I've been thinking about our society alot lately

Television is a major insult well I will explain 
I have been watching the television station something to do with justice network.

Anyway, I heard so many things and watched enough that I have become skeptical about a great deal.
Certain things like the camera is shut off when a suspect is thrown to the ground and two cops are on top of him then the camera fades out to black.
The commentator makes some really uncouth remarks about how the law is always right and the people they chase are always wrong. I have heard people claim they didn't have anything and why are the being charged and what are the charges? Yes, I know there are some people out there that no matter what they will say they are innocent even if they are fully to blame..

Yet some of these "perps" appear to be set up and they are staged with drugs and then if we go into the program border wars I laugh every time I watch that thinking yeah if they are doing such a great job with this program how come the sales are so much higher? I figure it this way millions of dollars worth of drugs are taken from the drug cartels and then they turn around and profit from their loss, the drugs still make it to the streets.

Also the illegals that pay to come across they are being used to perpetuate an even bigger crime.. They are smuggled over the border and then sent back, so they paid for a long round trip ticket only to go back to GO! Now they are poorer for their efforts and who has their money? LOL
They need to stop paying people to smuggle them over the border and hold on to their money and try to make their lives there better than what they are. I know it isn't good, but it seems that the people offering them a shot at entering our country are taking the money and blowing the whistle to get them caught and sent right back..
I feel for them., but coming here isn't gonna be that great either having to hide from the law..

 I watched one show last night about the most shocking chases and crashes  where two guys were fleeing from the law and he jumps out of his car to cross the interstate and runs right into a tractor-trailer  needless to say a fatality  what has happened to this country.

Honestly I think we could learn something from other countries and stop making more things illegal and regulate stuff  like marijuana  which is not a drug that causes people to loose it and kill people .. well the untainted stuff anyways.  alcohol does more damage than pot.. sure I don't think people should smoke it and drive same as booze.. but people still do stupid stuff  the prisons are way overcrowded and making more laws is only promoting a serious problem in our country and it makes other countries firmly believe that we are the evil good for nothings that they think we are .. we need to change the way we do things before it is way too late. the way we are heading we don't stand a chance..  it is long over due for change.. also i am afraid of this generation.. seriously they are lazy disrespectful illiterate incompetent idiots.

 I mean most of them have little to no people skills no domestic skills and are arrogant and narcissistic pay careful attention if you don't see it now you will after living with or talking to one for a short period of time.. 

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Comment by Mark Olander on December 9, 2015 at 9:15pm

I feel for you and your son.

I really just barely scratched the surface of the government crimes committed against me. I don't care to go into the horrors of what they did. It took some time for me to finally just let go of it all and I am not ashamed to say it was Mark 11:25 that helped me the most. I don't know if you are familiar with the Bible, but it contains all of the wisdom and knowledge needed to navigate in this evil world. It has helped me to identify a lot of the bullshit being promoted by the NWO elitists through the media and government which it totally owns and controls.

Warm regards to you Linda!

Comment by DTOM on December 9, 2015 at 1:01pm

Linda, I am very aware of the dangers of chemo and other 'treatments'  and anti-coagulants such a Warfarin (I mean FFS could they be more blatant with that name)...

Yes, the intent is to soft kill us off (especially the older generations)

Cancer can be defeated in many ways - but everytime somebody discovers a cheap and easy way to fight Cancer, the PTB stamp on them.

Doctors and medical staff the western world over, wouldn't know the Hippocratic Oath if you beat them repeatedly with a copy of it.

After 35+ years of research into the nature of reality, I have come to conclusion that the only way forward is to fight and eradicate this evil and for the awakened to create their own society where we can finally put all these suppressed findings into action - the braindead sheep who revel in their ignorance and choose to defend the PTB rather than take the risk of opening their mind can go the way of dinosaur for all I care.

Comment by linda dagosta on December 9, 2015 at 12:49pm

I will be posting more and more on my research and thoughts in the coming months ahead,,, i am just getting started..

Comment by linda dagosta on December 9, 2015 at 12:48pm

well that brings up a huge point .. do you know that cancer patients would be better off not taking chemo or radiation therapy? their chances of survival are better if they dont..  do you also know that the treatment for PE pulmonary embolisms is RAT POISON.. well let me tell you we live in America and we agreed with Hitler about killing off the impurities before we stepped in and "won the war"  be careful what you chose to trust when it comes to taking medications that the GOOD DOCTORS prescribe.. they are killing us off slowly but surely and more rapidly than ever before.. check into what write if you doubt me..statistics dont lie and people dont research much any more.. Doctors do no harm is a farce today...

Comment by DTOM on December 8, 2015 at 6:40pm

Linda, what you have to remember is that the technologies of the PTB are 50-100 years ahead of what is allowed at consumer level in the public domain.

That's genetic, hardware and software - of any kind.

While the world was making a big deal about Dolly the sheep, the chances are that covert and private labs had already produced modified cloned humans and chimeras.

It's very clear that soon the only option facing not only the US but all free people will be 'liberty or death'.

When you are ill, you don't try to compromise with cancer.

There is only one choice when it comes to ridding the world of the parasites of power that infest it.

Comment by linda dagosta on December 8, 2015 at 3:48pm

@ DTOM thank you for the link ,.. I had about thirty years ago begun to write a book in regard to this sort of futuristic lifestyle with technology advanced as it has become.. i can see that I would have had a best seller NOW,,, hindsight is 20/20 to bad I didn't move forward with publishing it ..  but yes, this is a sad place  we live in.. and to think that the cloning of "Dolly" was shunned years ago, what did it matter since on the other side of the coin the problems are much worse than what cloning would have brought.. although in the wrong hands cloning itself could be chaos in and of itself.,,there are far too many evils to contend with this day and age and the hopes of a peaceful prosperous and safe world are becoming less and less a reality 

Comment by linda dagosta on December 8, 2015 at 1:20pm

@ Burbia not into reading so much as my vision is  going but love videos youtube and such television i use as a radio mostly do not watch it so much tends to put me to sleep when i do i guess that is why..LOL

did have the fortune of reading "The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America" very well written book..  look into Jordan Maxwell for those who are seeking information on the CRIMINAL Jusitce SYstem.. and the meaning and origin of words -  you will find it titillating and right on target with why our system seems to be flawed,, because it is the design on the system to undermine the people ...we are in dire straights  

Comment by DTOM on December 8, 2015 at 8:47am
Comment by Burbia on December 8, 2015 at 7:00am

If you’re into reading, here is a list of several books that goes into detail that sounds like what you’re saying: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations by John Coleman, Weird Scenes Inside the Canyon by David McGowan, Caesar’s Messiah: The Roman Conspiracy to Invent Jesus by Joseph Atwill. and The Deliberate Dumbing Down of America by Charlotte Iserbyt.

Coleman’s book goes on about social engineering and its manipulators. McGowan’s book is almost an extension of Coleman’s book. It covers how rock and roll of the 60’s and 70’s were a government operation. Atwill’s book says that Christianity was a counterfeit religion and used as mind control. Iserbyt’s book gives an account of the degradation of the American education system spanning decades. Lots of these authors are covered in videos on youtube if you like visual and audio to find out about these sort of things. 

Sorting through those books will reveal that a deliberate attempt is being made to break apart the family unit.

There is no monetary profit promoting peace. Television is timed at 60 hz, roughly the same as a hypnotist telling you to focus on something like the pendulum swing of a watch putting the viewer into a trance. Strange, Olympic gold medal winner Bruce Jenner was born a male and had undergone hormone treatment and an operation to basically become baphomet, an androgynous demon representing both male and female housed in one body.  This is what is being portrayed as the patriarch and happens to be awarded woman of the year, getting away with in the least, vehicular manslaughter.

Comment by linda dagosta on December 8, 2015 at 2:10am

 @Less Prone  

" If you read John De Camp's, Franklin cover-up, you start to realize that the ruling "elite" is deep into occult, murder and trauma based mind control. They are really sick people who run this circus."

 I guess instead of the grade A prime cut of beef  i should have said human carcass since this seems to be the theme of what is about to present itself in the present.. and the more they promote on tv the more i believe is their way of preparing all of us to accept what is really happening..  what we used to view as sci fi.. is now becoming modern day reality..

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