okay stumbled across this on Facebook want to add my two cents

I want change:;; Trey Scott Wharton

 "They poison the air
They poison the water
They poison vaccines
For our sons and daughters

Call it conspiracy
But it doesn’t phase me
Watch some world Star Hip Hop
And see if I’m crazy

Dumb upon dumb
The dumbing down worked
They can’t answer a question
But they know how to twerk

And before you think
That you’re any better
With your degree in hand
And pocket protector

Answer this
You voting for left or the right
Illusion of choice
In a rigged fight

Television for
Multiple personalities
One watches “News”
The other “Reality”

Both have the same owners
Both have the same writers
Both have the same purpose
To kill our desires

Working our jobs
We are now so complacent
Photographing our food
Is now entertainment

We can’t afford thrills
We can’t even relax
Can you even clear your head
Without a Xanax

Or Prozac or Ambien
Go down the list
Who gave us these issues
That Big Pharma can “fix”

They say harmful ingredients
In such small amounts
Can’t hurt anyone
But it’s paramount

69 doses
Of vaccines
Is what’s on schedule
By the time you’re 16

Pharmaceutical Lobbyists
Are second to none
In the past 7 years
They spent $800 million

That’s chump change in investment return
Once you see
Cancer alone is a
$500 billion dollar a year industry

As I mentioned before
This is ONE of the ways
They’ve taken control
Of the people these days

We pay to be poisoned
I know that sounds nuts
Got a computer
Bill Gates thanks us

Watch “Innovating to Zero”
Gate’s Ted Talk stand
To reduce carbon emissions
A population control plan

In his own words
Here is the goal
“If we do a great job with
Vaccines, Health Care & Birth Control”

Look at the millions of dollars
He’s so generously given
To make geoengineering
A cure for emissions

Look up at the sky
Contrails, my ass
Gates talks about sun blocking
With sulfuric acid

That shit rains down
Into our water supply
Seeps into our crops
You can see the trees die

Maybe I’m crazy
Or maybe I’m not
But there’s things that I notice
That happen a lot

Like when important bills pass
It’s “sleight of hand” so you miss
Don’t look at that
Hey, look at this

On April 18th,
CISPA passed
During the Boston Bombing

During the scare of Ebola
The UN passed
What essentially is
A Global Patriot Act

You know, The Patriot Act, that excludes
Due process for the nation
And leaves extremist
Up to interpretation

Which leads to things
Like TSA, Guantanamo Bay
And invasions of privacy
By the NSA

If you have nothing to hide
Why do you care about this
Because of the things that make you
A suspected terrorist

Owning a gun, or precious metals
Activism is too far
Or rocking a Ron Paul sticker
On the back of your car

The “Read The Bill Act”
Is proposed legislation
That requires Congress to read
Bills proposed for our nation

Are you kidding me
It’s not common sense
To actually READ the bills
Are you that fucking dense

Oh, get all offended
By the word I just used
You should be offended
By what’s in your food

Reading the labels
Of the food that we eat
Requires a linguist
To get a science degree

I can’t pronounce
Most of the words on the list
Let alone know
What the hell that it is

They don’t want to label
What’s GMO
But have no problem labeling
A race, religion or homo

Labels on people
To further divide
To make us forget
That we are divine

I’m not a Socialist
But I am entitled
To my personal freedom
And to protecting my child

And I refuse to ask permission
Before I speak my mind
Like they teach the children in school
Before they form a line

Don’t get me started
On education
Our kids didn’t even make top 10
When comparing the nations

But we were #1
In defense spending
We’re the great war machine
And the war’s never ending

In all our high schools
They’re trying to recruit
The next generation
To strap on the boots

To protect our freedom
But we are right here
So why are they sending
All our kids over there

Bribing them
With free education
You’ll see the whole world
While you bomb all the nations

Protecting our freedom
Or oil interest again
Or use economic hitmen to establish
A Central Banking System

And when you come home
After war messed with your mind
You can live on the streets
And commit suicide

I mean no disrespect
To those who’ve laid down their life
For the love of the people
They paid the ultimate price

I’m just pissed off
At the lies that are told
By government puppets
To get wars sold

And as we’re on the verge
Of World War 3
It’s our DUTY
To question the powers that be

But by all means
Pledge your allegiance
To a corrupt government
Who stripped all our freedoms

With the world’s highest
Rate of incarceration
Making huge profits
For privately owned corporations

Contractual agreements
Are all in place
To keep the cells full
Of various inmates

Doesn’t even matter
If they’re violent or not
Then promote thru the media
That there’s a war on cops

So that upstanding citizens
Will then start to defend
Our men and women in blue
Who have swore to defend

To “Protect and Serve”
But that’s not the case at all
Supreme Court ruled their only duty
Is to uphold the law

So it’s not to serve the people
It’s to serve the state
That’s why there’s more cops writing tickets
Than investigating rapes

I hate ending on negativity
From all the above
Because that’s not who I am
I’m about peace and love

And if your perspective is different
That’s alright
I’m not trying to argue
I don’t want to fight

And I’m not trying
To change your stance
But please research
Cognitive dissonance

It’s a hard pill to swallow
At least it was for me
But once you get past it
It’s really quite freeing

And frustrating, and depressing
There’s ups and there’s downs
But I’m thankful I know
What I know now

Because now I can try
To help my kids
To change how things are
In this world that we live

If you don’t hurt others
Or infringe on their rights
I’ll defend your freedom
Till the day that I die

We don’t need rulers to govern
Because power corrupts
Just defend one another
And spread peace and love?"


I am a part time self sustained independent investigative journalist. I am also a writer and I like to put my ideas into poetry and art. My focus areas: to analyze, measure and expose corruption, manipulation, exploitation and extortion within corporations, governments and religion structures. I love my job. =D ??

So. . .in Star Wars. . .do you ONLY blame the evil emperor, or do you acknowledge the Storm Troopers part in the atrocities too? Now compare that to real life. The Empire HAS NO POWER if there's no Troops to follow the evil orders of the War Mongering Elite Banksters.

So let me get this straight. You think it's bad for our taxes, money, and time going towards free and proper education, free food, free health-care, free energy, and housing to our own nation, but you're perfectly fine with a fake Federal Reserve ponzi scheme bank that's a private owned mafia organization driving us into debt slaves, and funneling our money into Isreal and going to war with almost every country that's not us to steal their land, gold, oil, and drug reserves?

And if we say we should spend our money on us and Peace, you pull out the bullshit card and call us slackers and that we have to earn and slave for our shelter, food, health, and energy. Sometimes, you have to stop being politically correct, stop being nice, stand up and say fuck you and your war mongering, and your stupid.

Quit excusing people's actions. Your patriotism is a joke. You blindly follow the lies of the Elite, and don't even research what the industrial Military Complex does with your taxes. And your blind patriotism supports the canon fodder churning out of young men to die early at commands of rich old men lusting for power. The whole entire system needs uprooted to follow the path of Peace.

?It's time for the end of the Rothschild-Rockefeller Empire, the Federal Reserve, and for Israel debt.?

The United States government and it's military IS the terrorists. Let me say it again, with no sugar coating. . .ahem. . .THE UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND IT'S MILITARY IS IN FACT THE LARGEST MOST CORRUPT TERRORIST ORGANIZATION ON PLANET EARTH.

I am a pacifist and I will NEVER support war, mass murder, genocide, and institutionalized indoctrinated violence. I do very much respect our MISLEAD fallen troops, but I do not support our corrupt terrorist military. "Just following my orders" No, follow your heart. Support for the constitution of the United States includes looking out for enemies and threats both foreign and domestic, such as the terrorist cells within Washington DC, known as the Legislative Judicial, and Executive branches that prostitute war and indoctrinated institutionalized violence.

I fight for Peace for all Nations and I will settle for nothing less. These wars are NOT for freedom. They are attacks on other countries, while they defend themselves. They are conducted for the bankers, the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, for the Federal Reserve, the CFR, the IMF, for Israel debt, for Wall Street. For those leaders who profit from war and do not fight the battles themselves. For the evil greed of rich men behind the curtain and racket of war. For those who want to secure and dominate other countries oil drugs gold and resources.

Politicians are puppets for the banksters and they won't change the game. Don't vote for those who stand for this. Send a clear message. Peace is attainable. You just have to want it extremely bad. You have to want it like you want the oxygen to breath. ?

Be warned, I'm about to reach out and touch your soul and your mind. Make sure it's lubricated. I have investigated. I look around the world and I'm exasperated. To be quite honest I'm nauseated. Countries and innocent citizens being annihilated. The money system becoming hyperinflated. Our water poisoned and fluorinated. Our food and air contaminated. Populations being dumbed down and heavily medicated. Our consent taken away in terms of being vaccinated.

Women and children murdered, abused, appallingly fornicated. Laws infringing on morals and becoming overregulated. How in the hell do you not feel violated? Tyranny, famine and genocide being tolerated, incorporated and indoctrinated. Ecosystems being destroyed and violated. Animals, any species other than human initiated from birth into the human's horror of slavery and mass genocide and a daily basis.

I see the injustice and I'm beyond aggravated. Even worse is our own government is behind many atrocities being generated! They decieve us and have us horrifyingly manipulated. This Truth is not false, it isn't hallucinated. Open your minds and you will see the Truth illuminated. This bullshit has me consistently frustrated. I've just gotten escalated, surely quite animated.

The world's views are backdated, segregated and unnecessarily complicated. Our views on "wealth" has been sadly misappropriated. Why has the quest for peace been procrastinated and stagnated? Love and Peace has me fascinated. Mother Earth has me infatuated. Her Love has my mind wonderfully intoxicated. In any form, any medium, World Peace for all species needs communicated.

People need to be compassionated and realize we are all one, not disassociated and discriminated. We need to get coordinated. Our minds need stimulated. This hate in the world has got me suffocated. Our message of love will make the hateful disoriented. The Powers that be do not have me intimidated. Their hateful opposition has me delightfully invigorated. Our cry for humanity needs to be illustrated.

Your expectations for me have been severely underestimated. You didn't realize the power of my voice, surely miscalculated. I speak out and stand up for what I see, and I've become alienated. I've become isolated. My focus in life has been alternated.

I'm liberated. Watch out, I'm opinionated. My mind is emancipated and sophisticated. I'm exuberated. I'm properly educated. My learning has become accelerated. My pineal gland is activated. My speech is articulated. My knowledge has accumulated and cultivated. My mind has just masterbated. My Truth is unadulterated. My Truth is authenticated and certificated. It cannot be debated, negated, nor be invalidated. My stance cannot be negotiated.

People's ignorance has me unequivocally irritated. We are all meant to be loved, every species, not dominated. You should have seen me coming, should have anticipated. You should have appreciated. I cannot be compared, duplicated, or assimilated. I've studied the world and I've become acculturated. Everyone, we need to unite, our bodies, minds, and souls detoxicated. Our momentum will not be deviated. Our drive towards peace has become obligated.

Powers that be want us depopulated. They want us fractionated, our minds distracted and fragmented. Powers that be want me and my voice incarcerated. And before long...I'll be nominated, legislated, after that inaugurated. Once I'm in office, war will be iradicated, violence eliminated. World Peace will be estimated, a new regime approximated. Tyranny deactivated. Hate evaporated. Black Ops secrets iradicated. I might be assassinated, but my message will live on, celebrated and circulated. The quest for peace has been reactivated. ?

You speak in tongues.
I see through you.
The veil.
The curtain of forever.
Can it be truly so?
I'm wide awake,
Only to see the dream.

I got the world on my shoulders
Troubles rolling like boulders
Throw dirt on me for mistakes
No love in these high stakes
I see through the games
Guilt flows and blames
Diamonds showering the mind
Physical dimensions buckle and bind
Truth distorted by distractions
The future preys on my actions
Delusions bring me to my knees
Pursuit of happiness in the breeze
Current rushing as I swim upstream
Merrily merrily life is but a dream.

The rabbit hole
Investigative mole
Tumble tumble
Society crumble
Fraud amuck
Now your stuck
Head full of doubt
Fight to get out
Once was blind
Explore the mind
Examine the pain
Within cultural stain
Authority a joke
Let's peace let's smoke

To be a good man lost
Swimming in a satanic sea
Devil's fire or devil's frost
What the hell do you want from me
Sitting here in contemplation
Dreaming of my reclamation
Change up style, I cry, I boast
Missing what I miss the most
Heart tucked safely behind my wall
Hold resistance so I don't fall
Stole my innocence from me jerk
To get it back I'll have to work
I see you, you sadistic fuck
Counting time, on the side of luck
You may hold me captive in your world
But my heart will shine unfurled.
I'll never join your dark side
The light follows me in my stride
I know your scared that I'll begin
For you know you'll never win.

Every night I go to bed
Horrors running through my head
Demons cheering like they've won
I wish at night I had someone
To wrap me up, hold me close
Stroke my hair, love me most
Whisper in my ear those sweet lies
Sing me those sweet lullabys
Tell me everything will be alright
Help me get through one more night

I lay my head down to rest.
Hoping to escape you.
Nay, foolish fleeting hopes
You haunt me in my dreams.
I wake and you haunt me
Through my days.
Day and night
Yin and yang
Around and around we go.
You make me sad
You drive me mad.
Yay, I can never be rid of you.
But yet if I could
I would still never leave you
I chase my tail
I moan I wail
But I will always love you.

My heart sways
My mind disobeys
You hold the latch key
Suffering on one bended knee
I try to tell myself to resist
Try to guide solely through the mist
That lonely road through jungle wild
You make me feel just like a child
Forever reaching for destination
Into your arms or to damnation

A bond that cannot be broken
Cosmic love, words unspoken.
Colors of magic and mystery
Your vision makes the tapestry.
Cannot be duplicated nor compared
Your impact, my heart unprepared.
You know how to make light bend
Darkness forever on the mend.

Phantom Pain.
The thing that's missing
is the thing you feel the most.
Makes it hard to forget.
They say time heals all wounds.
It's not healing this broken heart.
Forever damaged.

The Ghost in the machine.
The phantom shadow.
The delectable game of hide and seek.
Peekaboo. I see you.
Search and find.
Finding answers
only to gain more questions.
Yin and yang. Round and round.
Dark and Light.
Esoteric and existential.
Flow like water
burn like fire.
Everything all at once
Balance and stumble.
Rise and fall.
The Game. The Dance.
All we have is the Dance.
Hold my hand.
Be my song.

Living the muggle
Hustle and struggle
Got a fast track dream
Paddling life upstream
Reap what you sow
As above so below
You are what you eat
Savages killing for meat
Humbled by the Truth
Clark Kent in my booth
Throw on the costume red cape
The public will smear and rape
Your name because you dare
To rise above societies sick snare
Plants have protein and health
Public forgetting about true wealth
Sacrificing a heart for a taste bud
Squandering spirit growth in mud
Do you now see the term mudblood?
Humanity spewing genocidal flood.
Zoos are cages, Humanity's prison
Can't see it than you didn't listen
Can't handle hypocrisy so hide
In your butchery kitchen confide
With your fellow savages alore
Bang my name against the floor
Healthy alternatives on the street
In this game I got you beat
Erect a wall and expect me to climb
Truth through rhythm and rhyme.


I wanted to post this because most of all I believe most of what if not all of it is based on facts. I have been called a conspiracy theorist which I am not..

I am a realist I research and find and prove facts .. JFK was the victim of foul play finally brought to light 50 years after the fact.. so sad what goes on behind the public's backs.. right under our nose. we need to start paying close attention to the bills they pass when we have commotion in our country 

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