From Mike Vanderboegh,
Sipsey Street Irregulars: Dedicated Dad commented on my post, "The Hand Grenade Within Pelosi's Intolerable Act." It is so good, I want to highlight it on its own.

By Any Means Necessary
Though I find much in the life, philosophy and words of Malcolm X with which I disagree, there is one phrase of which I am perhaps more fond than he: By Any Means Necessary.
This great Republic is filled with men who - like me - will not submit to tyranny.
Though I have maintained medical insurance throughout my adult life - at great expense, especially during periods of unemployment - This I vow: if this disgusting travesty is signed into law I will immediately and permanently drop my coverage.
Further, I will take any and all possible steps to avoid paying any taxes or penalties associated with this ridiculous abuse of power.
Let me be plain: I hereby announce my intention to do everything within my power to willfully violate the so-called "coverage mandate" - for no other reason than the fact that I am a free man and will not be subjugated by this or any other regime.
Let this statement serve as my declaration and confession of guilt - if I am without coverage it is due to a deliberate and willful act on my part.
Further, let this serve as a warning that I will resist any and all attempts to use physical force to compel my compliance (or punish my non-compliance) by any and all means which are or may come to my disposal.
By Any Means Necessary.
Let me be clear: I have always maintained health insurance and will continue to do so - but an out-of-control government's demand that I do is probably the only thing which could PREVENT me from doing so.
I am a citizen, not a subject.
I will not submit.
I will resist.
By Any Means Necessary.
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