Biggest Hoax and Health Hazard in US History Busted! Pt. 1

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It was planned well ahead of time. The sheep never saw it coming. They played on the biggest fears of the conformity public. People complied with the basic loss of their freedom unquestioningly. Yet, illegal aliens poured into the country not having to wear masks, not having to comply with vaccine mandates, and not being medically vetted as they crossed our borders illegally. Yet, government officials like Anthony Fauci and Gavin Newsome dined publicly and watched ballgames without masks or social distancing. It was okay for the overlords to break the rules because they knew it was all a hoax!

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Selective enforcement

If you bothered to question this planned medical emergency you were asked to leave the building or not to be allowed in at all. Yet, with all of the implemented fear mongering of the Covid 19 hoax grocery stores remained opened. Liquor stores remained open, but churches were forced to close for Sunday services or risk arrest by law enforcement and some were jailed for the right to worship. Under the Democrats who were the perpetrators they only reinforced their sense of empowerment and made “We The People” feel even more powerless! Restaurants were closed. Quarantines were imposed. Even our military was forced to meet vax mandates or retire or resign from active duty, and they did!

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The truth embargo

Something in all this was dreadfully wrong! But, it did not stop there! Your local library began censoring access to websites that advocated natural methods of dealing with viruses without the side effects of prescription drugs. On the store shelves all the natural immune boosting herbal and vitamin supplements conveniently disappeared from the stores such as Golden Seal, Elderberry extract, Vitamin D-3, chewable vitamin C, Fenugreek, not to mention Ivermectin, and hydroxychloroquine, both trusted remedies. Did anyone see the hypocrisy? Did anyone sense the contradictions in standards? Those who realized the hoax was on were ridiculed, told to shut up, or were threatened with lawsuits!

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The oppression

Essentially told to sit down, shut up, put on your mask, and take your MRNA vaccination! This meant death within hours for some recipients including a young nurse who took a vaccination in public for an advertisement urging people to get vaxed. Two famous athletes died after being vaccinated, Marvin Hagler, former legendary middle weight boxer, and Hank Aaron, the famous baseball star who broke Babe Ruth’s home run record, dead after receiving the MRNA vaccine they were told would protect them from the deadly Covid 19 virus. Truth be told it was the vaccine itself that killed them!

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Institutionalize fraud

Doctors who disagreed with the use of the MRNA serums were censored and even lost their license to practice! A streaming broadcast by experienced and well known physicians advising not to take the Covid 19 injection as it was untested and problems had surfaced during the trials was shut down from broadcast on the internet! The media was complicit reporting that anyone from a car accident fatality to a construction worker falling off a ladder had died of the Covid virus! A Dallas County Sheriff Deputy suffering from Covid was denied effective treatment when the impotent Remdesivir and ventilator were not working. His wife pleaded with hospital authorities to release her husband so she could seek other treatment or at least let him come home to die, but they would not. When a court order was issued to force his release still the hospital resisted. Sound familiar? Finally, she got her husband home and they got an alternative treatment that saved his life! I thought the Hippocratic Oath was supposed to prevent physicians from doing harm? I guess this didn’t apply to institutions that were in on the fix!

Image result for nurses fired for attacking bogus Covid treatment by their employers

Those with integrity censored

Many patients found that their personal doctor would deny further service and advise they find another physician if they refused to take the MRNA vaccine! A group of nurses working for a particular medical organization in Dallas went public telling the general public not to submit to the faulty and dangerous MRNA vaccine. They refused to be a part of the treatment protocol! Their employer fired them! Later a court decided in favor of the nurses to reimburse them for lost wages and reinstate their employment status!

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Suppressing the truth

Even at the funeral homes and morgue facilities, autopsies were discouraged! Yet, morticians trained in embalming began finding unusual rubbery fibrous growths in the arteries of corpses that they had never seen before! Bodies that would be routinely autopsied to determine cause of death were denied examination! Why? Oh, that’s right, that deadly virus might jump out of the dead body and claim another victim! Yeah sure! The fix was in and all who stood to profit weren’t going to open their mouther either! They were going to cash in no matter what came hell or high water as thousands needlessly died due to ineffective treatment knowingly condoned by a medical industry that was cashing in on death of the patient!

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The easily manipulated masses!

The dumbed down, indoctrinated, conformity oriented public never uttered a word of suspicion or doubt! They sat quietly awaiting their shots at Walmart pharmacies, doctor’s offices, and clinics, not bothering to get informed or to worry whether or not they were being subjected to a deadly hoax that they could end up suffering for years to come from or perhaps even dying much, much,  sooner than they ever could have expected! Even when VAERS, the government data base for vaccine side effects and reported deaths and injuries, who only receive 1% to 3% of such events began getting unprecedented numbers of thousands of reports still no eyebrows were raised, at least not by the news outlets, not by the liberal social platforms, not by government leaders who had a responsibility to inform the public! They were too busy cashing in! States were receiving up to 100 grand per hospital bed filled by a supposed Covid patient!

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The non-existent truth

The federal government who indemnified Big Pharma for the Covid 19 serums opened the flood gates to life threatening medical experimentation that would lead to deaths of all ages such as fatal blood clots to the brain, immune deficient symptoms, and blockages in the arteries, myocarditis, and more! In Europe some 300, 000 young adults vaccinated developed myocarditis, and that was no coincidence! The government lies, the media lied, and the medical authorities lied telling us that the vaccinations were safe and would protect against the dreaded virus, and it was all lies!

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Why the vaccine turned out to be deadly and who was responsible Part 2


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Comment by Doc Vega on December 6, 2024 at 5:43pm

cheeki kea Thanks for this list of lying bastards! Good to know

Comment by cheeki kea on December 6, 2024 at 5:42am

"Destroying the New World Order"



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