Congressional refusal to prosecute Obama the unsettling truth!

What the talk show hosts are not allowed to discuss

By Doc Vega


In the dirty world of politics truth in advertising does not apply. Slander and libel do not apply. False accusations and false narratives do apply. As Rush Limbaugh has pointed out, the Democrats have paid attention to the Communist doctrine of engineering misdirection and social unrest in order to use lies when the arguments of reason and logic cannot be won on a level playing field with Constitutionalists and Conservatives. And they usually cannot win in the arena of broad daylight so, the deception is deployed on a massive scale.

It takes a New Zealander to see clearly

According to author Trevor Loudon whose recent book outlines the way that the Democratic Party has been completely compromised by Communist and Socialist organizations. They have been co-opted by a foreign entity completely and diametrically opposed to our US Constitution. Look at Obamacare which will control more than 1/6 of the US economy, and until 2009 when Obama was elected had no chance of getting legislated. Yet, we know face a massive economic onslaught.

KGB Agent spells it out for Americans

Yuri Bezmenov, a defected KGB disinformation specialist actually admitted with pride in 1982 in a public conference meant to awaken sleeping Americans that the agenda of Soviet destabilization, demoralization, and indoctrination was well underway and further along than he ever could have imagined. Every time the conservative voice of reason pointed this out, peace movements against nuclear arms financed by socialists and Democrats cried out “Red Scare!” “Communist Witchunt!” and the perfectly valid answer was drowned out in distraction and false allegations!

Why is he still in office?

So, we ask ourselves why have the Republicans failed to oust President Obama, impeach him, criminally prosecute him along with VP Joe Biden for allowing breaches of national security with politically motivated press releases. Conducting war against Libya without Congressional approval, impeachable, ordering a stand down that got Americans killed at the US Embassy in Libya, all these actions among many others have been ignored or pursued with little intention of bringing the President to justice. Why?

What was up with John Roberts?

Justice John Roberts was trusted to come out against the Affordable Health Care Act and, thus would have made Obamacare just another grave marker in the great cemetery of bad laws that were voted down, but that didn’t happen. Some blamed Obama’s direct criticism of the Supreme Court. Some blamed Justice John Roberts feeble mind as a result of his anti-seizure medication. That was not it. Roberts capitulated under the same banner as the GOP. In a word, blackmail, threats, intimidation, these are the characteristic tools of Chicago’s bare knuckle style political influence. Add socialist billionaire, George Soros to the mix, and you have the funding needed as he personally finances at least 40 socialist movement organizations that operate under the guise of change and hope while being dedicated to destroying American society as we know it.

Classic propaganda machinery

The Democrats did their homework as they normally do when it comes to insurrection and orchestrating false narratives to advance their agenda, but add the NSA to this toxic recipe, and you have the most powerful surveillance agency in the world extracting incriminating data on every man, woman, and child in the US including the GOP, including Justice John Roberts, and anyone else who stands in their way!

GOP turns on its own

To say that America has suffered a soft coup is a virtual understatement. America has been undermined in so many different ways by so many special interest groups under the leftist radical flag of activism, a wave of armies replete with storm troopers, tanks, and aircraft could not have been more persuasive, and we could have fought our way out of that one. However, when you have tricked the people, gotten them to take your word without evidence, and have maneuvered the opposition party to begin fighting amongst themselves as establishment GOP fight against Tea Party Republicans like Rand Paul, Ted Cruz and Marco Rubio, your ground attack has succeeded!

A bitter answer

You wonder why our few outspoken Conservative GOP leaders have caved in, look no further than the NSA, blackmail, and classic Soviet era intimidation that has turned the opposition to the insanity of the Obama agenda into complying idiots! This is where America is headed, this is what was planned and intended, and unless you act, this will be the last of a free Constitutional Republic.


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Comment by Cryptocurrency on August 7, 2013 at 3:45pm

The GOP always does this with Israel. It's politics as usual. If you want to win the GOP nomination in 2016 you HAVE to do this. If you want to be president, so that you can save the country, you have to stay within the party lines. You have to tell people what they want to hear. Rand Paul is playing politics just like Palin. It's not a conspiracy, it's a political chessboard where games are played.

If you want Republicans to vote for you then you have to be friends with Israel. It's part of the framework that makes up the Republican party. Not everything is a conspiracy people. It's just politics as usual. If Rand Paul or Palin went off into some Zionist conspiracy theory platform, they would never get elected and it would be utterly stupid politically. Like Ron Paul talking about 911 in 2008 and making that part of his platform. America would have laughed him off the stage. It's all common sense really.

When you say Israel in a negative way, people have been trained to hear the word JEW. The next associations made in their neural pathways are anti-semitism and racism. The next node along that neurological highway is Holocaust. Now if your intention is to piss off Republicans and alienate yourself as a conspiracy nut, no one is going to listen to, and make fun of, you now have a perfect formula for failure.

I do not mean this in a rude way. I'm not angry nor am I chiding or sardonic. I'm simply saying politics is a game that must be played strategically. People are sensitive when it comes to African American issues, and Israel/Jewish issues. Why? Because of slavery and the holocaust. So unfortunately , we have to tip toe around if we want to be politically correct and take back our freedoms. Otherwise we create a divide and play right into the hands of the people that perpetuate all this. There's your conspiracy RIGHT THERE.

There is nothing left to say really. Either you understand the GOP or you don't. I'm done, thanks for your considerations if any.

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on August 7, 2013 at 3:12pm

How about the US just let Israel do Israel BUTT the F out and quit making it the 51 welfare State?

Perhaps they will get along a little better with their neighbors???

The western powers England/US creation of the State was a mistake from day one in the first place.

Comment by truth on August 7, 2013 at 3:04pm
Comment by Nobody Will Observe on August 7, 2013 at 2:56pm

LOL Tara beat me to it.

Sarah Palin strikes me as dangerously simple-minded, Zionist (or super-Zionist, even) 

Palin has positioned herself as a territory maximalist, arguing for the righteousness of continued Jewish settlement of the West Bank, including those parts of the West Bank, presumably, beyond the security fence.

I believe in a separation of church and State. Religious doctrine is not good foreign policy.

Not saying I disagree with everything she 'says' she stands for. I will keep one eye open as to her, but have little faith in any of these fascist jokers.

Comment by Tara on August 7, 2013 at 2:35pm
Comment by Cryptocurrency on August 7, 2013 at 12:54pm

Haha I've been called worse! Doc, doood, chill my man. It just sounded like you may have been snuggled up to Bushy back in 2004. That's all. That's why I used the neo-con designation. Don't get all mad-cow/Maddow on me and beat me up over a misunderstanding. I'm old and frail and will have to resort to very lethal means like fart guns and wedgies on that ass. Besides, I stuck up for you in my last two comments.

And your rant about the left was a misread. You really think I'm a liberal lmao? I've known about the NWO since I was two! I've never fallen for the left/right Pepsi challenge. Mannn! Have you forgotten about my run over at the huffy-po, I announced at my group Going Commando? That was my libby outreach program.

Comment by Cryptocurrency on August 7, 2013 at 12:45pm

Doc is right. Oh and we all owe Mrs. Palin an apology because she was right when she talked about them sounding off the bells and the warning shots that the Brits were coming. The media portrayed her as an idiot for saying so, focusing on the, one if by land and two if by sea story we read in elementary school text books. The backlash and mockery of her statements echoed across cyber space as well. We even ripped her on 12160

Wellll it turns out she was right! I've been doing some research into the events that led up to 1775-1776 and Palin was right. That's EXACTLY what they did. Looks like she knows some of our American history better than the rest of us.

@ Troy

Your comment is funny. However if you really think about it, you've adopted a bias against Palin that was sold to America by CORPORATE media. True story... I mean, we all fell for it.

I would give Palin another chance. Just sayin'.

Comment by Doc Vega on August 7, 2013 at 9:02am

Another great realization about our change and hope as now Muslim texts concerning Islamic faith are being introduced into public schools as Christian history and Biblical relevance are being phased out will most likely bring in a coming age of Christian persecution that is going on presently in North Africa and the Middle east that our no good bought off US media has no interest in reporting just as they have no interest in reporting black on white crime and murder which happens 50 more times than white on black, but you know what we are going to hear from the US press corps. This is a literal Matrix that now exists where reality is filtered out and propaganda is fed to the unwitting masses who lap it up like sheep. By the way when I say Christian persecution it's sounds like such a nice word, but go to the news groups and watch the crowds of Muslims as they slaughter Christians and dismember them and the brave missionaries who go into harms way to help everyone but end up dead thanks to come cleric's hardon for Christians. What's the old saying Hell aint half full? Well instant Karma is gonna get you!

Comment by Doc Vega on August 7, 2013 at 8:54am

Hey Krypto, If I'm a Neocon then you are a dog's penis, okay. It's ignorant comments like yours that make me want to turn off the comment option on my articles but I hate people that do that so I won't.Neocon, you have to be an Obamabot since they wore that expression out in 07 and 08. By the way, who doesn't know that Prescott Bush did business with the Nazis good old American corporate business, eh? So what's new?

Comment by Doc Vega on August 7, 2013 at 8:50am

Sarah Palin was right as rain when she predicted the death panels over the Obamacare rationing of medical services. She has been right over just about everything she has spoken about though the left has mercilessly attacked her and many women hate her simply because she is self assured, outspoken, and competent something that many women are intimidated about within their competitive nature. People in general are unaware that Palin spent more than half a million fighting off frivolous law suits filed by Obama's lawyers trying to discredit her and they never did. Allegations of any misconduct while she was governor were silenced after some 14,000 emails were taken from her computer and scoured for incriminating content. They actually found that she prayed! Oh my God! She actually prayed! I find it tragically laughable that all the feminist hypocrite bitches refused to come to her aid after Ed "I'm full of shit" Schultz called her a slut among other pointless TV journalists (what a laugh) like Rachel Maddow, a shameless leftist lezzie. This is the way the left rolls in America, without integrity, empathy, or facts.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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