I'm 28. Each day i notice more and more apathy among my generation. I try and try to talk about current events, political issues with my friends. They turn away in disgust, they can not be bothered by such trivial things.
I turn on the news and see more and more evidence of the West's imperialistic/tyrannical empire creating victims and murdering civilians. Why don't the average citizens blink, why aren't they screaming.
They have their Prozac, their Oxycontin, their marijuana, their fluoride, their heavy metals, their unnatural fats, their Kraft and Stauffers.
They have their television, and movies. They have a their social networks that make them comfortable. They have a God whose true message they have warped and manipulated to suit their sedentary, warmongering lifestyle.
They have no hope, no release. Only consumption and drama.
Sex and drugs. Hate and anger.
Psychologists tell their patients "avoid stress". Avoid thinking about anything depressing, or traumatic. So they ignore suffering, become blissful in an egotistical ignorance. They are superior, yet they do not even think about what it is they are superior too.
I tell my friends, VOTE, VOTE, VOTE. They ask me why, what does it matter. Why not just let the government give us everything. We need taken care of. We can not be trusted to think for ourselves and make the right decisions. They say this as if the government is filled by perfect, spiritual beings. Unable to make mistakes, or harm anyone.
I feel hopeless, i feel like my energies are wasted. I know that's how The elite want me to feel, but i can not help feeling that way tonight.
Tomorrow is another day, it will be better and i will fight all the harder. I will read this and remember why i fight, why i can not give in.
I love.

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Comment by Tara on October 3, 2010 at 11:45am
I think we all have felt hopeless and helpless from time to time, how could we not? As most things go in life though, it is a fleeting feeling and tomorrow is a new day. Keep on keeping on the good fight and always remember that you're human, your feelings are shared by many and that you are not alone. Rant away........
Comment by bryan l on October 3, 2010 at 1:34am
dude! i do some of that shit. but what do you want me to do. i am awake. i feel your pain. don't freak out on us man. you can't just expect every one to wake up with you. and judging people isn't gonna go anywhere ether. these are hard times. anyone will tell you that. allot of people where masks. they have to, to keep there jobs. or who ever is taking care of them. http://snardfarker.ning.com/profiles/blogs/awake-vs-asleep-some-ran...
go there, a related thought i believe.
oh and i think you could make a song out of this blog?

"Destroying the New World Order"



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