Creepy New Netflix Show Sexualizes Children While Pedophilia Runs Rampant in Society

Creepy New Netflix Show Sexualizes Children While Pedophilia Runs Rampant in Society

September 26, 2017

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer
Waking Times

There is a cultural revolution taking place right before your very eyes. It involves the overturn of sexual values and an agenda to normalize pedophilia.

The signs are everywhere.

Major sex-trafficking rings and pedophile prostitution networks are being exposed with shocking regularity. The Catholic church is involved at the highest levels, and Hollywood insiders continue to speak out about the dark side of the entertainment industry. Gender neutrality is the new buzz word and sex robots are the latest in must have consumer devices. Free speech and truth news is being censored from the internet while pornography is utterly pervasive all over the web, widely available to children. Meanwhile members of the political class and global elite continue to be exposed as pedophiles and sexual predators.

Against this backdrop, Netflix is pushing the boundaries of what is culturally acceptable with a new comedy about the sexuality of children.

Exploring the primary theme of puberty, Big Mouth is a new show by producer Nick Kroll in which a cartoon cast experiences the changes that come at this awkward stage in life. Although this subject is undoubtedly uncomfortable for young people, and is traditionally taught by parents and/or sexual education programs in schools, the new show turns puberty into a comedy for adults.

As noted by Vigilant Citizen:

“For some bizarre, disturbing and upsetting reason, the sexualization of children is also part of that agenda. Slowly but surely, new content keeps pushing the envelope, slightly going too far, chipping away at moral decency to make the sexuality of children fair game.


Why? Because Hollywood and the world elite are full of children lovers and they want to normalize their derangement.”

This view is not the mainstream however, and most big media organizations are praising and happily promoting this show, in spite of the fact that the 3 minute trailer features some truly disturbing moments.

Here, a father explains to his son that it’s okay to kiss a penis.

“A father creepily tells his boy that he could “kiss a penis very lightly.”” ~Vigilant Citizen

Speaking to Time magazine, Kroll explains a bit, saying, “As open as society is, there are still certain things that we feel like are too awkward to talk about, and those are the things that we wanted to zero in on specifically.”

He goes on about the creative leeway he was given by Netflix, pushing their limits to find the right balance of perversion and acceptability for a network which recently featured Bill Nye’s now infamous episode of Bill Nye Saves the World on ‘The Sexual Spectrum,’ introducing the concept of gender neutrality to kids.

“Netflix gave us incredible latitude in going for it. In fact, [they] encouraged us at almost every stage to just go for it. In that first episode, Nick sees Andrew’s penis. Now there aren’t probably a ton of animated shows where you’d see a 13-year-old boy’s penis. But it’s incredibly important to the story that you see this other boy’s penis and how it makes him feel because his penis doesn’t look like that yet.


There [was] one moment in [a different episode] where Netflix was like, “Hey this is too far.” I won’t even explain it because it was too graphic. And we agreed, we were on the same page. We knew we had an opportunity to show and talk about stuff that really has never been discussed as directly as we hoped to do. So we leaned into it.”

Here, a very creepy grown male monster with a penis shaped nose invades the boys’ bedroom to tell them about nocturnal emissions.

And here, a young girl has a conversation with her vagina.

“This prebuscent girl talks to her vagina.” ~Vigilant Citizen

No longer bound to the strict traditionalist formats of broadcast television, producers no longer have to use subtlety to promote an agenda, and in this case the agenda is changing the sexual values of a society to normalize the once perverse. Furthermore, as this show is aimed at adults, it serves to legitimize children’s sexuality as a form of entertainment.

Television programming is called programming because it seeks to program the cultural values of a population. It is social engineering, and when looked at in the context of the world today, a show like serves to further the agenda of sexual perversion and predation in a society which is already on the brink of moral annihilation.

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Comment by Less Prone on September 28, 2017 at 2:36pm

Television (and media in general) are used to program the public. A classic work on these manipulation techniques is Edward Bernays's; Propaganda.

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