Sweden: State-funded Muslim Sniper Training

The Swedish state is funding a sniper training course for recently-arrived Third World “refugees” as part of their “integration program”—despite the ever-growing refugee-terrorist attacks across Europe. The almost unbelievable plunge into insanity—started two years ago already—was reported—in a positive pro-refugee light—by the Allehanda newspaper in Sweden, under the title “Fired up for Sniping,” (Laddade för prickskytte, literally “Charged up for Sniping”) and shows a large number of Third Worlders being taught how to target shoot with sniper rifles on a formal shooting ground in Sollefteå, central Sweden.

The Allehanda informs its readers that the “sniping course” began on a “small scale in the Fall,” but then for reasons which are obvious, but which the Swedish newspaper ignores, “interest exploded” among the nonwhite invaders to take the course. When the Allehanda visited the shooting range, “more than 50 immigrant youths were on the course,” honing their shooting skills. Even more incredibly, the sniping course is being paid for by Sweden’s state-funded Migration Agency as an “integration” program into Swedish society. “Young people from all over the world—Syria, Afghanistan, Africa, [and] South America” are taking sniping lessons, the Allehanda said, and some of them are “interested and very talented,” the paper quoted course supervisor Birgit Höglin as saying.

The program is offered as part of the language course at the local upper secondary school, Höglin said, saying that the benefits of the program are “much more” than just teaching the invaders how to use sniping rifles. “Here they talk Swedish in other social contexts, meet new people, and hang out. It is especially good for their vocabulary,” Höglin said. It seems of no concern to these liberals that every single terrorist attack on Europe in 2015 was carried out by “refugees.” State-funded sniper training for “young immigrants” seems so out of place that such an undertaking is firmly in the realm of the insane, and would, if not actually happening, be the subject of some bizarre joke. Unfortunately, it is not.


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Comment by Anti Everything on January 18, 2016 at 1:08pm

Damn DTOM! You certainly have some interesting data on the subject! For some reason I thought it was a .22 cal all along.

Comment by DTOM on January 18, 2016 at 12:58pm

Exactly LP...

Up until the 70's, Biathlon competitors used centerfire battle rifle ammuntion such as 7.62 NATO, 30.06, Vostok 6.5x54R (Russian 7.62x54R service cartridge necked down to 6.5mm), and the targets were animals, not target roundels.

If you are proficient at small calibre shooting,and Biathlon teaches you to shoot from both standing and prone positions, the only thing to overcome with a centerfire rifle is increased weight and recoil.

Addendum: RE: Cheaper Than Dirt - piss on them!

Comment by Anti Everything on January 18, 2016 at 12:51pm

Less Prone - oh hic, now it all make perfect sense! Kidding. Any way I slice the idea of teaching people to kill others is never a good idea unless it is for self-defence - and sniping seems more of an offensive thing. That said, I appreciate the article regarding recoil.

Comment by Less Prone on January 18, 2016 at 10:38am

Allehanda's news editor is trying to explain that the training has nothing to do with sniping. However, small calibre guns are often used in the beginning to teach shooters the right shooting mechanism without a fear of heavy recoil. When they learn how to shoot the next phase is to move into high power sniper rifles. Someone starting training straight with a high power sniper rifle is prone to develop a fear of recoil that will be difficult to unlearn. As 22 calibre ammunition is cheap it is possible to shoot thousands of times that is required to get a certain confidence and accuracy.

How to Fix Anticipating the Recoil

Teaching immigrants to shoot, very bad idea!

Comment by DTOM on January 18, 2016 at 9:05am

It benefits the agenda in so many ways, and the following will be exercised not only in Sweden, but elsewhere. -

1. Training the "controlled" threat, i.e flavor-of-the-month terrorist groups.

2. Training the "future replacement" enforcers (para military forces / militarized police who will eventually replace the existing collaborators) that will be required when the backlash / open resistance from ethnic Europeans begins.

Comment by Anti Everything on January 18, 2016 at 8:37am

Very few things render me speechless from dismay. This is so insanely over the top I am having a difficult time with these facts - this really makes the political anti-gun push even more ridiculous when some governments are training people (not their own) in the most deadly of murder skills. Very sad indeed.

I also agree shooting is a lessor skill then language, food preservation, growing/raising food and building rather then destroying community.

Comment by DTOM on January 18, 2016 at 8:03am

This is true.

What is more frightening is that the original piece was posted on 2013-06-02, 18:43

Original source link in Svenska (Swedish) - http://www.allehanda.se/angermanland/solleftea/laddade-for-prickskytte

They appear to be training on .22 rimfire biathlon type match action rifles.

(further pics at http://newobserveronline.com/sweden-state-funded-muslim-sniper-trai... )

Allehanda backpeddled recently with this defense.



Clarifications regarding cited "sniper training" article

■■ In English: Because of the recent international citations of the 2013 Allehanda article "Laddad för prickskytte", I as News Editor feel that a few clarifications are in order. Several websites refers to the immigration project in Sollefteå as "sniper training". This is not a correct description. The word sniper training implies military combat education which is something completely different from this. Although the refugees in the pictures can be seen holding what looks like sniper rifles, it is in fact biathlon sports equipment. Biathlon is since the 1960s recognised as an Olympic discipline, and the Sollefteå Ski High School runs an international upper secondary school programme for elite competitors. This is where the refugees were invited to try rifle shooting, the only element of biathlon possible in the summer. It was done by the authorities as part of their work with local immigration. I hope this clarifies the circumstances surrounding this article.

Erik Sjölander

0611-55 48 18


There is no clarification that in countries where Biathlon is practiced it was traditionally done so to train military or militia personnel for fighting in snow / mountain areas on operation. The two key parts of biathlon are cross country skiing and precision shooting.

So not at all a requirement for an insurgent force / fifth column in a Northern European nation.

Take this into consideration, what if they then join the Swedish military and gain access to further training and arms, ammunition and equipment?

Their is already concern in Switzerland over the cultural enrichers being permitted to join the Swiss Army - https://themuslimissue.wordpress.com/2015/07/25/switzerland-immigra...

Who is REALLY in control of Sweden’s state-funded Migrationsverket - Migration Agency?

Who are the Advisory council and Ethics council ?

Comment by Less Prone on January 17, 2016 at 2:41pm

You are right, it's madness. There are much more important skills to learn than shooting; learn the language, customs and profession just to begin with.

Comment by Anti Everything on January 17, 2016 at 2:04pm

This sounded so ridiculous I had to search further. I found not less then 8 sites proclaiming this to be fact. It appears we all live in a 'lunatic state' in which each country tries to out do or impress the other sociopaths.

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