Call into the Glen Beck Show Today !! Luke from We Are Change calls on all 9/11 truthers to call

This week on we are change live Luke calls on all 9/11 truthers to call the Glen Beck show on Wednesday!

The number is 1-888-727-2325

To get past the people screening the callers your probably going to have to pretend you love Glen Beck and think he's a patriot. You may also have to listen to the show so you can pretend you want to talk about the topic he's on.

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Comment by truth on June 17, 2009 at 7:08pm
We should call about his connecting the holocaust shooter to 911 truth seekers.
Comment by truth on June 17, 2009 at 7:08pm
We should call about his connecting the holocaust shooter to 911 truth seekers.
Comment by fireguy on June 17, 2009 at 7:00pm
Art, I am a Glenn Beck fan. LOL
Glenn Beck is a pasty, noodle armed, puss gut who sucks millions out of the globalists' trough only to spread his CIA inspired pablum to the mind numbed population who cheeringly wave Chinese made American flags over their heads while waiting for their jobs to be exported to some far off land and calling themselves free people.
Comment by Jeff on June 17, 2009 at 2:14pm
I didn't understand the Troll comment either.

Yes, a particular day with a variety of schedules for the shows would be great. It's key, I think, to remember that these people aren't going to allow the comments that you and I would deem appropriate to be made and it's an unfortunate part of any endeavor of this nature that we lie. Sadly true, not something I might otherwise advocate but the only way in this case to be heard on a mainstream news source.

And yes, a variety of cities and a variety of names and voices will be required to actually get through and be heard more than once or twice. The reality is that this isn't really an easy endeavor and will take substantial manpower but is something this web site is capable of with the proper planning.
Comment by truth on June 17, 2009 at 1:44pm
Jeff, I agree. Perhaps we should gather and pick more MSM targets/ days for call ins. If we do it together we have a much greater chance getting through.

Trolls? Huh?
Comment by Jeff on June 17, 2009 at 12:53pm
Where is everyone? This should be the most talked about post for the day!

Comment by Jeff on June 17, 2009 at 12:52pm
This is a great idea and one I can easily get behind. Lie your ass off and pretend to be calling about whatever you choose to get on the show and then when you're on, ask about thermate or something that's hard to deny.

Comment by Maas on June 17, 2009 at 12:34pm
Don't just call in, record it and put it on YouTube! I've been wanting to call into all of these lying talkers, but I work nights and most of these guys are on nights.

These call screeners are really tough. If you don't have a cover story all ready to go for the screener, and think you will just be getting on to blast the host, think again.

If I may offer some advice, if you do happen to get on, try and ask the host an open ended question like "why do think..." instead of something that they can just answer "yes" or "no" call you a nutjob and then hang up.

Also, why stop at Glenn Beck? There are shows on all day.

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