US Army Special Operations Command Purpose  
The Commander of United States Army Special Operation Command (USASOC) seeks a written invitation and approval from local officials to conduct Realistic Military Training (RMT) within their jurisdictions for joint military exercise, JADE HELM 15 (JH15)

My husband and I watched some of these "exercises" where troops contain "unruly citizens", (crisis actors/other military playing roles) who are behind the lines, asking for "FOOD & WATER", i.e., the basic necessities.

Consider that the very reason we don't have enough "FOOD & WATER" globally, is due to the current regimes policies, implemented through these same uniformed individuals who literally force us to obey through threat of death, theft of all our property, and/or incarceration.

85 to 90% of ALL WAR CASUALTIES are NON-COMBATANT CIVILIANS!!! HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
WTF are WE practicing for????

Pentagon Prep For Breakdown Of Society Seen Across Country
By Stefan Stanford
All News Pipeline

WE ARE TRAINING TO SUBDUE EACH OTHER instead of the BANKING, POLITICAL, and RELIGIOUS WAR CRIMINALS currently in power.  For years target practice boards have been made of life size men, women, pregnant women, and "zombies", which is how the military further dehumanizes us. THE MISSION IS WRONG!!!!!

How many bankers are in jail for ruining the lives of millions? How many illegal "laws" or decrees favor criminals over victims? (the criminal justice system says it all doesn't it???). How many rivers, streams, and oceans have been polluted without penalties addressing the destruction, or money to help the injured? What about the newer trade agreements that demand corporate profit above all else? The militarization of the police locally with swat teams is just waiting to enforce these new terrorist policies.

How can "WE" ever hope to have lives other than debt slavery, when ALL OUR RESOURCES are being STOLEN by THE MILITARY which is YOU & ME in UNIFORMS??  THINK FOR YOURSELVES!!!!!

And now, the controllers expect "US" to simply stand by and watch as these military games occur.

OUR CHILDREN are cannon fodder, yet WE keep abdicating "OUR LIVES" and duty to "PROTECT THEM" in order to feel better about our current dependent, debauched situation. The only things that change are the mounting death and destruction tolls, as well as the boundaries of our invisible cage, which grow smaller by the day.

The military have unlimited budgets, plundering, destroying, and using chemicals that have been outlawed long ago, but we continue to keep our heads down, working 1, 2, 3, or more "just over broke" jobs, and hoping somehow for our rewards .... AFTER WE DIE!!!! Look at how Our Vets are treated !!!!!!!

"Military men are just dumb, stupid animals, to be used as pawns in foreign policy" henry kissenger.
WHO is served by this belief? kissenger is, and so are his friends like the clintons, bushes, cheney's, rothschilds, rockefellers, and the other evil, lying, inbred traitorous eugenicists who prefer to be called elite.

You aren't, neither are your children or spouses, but that's okay, because you are simply here to obey and protect the"elite"  so you'll go to heaven when you die........BULLSHIT!!!!!!

What about living HERE & NOW???

This is an ABUNDANT PLANET, yet instead of rejoice, create and share, the few who rule our minds and hearts lie, steal, murder, and profit from us as independent units of energy in their game. Now they are implementing smart grids and the technologies to completely determine what they will grant us in terms of power, food, clothing, etc. And WE are OBEYING.

There is NOWHERE TO RUN!!!!

This interview with John B. Wells and Patrick Wood sheds light on some of our enemies, " The Trilateral Commission" and it's use of technocracy. While the subject of trans-humanism and immortality is not addressed, there is much here to consider in terms of why our world is so insane.

We are Frequency, Water, Energy, and Light. We've been lied to, stolen from and deceived throughout our entire history.

What is more important that making sure that each and every ONE OF US has Water, Food, Shelter, Clothing and Health???

What is more important than making sure that each and every ONE OF US has the opportunity to truly become all we can, exploring our unique gifts and creatively inventing all manner of devices to help and not harm our existence?

What is more important than honoring the same underlying energy that breathes Life into ALL, than by HONORING LIFE ITSELF, IN ALL IT'S FORMS????

Those in power believe that WE are too stupid and need to be totally managed  for "our own good". Look at the state of our world which is and has been under their control for this what you want?

They have granted themselves the "legal authority" to experiment on us at will, and we've many examples to prove this throughout history. The U.S. military wants to "own the weather by 2025", and it's documented that they used this technology back in the Viet Nam war, which began with a lie, like all wars.

And now here in the U.S., "Jade Helm" is going on, and some of the participants will have LIVE AMMO!

What about real crimes?

Maybe the military have decided that they are going to pretend to steal your neighbors car, and he knows about it, but you don't. You grab your gun to protect his property because you want to help. What are your chances of surviving????? Did you know that back in 2013 the number of Americans killed by cops outnumbered those kille...

What area of OUR LIVES remains untainted by government abuse?? What is really happening with Fukushima and the nuclear disasters that are mounting daily while being ignored by those who create them????
If WE wait for the government to initiate another false flag first, we're at their mercy..........instead of using OUR FAR GREATER NUMBERS to STOP THEM AND BRING THEM to JUSTICE!!

WE COULD STRIKE IN ORDER DECLARE AN IMMEDIATE CEASE FIRE & IMPLEMENT MORAL STEWARDSHIP!!!!! WE could REFUSE to support ANY government, job, badge or piece of paper that violates Natural Rights and prevents us from ensuring that ALL OF US PROSPER!
No more profit over PEOPLE!!!!

What would happen if we stocked up on food, water, survival and protection gear, and on the same day, like June 15th, WE stopped everything else in order to GO LOCAL and begin to take OUR LIVES, TOWNS AND COMMUNITIES BACK! WE know who the traitors are!!!!

Send ALL TROOPS HOME to help rebuild, protect, defend and get the health care needed.....NOT just pharmaceuticals and standard medical practices,  but ALL holistic methods to be provided freely to those who are in need!!!!! Check this map of herbal cures put out in 1930's which includes cannibus, and think about how many have and are suffering now due to "laws" that force toxic drugs and prison on us instead.

The immoral prison industrial complex must be closed and those who are incarcerated for victimless crimes released, and exchanged with those who have proven to be causing harm. Forget about money, the resources are here, we simply need to administrate and be responsible for OURSELVES. We can't eat money, we can roll up our sleeves and get busy within our communities and streets to combine and maximize our efforts as we transform our world from one where profit reigns, to one where PEOPLE are valued above ALL ELSE! Forget globalism, boundaries and bullshit, form voluntary armed cooperatives and work together to rebuild right where you are.

No harm, injury or loss, no crime. No rulers, but those are the rules and well armed individuals everywhere will enforce them.
We make sure that all utility companies keep going, by volunteering to take shifts and rotate duties, working short hours, in order to share the load as well as have time for ourselves and families. We abandon all jobs that destroy habitats and ecosystems, reinventing ourselves as we go.

The homeless are taken care of, and moved into empty buildings and offices of businesses that are no longer needed, like wall street derivative offices and banks. There are abandoned and neglected homes everywhere that also can be used, and those who benefit must also put out effort to help themselves unless they are unable to do so.

Schools are currently indoctrination centers for the controllers, there is no need to extend this curriculum, but lessons in gardening, farming, building, healing, as well as ways to incorporate new technologies to improve our ecosystems are desperately needed....including totally new hospitals which are complete with farms and gardens and juices and HEMP..........

Our true sense of worth entails not only Who WE are, but what WE do to make OUR WORLD BETTER!!!
"WE the People" could demand the hidden technologies from the military industrial complexes be turned over and used to undo the damage created by revering profit.

Or "WE" can continue to ignore the warnings, and condone this military force of farce, standing by and watching while those pretending to be hungry, are physically and mentally abused by OUR FAMILIES in uniforms, who are paid to PROTECT the GLOBAL MAFIA.
If a bomb or drone went off in our neighborhood, what would our priorities be? Wouldn't we do EVERYTHING WE COULD TO STOP THE DEATH AND DESTRUCTION? Well OUR BROTHERS & SISTERS in Gaza, Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Ukraine, Africa, etc, etc, etc, ALL FACE DEATH NOW and it comes from UNIFORMED AGENTS WHO OBEY AND MURDER EACH OTHER WHILE WE PAY AND PRAY FOR RELEASE!!!!! WW3 IS HAPPENING NOW AND WE'RE RESPONSIBLE!!!!

REJECT & REFUSE WARS OF central banking, along with jade helm's "mastering the human condition"....  OUR TROOPS NEED TO STEP OUT OF THEIR UNIFORMS AND INTO THEIR LIVES!!!!


Time to face the ugly truth or die as slaves by refusing to.


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