China’s Undeclared War With the US

Feds make largest fentanyl bust in US history

Something the Democrats would prefer you didn’t know and that the media refuse to report on with the exception of a few conservative outlets is the fact that war has already begun between the US and Communist China. Recently a container ship came into a Mexican port and was raided by authorities. Aboard was 52,000 pounds of fentanyl. Enough to kill 11 billion people. That shipment was headed for the US border like so much of it already has killing 110,000 Americans this past year alone! China is working directly with the drug cartels to distribute the deadly opioid that is 50 times stronger than heroin and 100 times more potent than morphine.

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War on several levels

The Chinese government has released an actual book containing plans for unrestricted warfare and poisoning the US from within with powerful and addictive drugs as just one part of their strategy. Draping the internet with counter intelligence misinformation, constant cyber-attacks against our military and private infrastructure are underway and have been for some time now. In 2012 under the Obama Administration the Office of Personnel Management was hacked by the Chinese exposing the records of 4 million government employees!

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Industrial vulnerability

China’s intention to invade Taiwan a US ally that we get 80% of our microprocessor chips from for industry such as car making, appliances, and electronics, is planned within the next 5 years. Without Taiwan’s electronic chips all US industry would come to a halt! This would become an existential threat to America. In the South China Sea where the Communist Chinese violate international oceanic territorial law and build artificial islands where they can aim missiles at US Naval ships and fly jet fighters off the decks of these manmade islands, tensions mount. Without the US to patrol shipping lanes in the region, China can hold cargo shipping hostage of all nations who have container vessels on the China Sea. Several reported incidents of Chinese jet fighters making aggressive and dangerous moves on US warplanes and even a Canadian Royal Air Force transport aircraft have occurred.

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A warring footage

China has issued warnings to all US allies in the South China, south Pacific, and Taiwan straits that in the event of war they will be punished for siding with the US. These nations include, Japan, Australia, the Philippines, and even North Vietnam. India has already fought several border skirmishes with China with the Chinese troops mutilating the corpses of Indian soldiers. It is clear the Chinese who are also experimenting with bio-weapons and genetic improvements of their own soldiers, are gearing up for a major conflict. Xi Ji Ping has authorized Chinese armies, air forces, and naval fleets to prepare for conflict.

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A delayed response

The release of the high altitude balloons that were initially explained by the Biden White House as weather balloons were soon discovered to be carrying 2,000 pounds of spying equipment yet were allowed to travel over 4,400 miles of US air space before being shot down. These same balloons could be used to carry weaponized viruses or deadly diseases such as anthrax into US air space infecting millions of citizens. So please explain to me what defines an act of war? It would seem that we have arrived at that point already.

International Trade Deficit

Trade deficit

Add the fact that China maintains a huge trade imbalance with allowing sale of US products to be but a fraction of the commerce consumed by Americans of Chinese merchandise, drugs, and even defense contracting supplies. At the very least, China is conducting asymmetrical warfare against America. China owes the west billions in stolen licensing for products they copy from US companies and royalties they refuse to pay while American companies have allowed this in order to get Chinese business. Our own corporations have been complicit with the Communists!

Image result for General Milley shaking hands with Chinese generals

Traitors go unpunished from within

The US is even compromised internally with the Biden family doing millions in business with the Communist Chinese but from across the aisle Mitch McConnell’s Chinese wife has large holdings in Chinese mainland maritime shipping business. So, has this disadvantage in US Chinese foreign relations been allowed intentionally? Eric Swallwel of Democrat from California was sleeping with a Communist Chinese spy, Fang Fang. Diane Feinstein Democrat Senator of California had a Chinese spy in her employ for 10 years. The degree of infiltration into US society by the Chinese has been staggering. Just ask General Milley who said in public without batting an eye that had President Trump ordered a first strike against China he would have warned his Chinese military counterparts!

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Letting our guard down

Even though there are many shocking parallels between pre-World War II and the present state of potential conflict that exists now, even then Japan did not have the degree of espionage implanted within the US that China has over the US now even though the Nazis maintained a “Fifth Column” here on American soil. Always typical of Democrat administrations is the lax and unsecured way of allowing the enemy to take advantage through incompetence. One might recall that as president Obama played celebrity on an episode with Bear Grills, as the Chinese Navy violated Alaskan waters steaming a flotilla off US shores! This pathetic lack of preparedness only emboldens our enemies rather than the wishful thinking of avoiding conflict by refusing to confront territorial violations.  

Image result for US Border patrol picks up Chinese terrorists

National Security? Nah!

With the idiotic open borders policy of the Democrats known Chinese terrorists have been picked up by US Border Agents, but among more than 5 million illegal aliens there are more embedded operatives taking advantage of the Biden Administrative weakness and unpatriotic conduct. Where will this all lead? Obviously the Communist Chinese are watching closely as thousands of seasoned US veterans have been forced to retire not wanting to comply with the Vaccine mandates! There is not one nation in the entire world who refuses to protect their own borders, but the Democrats under Biden just don’t care, and one wonders what would really happen if the Chinese were to invade Taiwan in the next few days. Would we see another Afghanistan-like fiasco? It seems the Democrats have no regard for national security!

Image result for LGBTQ in US military


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