Our belief in "authority" prevents us from taking a stand.  We've been trained to look to the "experts" who will save us, "Follow the Leader", and keep our heads down while being subservient .......... but where are they leading us??

The People who wear robes, uniforms, medals, badges, expensive clothes, jewelry and make lots of money, have been stealing from US to achieve their wealth. And they've been doing it throughout  history, setting themselves up, creating rulers, politicians, religious leaders, armies, rewriting the rules, and collecting profits because we still love the rituals and kiss the ring.

They'd like us to continue to believe that Our Lives are only a test, and that we must sacrifice for our true existence...... AFTER WE DIE!!!?

WHO is served?   THEY ARE!!!!! And they are destroying OUR WORLD in the process!

We are the First Course for their greed; and as we kneel and pray, fighting for their scraps, they continue to live off of our fear, all the while being the cause of it.

Our belief that it is right and good to spend millions revering horrible bosses and obeying them, is KILLING us. We'd rather watch the parade and pretend then really look at the waste of wealth which could be used to save the lives of those who've been condemned to suffer because they were not born into the right homes.

Look at this picture and think about the just over broke job you have.
http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/05/27/13/291C488600000578-3098853-Regular_Although_he_does_not_have_to_be_there_Prince_Charles_aga-a-152_1432728913280.jpg" alt="Addressing peers and MPs in the Houses of Lords, the Queen laid out a programme of tax cuts, job creation and house building " height="580" width="798" />

Your belief in that just over broke job funds these criminals, and if you don't by now realize the so called "royal family" are mafioso pedophiles at the very least, check out the expressions on their faces and do some research.

Now stop for a minute and think about the "Joy of Being" that has been stolen from you by these evil, lying, inbred, traitorous eugenicists, or "elites".

Self Ownership, Voluntarism, Non Aggression, Honorable Defense and Moral Stewardship are what WE can give OURSELVES!.

When we finally have had enough of our just over broke existence, we can pick ourselves up and focus on OUR LIVES instead of serving these lying sacks.

June 15th is coming. So is Jade Helm. The military is here, the police kill at will, and you've got how much in the bank? What would happen if MILLIONS of US QUIT WORKING FOR THEM AND STARTED WORKING FOR OURSELVES, STEPPING OUT OF OUR UNIFORMS AND INTO OUR LIVES?
We may never know.................. but I'm living MINE and in whatever time is left, WHO ARE YOU LIVING FOR?????


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