Person - The Revised Code of Washington, RCW 1.16.080, (I live in Washington State) defines a person as follows: "The term 'person' may be construed to inclu...

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Comment by linda dagosta on August 9, 2016 at 11:34pm this video is a pipe dream.. oh yeah unless you live in a perfect world like Walgreen's commercials advertise lol

Comment by linda dagosta on August 9, 2016 at 11:26pm

this expands on previous blogs i posted years ago, just more or less to elaborate and validate my research.. By legal definition A monster: A human being by birth, but in some part resembling a lower animal. A monster hath no inheritable blood, and cannot be heir to any land.

Where by we are only "renting" what we think we own.. they allow us to use items and "charge" us a premium for the use.. bottom line "end game" when the blood line dies the ownership goes back to the Bank.. who owns the bank.. see I wanted to remain in the "strawman" world.. not owning " things of this world" but unfortunately the world is structured to "trap" everyone in this never ending cycle .... so long as you live you pay taxes.. so long as you pay taxes you are part of the PROBLEM..  the more you own the more you are embedded in the root of the problem.. and the bottom line is those who run the show do not care  so long as they have the controlling factors in the game.. which they do the only way we can over throw this system is to cut off the influx of money to the HEAD  which means no taxes.. which means go to jail..  whereby there is no win win scenario.. unless everyone is on the same page at the same time.. I have seen these videos that propose that paying it forward somehow is going to stop the NWO.. that is a pipe dream.. but close to a point.. because the NWO thrives on stirring the pot of divide and conquer.. but the key element is taxes and the false illusion that you truly own anything or that you are free.. you are not free  and you own NOTHING.. you are a puppet on a string .. your life is not yours.. it belongs to the elite.. they allow you to breath.. so long as you pay your taxes and play by their rules they allow you to live.. if you fight the rules ,, life gets harder and harder.. i know I have paid with my family and their freedom.. and think again if you figure you can leave for another country... and it will be better.. that is not going to happen.. this is far bigger than just the USA .. it is everywhere.. LONG LIVE THE  QUEEN,,LOL

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