 at 8:38am — No Comments

I've been thinking about our society alot lately

Television is a major insult well I will explain 

I have been watching the television station something to do with justice network.

Anyway, I heard so many things and watched enough that I have become skeptical about a great deal.

Certain things like the camera is shut off when a suspect is thrown to the ground and two cops are on top of him then the camera fades out to black.

The commentator makes some really uncouth remarks about how the law is always right and the…


Added by linda dagosta on December 7, 2015 at 1:30am — 24 Comments

"Destroying the New World Order"



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