Batman Shooting Foretold In 1986 “Dark Knight” Comic

Batman Shooting Foretold In 1986 “Dark Knight” Comic

Friday, July 20th, 2012. 

by Zen Gardner

Here we go again. There’s going to be a lot of speculation regarding this Batman movie shooting. It fits too perfectly into their gun control agenda build up of late for it not to be staged but we’ll have to see. But already we’re seeing the same pattern of foreshadowing and predictive programming.

If you want a real hint, this report just showed up in the Washington Times of all things. They’re of course insinuating it was possibly the inspiration for the shooter. We’ll be learning more about him quickly but from his disturbed profile he sure seems to fit the usual mind control pattern.

What is strange is how prevalent this comic-type illustration predictive propaganda is with these false flag events.

Here’s the newspaper story:

The horrific shooting at the screening of The Dark Knight Rises in Colorado late last night bears eerie similarities to a scene in the 1986 comic Batman: The Dark Knight Returns. In the comic, a crazed, gun-toting loner walks into a movie theater and begins shooting it up, killing three in the process. The passage concludes with the media blaming Batman for inspiring the shooting, though he is not involved in the incident at all.

The 1986 comic, written and drawn by Frank Miller, was a key inspiration for the Chris Nolan Batman films. It helped to reimagine the character away from his Saturday morning cartoon image and into a dark, grim avenger. The point of this particular scene in the comic was to show just how far Gotham has fallen since Batman had retired.  Source

Predictive Programming

The Illuminati card game was invented way before any of the above depicted events. A strange phenomenon indeed. We don’t know what is behind these incredibly prescient depictions but it isn’t the only instance of these kinds of illustrations, apparently done or or inspired by insiders. (This is just a sampling, there are many more cards, a very interesting study.)

In 1990 an Illuminati Card Game was invented by Steven Jackson. The ’game’ he had created ruffled quite a few feathers as he was promptly visited by the Secret Service who tried to shut him down and prevent the cards from being released. You can read Jacksons own account of the raid Here.

  Apparently Jackson must have either had some type of insider knowledge or the foresight of Nostrodumus because the game he created has turned out to be very close to the real thing. Several of the cards depict events in modern history that either have, or soon will occur, including the attacks on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Source

Here’s another famous one, published in 1997 by the creator of the Simpsons, Matt Groening, a 33 degree Freemason: (he’s also the creator of the comic strip “Life in Hell”. Go figure.)

The Simpsons is rife with Masonic symbolism.

It Goes On – Now the Olympics?

These are just a few illustrations of many. They seem to love to forecast their devices, almost playing with or teasing humanity. The question of something happening at the Olympics is reaching a feverish pitch. It almost makes me think they’ll use it as a diversion and do something else.

Who knows.

We need to keep our eyes peeled and steer clear of there. Who wants to contribute to that police state corporate monster anyway? Don’t feed it your time, attention or money.

It’s so embedded with Illuminati and Zionist symbolism and occult ritualism it’s not a healthy place for anyone. Whether some big tragedy happens or not, it already is one. It’s a cancer on the suffering English and will soon pollute television viewers worldwide.

Don’t patronize them.

Now For A Doozy

This Chinese advertisement for the 2012 Euro Cup is off the charts weird. What the hell they’re trying to say is yours for the interpreting.

Stay Vigilant.

Some of this stuff is just to confuse and distract, while other information has a real message we may need to read and be aware of.

We really don’t need hints and secret messages from these creeps. We know what they’re up to. But trends can give you directions so we do have to keep a finger on the pulse.

Just be careful not to get transfixed by their wicked rituals or sucked into their pure distractions.

It’ll drain your batteries fast.

Stay strong and connected to the Source. Everything else will become clear.

Much love, Zen

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Comment by DTOM on July 24, 2012 at 8:21am

Thanks PH, you and the other mods do a fantastic job :)

I've been aware of the NWO since the early 90's, and the studying never ends :o

All we can do is research and disseminate that knowledge and info to as many people as we can.

As Francis Bacon said "Human knowledge and human power meet in one; for where the cause is not known the effect cannot be produce".

I added some comments about the Chinese Euro 2012 animation, here -

"Destroying the New World Order"



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