Disgraced Former Penn State University President Now Working for U.S. Government

Washington Post
July 30, 2012



Graham Spanier might have been ousted from his post at the helm of Penn State over the sex-abuse scandal that engulfed the university, but it seems he’s found a backup employer: the American taxpayer.

Only a disgraced public figure would consider joining the much-maligned ranks of the federal workforce as a step up, reputation-wise. We can assume there were no openings for a used-car salesman.

Spanier was faulted in an internal Penn State report after the conviction on child-molestation charges of former assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky. The report said he, head coach Joe Paterno and others helped cover up Sandusky’s abuse.

His lawyer confirms to the Loop that Spanier is working on a part-time consulting basis for a “top-secret” agency on national security issues.But the gig is so hush-hush, he couldn’t even tell his attorneys the name of the agency. In April — months after his ouster as president but before the release of the internal report — he told the Patriot-News of central Pennsylvania that he was working on a “special project for the U.S. government relating [to] national security.”


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Comment by Margaret Sedam on July 31, 2012 at 12:48pm

I to have a huge problem with people benefiting from others pain.  The AP article says that it can't be verified and I have looked in vain for some kind of verification besides what Spanier has to say.  He has no credibility with me.  I am a Pennsylvania native and worked at a Penn State affiliated college and never heard very much positive about this man.  If this proves to be true I would start the first petition to call for his removal on moral grounds.  It is an absolutely insane practice which goes on large scale. 

Comment by noblsht on July 30, 2012 at 9:29pm

Well don't we have a right to know who' he's working for and what he's doing, we are paying their salaries, soon it will be time to as a say off with there heads and let it be sooner

Comment by raymond _______ on July 30, 2012 at 6:40pm

Does not surprise me.

Comment by rtaylortitle on July 30, 2012 at 3:47pm

There used to be a joke about "no good deed goes unpunished".  Now, especially since 911 and the mortgage-backed securities fraud with Wall Street Banksters and money-junkies....no BAD deed goes unpunished either.

Comment by Marley Jones on July 30, 2012 at 2:25pm

and it's the perfect place to - if you have a criminal mindset.   Honestly, we can all do so well without what they call government - and we can't do well with it.  I look forward to the day and hope to live to see it when we believe no more in myths and false authority and can look to ourselves and our neighbors and community collectively.   But I wonder how long can the sociopaths 'rule'?  Not too long if we don't believe in them. All of us.   

Comment by MAC on July 30, 2012 at 2:17pm

This is a disgusting development!

But he is in like company, they can all have a great time together at bohemian grove, practicing there perversions, he could even visit the oval office and get some head from the long legged mac daddy

Comment by guest_blog on July 30, 2012 at 11:52am
(pedaophile protection team?)

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