Democrats Putting Out the Fire with Gasoline

Since the election of Bill Clinton in the mid 1990’s we have seen American society dragged down by the weight of the elected entrenched ideologues who care nothing for the rule of law while pushing the nation down a destructive path. Without a reverence for the wisdom of our founding fathers or the reasons that the 13 Colonies originally rebelled against King George and the British and just how those timeless virtues are relevant today American exceptionalism is but a joke in the eyes of the ignorant and thoroughly indoctrinated.

Sanctioned Oppression

The Democrats have used unelected bureaucrats to wage war against American business, US land ownership, and the concept of individual freedom. Each Democrat administration brings the country closer to civil war, financial upheaval, and a campaign of propaganda that defies logic. Allowing millions of illegal immigrants to violate our laws so that they can get the vote to remain in power while lying to the American public about the ongoing crisis on the border is just one example of a corruption that only our own enemies would approve of.

The Long plan

Just as Communist sponsored overthrow of governments they have targeted it takes several generations to topple a society that exists thanks to its own unique heritage, had a vital economy, and governs itself according to its own constitution. It requires the destruction of that nation on several fronts. Targeting education, infiltrating the government with activists that are in opposition to the existing leadership, and causing the type of social unrest that comes when they have undermined the patriotism of the masses to their own leadership. These are all elements being used against America at this very moment by the Democrats and the enemies of our country they have aligned with!

Sinister plot

The stages of conquest identified in the Communist doctrine are Demoralization, Destabilization, and then Normalization or, as the Communists once joked, once Soviet troop trucks are on the streets and tanks are suppressing the remaining opposition of the patriots. When our public schools focus on sexual identity using a condition known as “Gender Dysphoria”  as a civil rights policy when the America Psychiatric Society defines this a mental abnormality, when our federal personnel orientation define our Founding Fathers as domestic terrorists, when our own President Obama not only abolished the Defense of Marriage Act and proclaimed that America is not a nation under God, we have a new order of subversives who have breached the White House and are assaulting the very founding ideals that gave birth to a nation!


Brainwashing kids

The strength of a Communist regime is measured in how well they have compromised the critical thinking of the youth of a nation. Since their overthrow stems upon a gradual subversion of several generations using propaganda, disruption of civil coexistence, and transforming the heroes of that culture that defined what the founding principles of that nation are about, into villains! A quick look into the past gives us the perfect examples of an indoctrinated youth who can be manipulated into turning their own parents into the authorities, getting the student to think in terms of radical behavior that destroys the every underpinnings of the society with political dogma that is direct conflict with the founding principles due to being indoctrinated by the very taxpayer funded public education that was supposed to prepare the child for the future and to respect the history of his own country. When that government uses taxpayer funds to print opposing points of view, those of our enemies, like “Rules For Radicals” by Saul Alinsky, a man who saluted Satan for being the first rebellious radical, while marveling at the mob for intimidating people with violence, tells us what kind of mentors should never be lauded, but a compromised government will.

Historic atrocities forgotten

Red China attained its bloody revolution under Mao with iron fists, no tolerance, brainwashing the minds of its youth, and allowing a merciless campaign against the opposing party resulting in millions of citizens being liquidated. The children of mothers and father who saw Mao Zedong for being the dictator that he was were turned in by their very own children and executed as a result. In Nazi Germany much the same happened as children who were labeled “Werewolves” by the Nazi disinformation campaign executed parents turned in by their militarized children who had learned only ideological propaganda and not true history. In Vietnam the Communists under Ho Chi Minh used intimidation, brainwashing, and brutality to get the rice farmers, and poor villagers of the South to accept the supposed reunification narrative of the Communists as they waged bloody terrorism against a once peaceful society. In one night the villagers who accepted American hospitality and pacification programs could be summarily executed in mass graves out in the jungles if they did not act as agents of the Vietcong!

Redistribution fantasy

In Russia the Bolsheviks attacked every norm known by the comparatively conservative God fearing families of the general population and began social unrest. They attacked accepted civil behavior forcing the people to acclimate themselves to complete government control. Families were separated, homosexuality was permitted, private estates were broken up and ownership was now that of the state under the aegis of the “People’s Republic” just one of many lies! These accurate portrayals of historic atrocities have not been taught to the new generation of kids in American classrooms who can now not distinguish between free enterprise and a state run socialist regime! Instead they are fed the speeches of former President Barack Obama who would rather push LGBTQ rights and the horrid treatment of minorities in the distant past than speak about the merits of American exceptionalism and how the US became a world power in record time under the emblem of individual rights.

Delegitimizing history

We hear the false narratives of Governor Cuomo or Nancy Pelosi telling us America was never that great to begin with as though our country was some kind of criminal enterprise that victimized everyone and rose to power through injustice! They conveniently fail to recognize the fact that America at the cost of millions of lives fought a Civil War to guarantee the rights of Black Americans and liberated the world twice in the 20th Century against fascism! This is just a small example of the ongoing disinformation practiced against our history, our humanitarian contribution to humanity worldwide, and how our unique vision of rights attracts people from all over the world who want opportunity and better treatment here on the soil of our nation.


When Bill Ayers and the Weather Underground committed acts of terror against their own country policeman were assassinated, federal buildings were blown up, a young judge’s son was critically injured after a bomb had been detonated at his home. These people planned on subverting America so severely that our Communist enemies would take us over. Then they contemplated having to execute perhaps millions of hardcore conservative patriots who could never be won over to the forced reprogramming of their captors-the Communists! Today, the Democrats contemplate the very same thing as they conspire to attack Trump supporters and demonize them with names like “White Nationalists” A quick check of history tells us that Chiang Kai Chek was a Nationalist who fought the Communists from trying to take over China, but lost and were forced to retreat to Taiwan where they survive today under the threat of 800 missiles aimed at them from mainland China by the peace loving peoples of the People’s Republic of China, when in truth the people own nothing only the state just as in Russia.

Impossible schemes

The Democrats have the same vision for America. Big government, crushing taxes and regulations,  enacting  the restrictions of Agenda 21 under a draconian machine that controls every aspect of the individual’s life ready to deploy a global army against those who don’t see eye to eye with the obsessive environmental ideology of an out of control state! Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, a newly elected Democrat Congresswoman admits she knows nothing Congressional procedural conduct, is a former bar tender, and led a privileged life under affluent parents, yet like most spoiled kids has little concept of earning that money and working hard for it, instead she would rather dream up a massive environmental restricting of the United States where there are no longer gasoline burning engines, electricity fueled by powered plants, and buildings remedially restructured to reflect earth friendly materials with better insulation. Estimated cost 100 trillion dollars. A move that would topple our economy and provide sporadic alternative energy that is highly undependable resulting in the deaths of those in extreme winter climates and highly arid temperatures in summer months.

Ultimate intentions

The foolhardy recommendations of entrenched ideologues are largely of no better merit than depopulation programs designed to use less resources, sacrifice human lives for some theoretical outcome, and allow a global government to oppress the masses while a few elites sit on top of the dog heap telling everyone one else they must do without as they enjoy their lavish lifestyles under the aegis of the people’s beloved leaders! Putting out the fire of the right wing, of the conservatives, of the Constitutionalists, and the Christians with gasoline!



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Comment by Doc Vega on April 5, 2019 at 12:20pm

Raz Putin Thanks!

Comment by Doc Vega on April 3, 2019 at 12:57pm

Thanks ckeeki kea!

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