By Way Of Deception Thou Shalt Do War ~ 9/11 ~ Part 2


We have reviewed how the Zionists used and discarded Germany. Then they used and discarded Great Britain. After World War II, it was clear that the chief remaining global power was the United States. Now the USA had never had any problem with the Arab people, and had no reason to quarrel with the Arabs. For the Zionists to maintain and expand the support they were receiving from America, it would benefit them greatly if the Arabs and the mighty US could somehow become enemies. Could the Zionists possibly stoop so low? Why not? Look at what they had already pulled off! Remember that the official motto of the Mossad (Israeli's intelligence organization) is "by way of deception thou shalt do war." 26

In 1955, one of these "false flag" operations was publicly exposed for the world to see. Israeli agents, impersonating Arab terrorists, were caught staging a series of bombings against American installations in Egypt. 27 When this conspiracy was exposed, it ultimately created such a controversy that it brought down the Israeli government. The long since forgotten scandal became known as "the Lavon Affair".

Then again during a 1967 war with the Arabs, Israeli gunboats and fighter jets deliberately attacked the USS Liberty, an unarmed US communications ship. 28 Thirty five American sailors were murdered and 170 others injured in a prolonged Israeli onslaught - carried out in broad daylight and with the U.S. flag flying prominently. The intent was to kill all of the Americans and then leave the Egyptians to take the blame. Israel denied that the attack was deliberate but the chilling stories of the lucky American survivors clearly contradicts that lie. To this very day, the U.S. Congress has never investigated the USS Liberty massacre.

In 1989, the Israelis once again succeeded in framing enemy Arabs in order to enrage America. Former Mossad case officer Victor Ostrosvky became so disgusted with the criminal behavior of his own government that he defected from the Mossad and tried to warn America of just how evil and dangerous they were. Ostrovsky revealed exactly how the Israelis framed Libya for the bombing of a German night club which killed American servicemen. 29 It was this frame up job that caused President Reagan to bomb Libya, killing the 4 year old daughter of Libyan leader Muamar Qadaffi. France refused to allow US bombers to fly over their air space and bomb Libya because French intelligence knew that Libya was unjustly framed by the Israelis. Among some of Ostrovosky's other amazing revelations are: that the Mossad often uses Arab agents to carry out missions, that Israeli agents are skilled at impersonating Arabs, that Mossad had a plan to turn American public opinion against Iraq, and that wealthy Zionists in America are often called upon to help carry out Mossad missions. Ostrovsky, whose tell all book, By Way of Deception, infuriated the Mossad and made him the target of numerous death threats. 30

In 2001, the Washington Times ran a story about a 68 page research paper issued by the Army School of Advanced Military Studies (SAMS). The research was compiled by 60 US Army officers as an attempt to predict the possible outcomes of deploying a US force to maintain peace between the Israel and Palestinians. Here’s what SAMS had to say about the Israeli military machine:

"a 500 pound gorilla in Israel. Well armed and trained. Operates in both Gaza and the West Bank. Known to disregard international law to accomplish mission" 31

Of Israel’s Mossad, the officers issued this warning:

"Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian Arab act." 32 (emphasis added)

Why does the US, which is trillions of dollars in debt, gives away billons of taxpayer dollars to a foreign government whose military violates international laws and whose Mossad is capable of murdering US troops in order to frame Arabs? Have we lost our minds?


Now that we have established the ruthless and criminal nature of radical Zionism, one more lesson needs to be understood before we return to the five dancing Israelis of 9-11 and other related stories. Even the Zionists themselves have never denied that they have long exerted great influence in America. But what we must understand is that the Zionists do not merely influence United States policy....they dominate it! It is this domination that enables them to pull off monstrous crimes and then conceal them from the general public.

The observation that Zionists dominate the American media, government, academia, and Hollywood has been made by many prominent Americans and is easily verifiable by public information.

Henry Ford said this:

"If after having elected their man or group, obedience is not rendered to the Jewish control, then you speedily hear of "scandals" and "investigations" and "impeachments" for the removal of the disobedient. Usually a man with a "past" proves the most obedient instrument, but even a good man can often be tangled up in campaign practices that compromise him. It has been commonly known that Jewish manipulation of American election campaigns have been so skillfully handled, that no matter which candidate was elected, there was ready made a sufficient amount of evidence to discredit him in case his Jewish masters needed to discredit him." 33

Charles Lindbergh said this:

"Their greatest danger to this country lies in the Jewish ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio, and our government. 34

Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff under Ronald Reagan said this:

"I've never seen a President -- I don't care who he is -- stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don't have any idea what goes on." 35

While a guest on ABC's Face the Nation, William Fulbright - US Senator and Chairman of the US Foreign Relations committee - said this before a national television audience:

"Israel controls the United States Senate. We should be more concerned about the United States' interests." 36

Nationally syndicated columnist and former presidential candidate Patrick Buchanan said:

"The United States Congress is Israeli occupied territory." 37

And US religious leader Billy Graham and President Richard Nixon once had the following exchange, which was caught on tape:

GRAHAM: The Jewish stranglehold on the media has got to be broken or this country's going down the drain".
NIXON: "You believe that?"
GRAHAM: "Yes, sir."
NIXON: "Oh boy. So do I. I can't ever say that but I do believe it" 38

But enough of quoting others. Let's look at the facts of Zionist control.

FACT: ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, UPN, The Washington Post, The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The New York Daily News, Time Magazine, Newsweek, People Magazine, US News and World Report and countless other media and Hollywood companies all have either a Zionist CEO, a Zionist News Chief, or are owned by a media conglomerate which has a Zionist CEO. 39 Have you ever noticed how Hollywood movies always seem to portray Germans and Arabs as a bigoted fanatics or as terrorists? Now you know why!

FACT: AIPAC, the Israeli lobbying organization, is the most feared lobby in Washington DC. By their own admission, they are capable of unseating Congressmen and Senators that do not carry out their requests. The majority of Congressmen from both political parties receive large donations from AIPAC. Writing for the Nation Magazine, journalist Michael Massing explains:

"AIPAC is widely regarded as the most powerful foreign-policy lobby in Washington. Its 60,000 members shower millions of dollars on hundreds of members of Congress on both sides of the aisle. Newspapers like the New York Times fear the Jewish lobby organizations as well. "It's very intimidating," said a correspondent at another large daily. "The pressure from these groups is relentless." 40 (emphasis added)

FACT: The Pentagon is under the control of a hard core Zionist named Richard Perle. The civilian Defense Policy Board actually wields more control over the military establishment than the Defense Secretary or the generals and admirals. There are a number of other Zionists who serve on the board (Kissinger, Cohen, Schlessinger) as well as non-jewish members who have always supported Israel and the expansion of the "War on Terror". The notoriously belligerent Perle, nicknamed the "The Prince of Darkness", is Chairman of the Board. 41

With Perle as Chairman of the Defense Policy Board, Zionist Paul Wolfowitz as Undersecretary of Defense, and Zionist award winner Douglass Feith as Undersecretary of Defense Policy, the Zionist Pentagon gang controls 3 of the top 4 civilian leadership positions of America’s armed forces. Careerist scoundrels like Condoleeza Rice and Donald Rumsfeld are either under their influence or unwilling to oppose their drive for WW III. The Perle-Wolfowitz-Feith gang represent a fanatical and warmongering "government-within-a-government". In league with these Zionist Pentagon conspirators are jewish Zionist and potential 2004 Presidential candidate, Senator Joseph Lieberman (D-CT) and his Gentile partner in crime Senator John McCain (R-AZ).

An Israeli journalist named Ari Shavit, lamenting the harsh treatments that his government dishes out to the Palestinians, made the following observation in Ha'aretz, a leading Israeli journal:

" We believe with absolute certitude that now, with the White House and Senate in our hands along with the Pentagon and the New York Times, the lives [of Arabs] do not count as much as our own. Their blood does not count as much as our blood. We believe with absolute certitude that now, when we have AIPAC [the Israel lobby] and [Edgar] Bronfman and the Anti-Defamation League, , we truly have the right to tell 400,000 people that in eight hours they must flee from their homes. And that we have the right to rain bombs on their villages and towns and populated areas. That we have the right to kill without any guilt." 42 (emphasis added)

And this only scratches the surface of Zionist power! With such awesome power to control and cover up events, is it any wonder why so many of America's journalists and politicians are afraid to even talk about this issue? Is it any wonder why former President Bill Clinton would grovel before a jewish audience and say something as ridiculous as the following statement:

"The Israelis know that if the Iraqi or the Iranian army came across the Jordan River, I would personally grab a rifle, get in a ditch, and fight and die." 43

I could go on and on at much greater length about this subject, but I want to get back to the dancing Israelis. Have I made my point yet?


I know. I know. You want to return to the scene of the dancing Israelis on 9-11. But there is one more quick lesson that needs to be covered before we climb back into the time machine and fast-forward back to 9-11. If we don’t cover this, you won’t be able to fully understand the "big picture".

During the 1967 war, Israel occupied the Palestinian territories of the West Bank and Gaza. Thirty five years have passed since that war ended, yet the Israeli army continues the humiliating occupation of those Palestinian areas. Those areas are not part of the nation of Israel that was created in 1948 by the UN. What the Palestinian people are resisting today is not the 1948 confiscation of their land. They simply want the 1967 occupation to end. It is this ongoing occupation, not the 1948 creation of Israel, which fuels the conflict today. Prior to the current outbreak of hostilities, the majority of the Israeli people also supported the end of Israel's occupation and oppression of these territories. They elected Yitzak Rabin as Prime Minister and Rabin made more strides towards achieving peace than any of his processors. The 1990's were a quiet years in Israel. Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat and Prime Minister Rabin appeared to have finally reached a peace deal the US acting as the mediator.

This did not sit well with the hard core Zionists who ultimately hope to expand Israel's borders even more. Hopes for a lasting peace deal were soon dealt a major setback when a flurry of five bullets were pumped into Prime Minister Rabin at close range as he was attending a 1995 Israeli peace rally. It was not an Arab that killed Rabin. It was a Zionist fanatic named Yigal Amir. Amir was a law student at Israel’s Bar-Ilan University. He later told investigators that he had no regrets for his actions. 44 Amir, a bright young law student was willing to throw his life away in the service of the Zionist cause. (More on that concept later on.)

At the head of the Israeli government today sits a brutal man who has been a guest of honor at George Bush's White House on a regular basis since he took office in October 2000. His name is Ariel Sharon. His fanatical Zionist supporters in Israel refer to him as "Arik King", but the Arabs know him as a lifelong butcher, terrorist, and war criminal. There was a time when Sharon was disgraced and his political career seemed to be over. The isolation of Ariel Sharon was the result a 1982 Palestinian massacre which Sharon engineered when he was Israel's Defense minister. It was the Israelis themselves who forced Sharon to resign.

Sharon's troops blocked the exits from the Sabra and Shattila refugee camps while a Lebanese militia, allied with the Israeli military, went into the camps and slaughtered more than 1,500 unarmed Palestinian civilians while raping many women. 45 Though these Lebanese militias were the ones who did the actual killing, it was Ariel Sharon who controlled the militias and it was Sharon's soldiers who stood by and blocked the camp exits, deliberately allowing the slaughter to take place.

A survivor of the attack who had been raped and shot went to Belgium and initiated a war crimes case against Sharon. Several Lebanese militia leaders were summoned to testify against Sharon. Shortly before their testimony, three of them were suddenly killed by unknown gunmen and car bombs. Israel's Mossad of course denied any responsibility for the strange and untimely deaths of these three witnesses against Sharon. 46 And if you believe that one, I’ll sell you the World Trade Center!

After nearly 20 years of political exile, Sharon made his comeback in October 2000. Knowing full well how much the Palestinians hated him for his role in the 1982 massacres, Sharon and a small army of Israeli soldiers showed up at the Temple Mount 47 - a site held sacred by both Muslims and jews. This was a deliberate provocation. When the Muslims protested the Sharon provocation, the Israeli troops cracked down. Rocks were thrown and shots were fired. In just a matter of minutes, years of peace and the Israeli-Arab peace effort had been destroyed by Mr. Sharon’s bullying antics. When the fighting broke out, a frightened and propagandized Israeli population soon turned to a strong man for their protection - the very man who had deliberately instigated the violence in the first place. Ariel Sharon was elected Prime Minister.

True to form, Sharon has brutalized the Palestinian civilian population under the pretext of "self-defense". Armed and funded by Israel's wholly owned US Congress, the Israeli war machine can bulldoze Arab homes at will. The only weapon that the outgunned Palestinians can retaliate with is the "suicide bomber". With every suicide bombing, Sharon is able to "justify" even more attacks and occupy more land. The Zionist game plan is to ultimately drive the Palestinians out of the West Bank and Gaza, just like the Irgun massacres had driven the Arabs out of Deir Yassin. Standing in the way of such a bold Zionist scheme were three major obstacles:

1. the force of world opinion. Prior to 9-11, the Palestinian struggle against Israeli occupation had gained the sympathy of many people around the world.
2. the force of Israeli domestic opinion (most Israelis wanted peace and were opposed to the 35 year occupation of Palestinian territories).
3. Saddam Hussein‘s Iraq, which had always been a champion of the cause of Palestinian self determination.

How useful it would be for the Zionists if some "incident" were to happen which would turn American and world opinion against the Palestinians and ultimately drag the US into a war against Israel's Arab enemies. Now you know why those Israelis were celebrating on 9-11!


The days and hours leading up to 9-11 were marked by a series of chilling warnings about impending terrorist plots involving hijacked commercial airplanes. It's worth mentioning at this point that months before 9-11, the US had already informed some of its allies of plans to go to war in Afghanistan. On June 26, 2001, News Insight/India Reacts, an Indian public affairs magazine, wrote:

"India and Iran will "facilitate" US and Russian plans for "limited military action" against the Taliban if the contemplated tough new economic sanctions don't bend Afghanistan's fundamentalist regime. Indian officials say that India and Iran will only play the role of "facilitator" while the US and Russia will combat the Taliban from the front with the help of two Central Asian countries, Tajikistan and Uzbekistan, to push Taliban lines back to the 1998 position 50 km away from Mazar-e-Sharief city in northern Afghanistan. Military action will be the last option though it now seems scarcely avoidable with the UN banned from Taliban-controlled areas" 48

The story of US military involvement in Afghanistan was reported months before 9-11 in Indian49 and British 50 publications but it was never reported in the US media. With the military plans already in motion since at least June of 2001, all that was needed was for an "incident" to take place to justify the US going to "war against Terrorism" in Afghanistan.

Here are just a few of the advance warnings which were brought to light in the aftermath of 9-11:

The London Daily Telegraph reported on September 16, 2001:

"The Telegraph has learned that two senior experts with Mossad, the Israeli military intelligence service, were sent to Washington in August to alert the FBI and CIA to the existence of a cell of as many as 200 terrorists said to be preparing a big operation. They had no specific information about what was being planned but linked the plot to Osama Bin Laden and told American officials that there were strong grounds for suspecting Iraqi involvement." 51

Do you smell a "false flag" operation in the works? How is possible that the Mossad knew of the existence of these 200 terrorists but could not name or locate a single one? And how convenient for Israel that Saddam Hussein should be in cahoots with Osama Bin Laden, despite the fact that Bin Laden and Hussein hate each other!

The Franfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, (FAZ) one of Germany’s most respected newspapers, quoted German intelligence sources who said that the Echelon electronic spy network gave US and Israeli intelligence agencies several warnings that suicidal hijack attacks were being planned against US targets. 52 Echelon is capable of monitoring all of the electronic communication in the world. Utilizing 120 satellites, the Echelon system is designed to suck up enormous amounts of data by using keyword search techniques to sift through the data. 53

The San Francisco Chronicle reported on September 12 that San Francisco Mayor and former California Assembly Speaker Willie Brown was advised eight hours before the attacks that he should be careful about flying on 9-11. 54

In its September 24, 2001 issue, Newsweek Magazine broke this startling revelation:

"Three weeks ago there was another warning that a terrorist strike might be imminent… On September 10, Newsweek has learned, a group of top Pentagon officials suddenly cancelled travel plans for the next morning, apparently because of security concerns.". 55 (emphasis added)

Wow! Could these unnamed "top Pentagon officials" have been some of the Zionist directors of the Defense Policy Board which we talked about earlier? If these Pentagon officials were scared enough not to fly, then why didn’t the Pentagon place the Air Force on full alert? How could they have been so slow to react to 9-11 when they already knew there was a threat?

On September 27, The Washington Post reported that two workers of the Israeli company Odigo (with offices also in New York) received instant message warnings just two hours before the attacks. Here’s an excerpt from the Washington Post:

"Officials at instant-messaging firm Odigo confirmed today that two employees received text messages warning of an attack on the World Trade Center two hours before terrorists crashed planes into the New York landmarks" 56

Soon after the attacks, the Odigo employees informed the management of the electronic message they had received. Israeli security services were contacted and the FBI was informed. Nothing has been heard about this event since. I think it's safe to say that "Islamic terrorists" would not have been considerate enough to send detailed E-mail warnings to some obscure Israeli office workers.


Let us review what we have learned. We have clearly established that Zionists played a key role in steering the US into two World Wars. We have clearly established that Zionists do not care if Americans (or others) are killed to further their goals. We have clearly established that Zionists have a record of attacking Americans in order to frame Arabs. We have established that the Zionists are capable of acts of unspeakable brutality and genocide. We have established that US politicians fear the Zionist Mafia and defy them at their own peril. We have learned that warnings of a suicidal hijacking plot were issued to several people. And most importantly of all, we have clearly established that the Zionists have the capacity to make these amazing stories suddenly disappear from their controlled news media.

Having established these precedents, we can now easily deduce that the reason why those five dancing Israeli agents who celebrated the 9-11 attacks were so happy is because they knew that Americans would now become unconditional supporters of their "Israeli ally" and fanatical haters of Muslims and Arabs. On the day of the attacks, former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was asked what the attack would mean for US-Israeli relations. His quick reply was "It's very good…….Well, it's not good, but it will generate immediate sympathy (for Israel)" 57

The five Israelis made such a spectacle that everyone who saw them felt compelled to call the police. According to ABC’s 20/20, when the van belonging to the cheering Israelis was stopped by the police, the first words out of the driver's (Sivan Kurzberg) lying mouth were: "We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem." 58 The police and FBI field agents became really suspicious when they found box cutters (the same items that the hijackers supposedly used), $4700 cash stuffed in a sock, and foreign passports. Police also told the Bergen Record that bomb sniffing dogs were brought to the van and that they reacted as if they had smelled explosives. 59

From there, the story gets becomes even more suspicious. The Israelis worked for a Weehawken moving company known as Urban Moving Systems. An American employee of Urban Moving Systems told the Bergen Record that a majority of his co-workers were Israelis and they were all joking about the attacks. The employee, who declined to give his name said: "I was in tears. These guys were joking and that bothered me." 60

A few days after the attacks, Urban Moving System's Israeli owner, Dominick Suter, dropped his business and fled the country. He was in such a hurry to flee America that some of Urban Moving System's customers were left with their furniture stuck in storage facilities. 61 The five Israeli army veterans (Mossad) were held in custody for several months before being quietly released. Some of the movers had been kept in solitary confinement for 40 days. 62

Immediately following the attacks, the Zionist controlled media was filled with stories linking the attacks to Bin Laden. TV talking-heads and scribblers of every stripe spoon-fed a gullible American public a steady diet of the most outrageous propaganda imaginable. We were told that the reason Bin Laden attacked the USA was because he hates our "freedom" and "democracy". The Muslims were "medieval" and they wanted to destroy us because of our wealth. But Bin Laden strongly denied any role in the attacks and suggested that Zionists orchestrated the 9-11 attacks:

"I was not involved in the September 11 attacks in the United States nor did I have knowledge of the attacks. There exists a government within a government within the United States. The United States should try to trace the perpetrators of these attacks within itself; to the people who want to make the present century a century of conflict between Islam and Christianity. That secret government must be asked as to who carried out the attacks....The American system is totally in control of the Jews, whose first priority is Israel, not the United States." 63

To date, the only shred of "evidence" to be uncovered against Bin Laden was a highly suspicious, barely audible amateur video, that the Zionist dominated Pentagon just happened to find "lying around" in Afghanistan. Though there is no evidence, be it hard or circumstantial, to link the Al Qaeda "terrorist network" to these acts of terror; there is in fact a mountain of evidence, both hard and circumstantial, which suggests that the Zionist Mafia has been very busy framing Arabs for terror plots against America.

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