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The Bridge of No Return


You don’t spend more than you earn

You’re on your way to a mysterious sojourn

It’s too dark to read the sign in this nocturne

It say’s “You’re on The Bridge of No Return,”

Image result for atrocities to explore 

You didn’t know what was in store

You only knew from how your feet hit the floor

Having to accept what came through the door

Didn’t know the atrocities you’d have to explore,

Image result for abandoned by family and friends 

All the self-medication along the way

You didn’t marry “Queen for a day”

When family and friends all went astray

With you hanging onto the past anyway,

 Image result for abandoned by family and friends

“On The Bridge of No Return”

It’s for the love you once had that you yearn

From all those mistakes you should have learned

Yet from your own clan you’ve been spurned,

Image result for hypnotized armies 

The world transformed right before your eyes

You were victimized by all their lies

Were you better off just being euthanized?

Among all of your fellow countrymen lobotomized,

 Image result for the lobotomized masses

You are now on “The Bridge of No Return”

You’ll find what it’s like to get burned

No matter how hard you tried to discern

While waiting for a savior to return,

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Their facial expressions so stern

As the court will soon adjourn

Regrets that make your stomach churn

You’re on the “Bridge of No Return.”

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