Deeper Digital Penetration. The expanding invasion of the naked body scanners.

Deeper Digital PenetrationThe expanding invasion of the naked body scanners.

Illustration by Mark Alan Stamaty. Click image to expand. The naked body scanners are taking over.

When we first checked in on them two years ago, the scanners, which see through clothing, were being deployed at a single airport. A few months later, they were upgraded to millimeter-wave technology, which delivered similar images with even less radiation—"10,000 times less than a cell phone transmission," according to the Transportation Security Administration. At the time, TSA assured us that the scanners would be used only as a "voluntary alternative" to "a more invasive physical pat-down during secondary screening." Only a few passengers, the ones selected for extra scrutiny, would face the scanners. The rest of us could walk through the metal detectors and board our planes.

Surprise! Two months ago, TSA revised its position. It began testing millimeter-wave scans "in the place of the walk-through metal detector at six airports." At these airports, everyone—not just people selected for secondary screening—would face the see-through machines. Anyone who objected would "undergo metal detector screening and a pat-down." You might even get the "enhanced pat-down," which includes "sensitive areas of the body that are often used by professional testers and terrorists," such as "the breast and groin areas of females and the groin area of males." Show us your body, or we'll feel you up.

Now the plan is going nationwide. Joe Sharkey of the New York Times reports that TSA "plans to replace the walk-through metal detectors at airport checkpoints with whole-body imaging machines—the kind that provide an image of the naked body." All passengers will "go through the whole-body imager instead of the walk-through metal detector," according to TSA's chief technology officer, and the machines will begin operating soon after orders are placed this summer.

When the scanners first appeared, I endorsed them. When they were upgraded to millimeter-wave technology, I endorsed them again. I gave two reasons. One reason was that a scan was less invasive than a pat-down. The other reason was that TSA promised to blur your face and keep your scan private, so that nobody would ever connect your name to your revealed body. That, I argued, was a sufficient kind of privacy in the age of terrorism.

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Comment by Jeff on April 20, 2009 at 3:38pm
The answer is precisely what Marklar outlined. DON'T PARTICIPATE. Close your bank accounts, stop working, get off the grid, grow your own food, discard your credit cards and NEVER work for the government or join the military.
Comment by Jeff on April 20, 2009 at 3:35pm
The only way to effectively change anything would be to resurrect the demonstrations like those that we had in the mid to late 60s. That isn't going to happen and if it did the preemptive nature of the new Police State would lead to 1000s of arrests before the effort were to get off the ground.

The truth is that Congress, the Senate, the House and the President all need to be fired and new politicians elected with single one year term limits. That also won't happen. Keeping Obama from the White House in 2012 is also unlikely and electing a Republican or Democrat as we have for 100+ years also isn't the answer. They're one in the same.

The United States needs a revolution and it's not likely that will happen in my lifetime although people like Gerald Celente are predicting precisely that. Time will tell but I won't hold my breath. The country isn't in trouble, the citizens are and what's flabbergasting is that few recognize it. The masses are simply too stupid.
Comment by jer mynor on April 20, 2009 at 3:22pm
Jeff: on all blogs that i have read, people bitch, bitch, bitch. that is their right as we know, however, blogs would have more punch to them if bloggers would stop screaming at each other and come up with the more advanced blogging about what can we do to show the Govt. we are fed up with them, and get off the asses who bitch,bitch,bitch, constantly.
what does screaming at the others who also dont come up with any solutions?
It seems the best way to get back this country is to keep the voters anger very high, so that they will vote out all of the DEMO congress.
We did it to the Repubs and hopefully they have learned we, mean what we say.
If this fails we then start the next step up, and that is to blow obama out of office in 2012. Nothing is going to happen fast, but bitching is "nothing" happening.
Comment by Jeff on April 11, 2009 at 11:50pm
Marklar seems to have beaten me by posting the response I would have posted.

If the ignorant masses realized the power we have and were willing to give up a few weeks of beer and American Idol we could change the world, or at least the United States. But of course most of America is occupied by the most ignorant people on the face of this planet. Stupid fucks. Idiots that go to work 5 days a week at mundane and boring jobs and accept 2 weekend days off. These ridiculously ignorant people work 10-20 years of their lives to pay taxes and another 10-20 years of their lives to perpetuate the machine and then retire as paupers when they're too old to enjoy life any longer and too ill to do anything constructive. I'm surrounded by Sheep.

What a joke life in the United States is.
Comment by Marklar on April 11, 2009 at 9:27pm
If Americans weren't stupid and subservient as hell all those planes would have been sitting on the tarmac for the last seven years in the first place. The answer is simple. Don't fly. Don't work for the government. Don't work for defense contractors. Don't work for any company that requires piss testing or background checks, don't cooperate with law enforcement, don't fill out census forms, don't maintain a bank account or take out any loans including via credit card.

In short QUIT COMPLYING in your own destruction and enslavement. Yes, it might cost you a job, it might even cost you your home friends and family but if freedom is not worth the price to you then you are unworthy of freedom.

In short, quit serving the interests of the psychopaths.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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