David Duke Books


David Duke – New Controversial Video!

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New Video 15th Most favored in the World!

Many Christians are now told that Christians must support Israel and even support Jewish power in America because “God has a covenant with the

In fact, this goes against the fundamental teachings of the New Testament!

In the first place, the Covenant talked about in the Old Testament was always “Conditional.” That is, God said that he would honor it to the 1000th generation, BUT, that IF they did not keep
the commandments of God, or rejected him, that God would requite them
and “destroy” them. (more…)

New David Duke Blockbuster Video — Should Christians Support Israel?

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graham" src="http://www.davidduke.com//images/grahamandnixon1.jpg" alt="" width="240" height="142"">

– Billy Graham and Richard Nixon speak candidly about the danger of a Jewish controlled media

Should Christians Support Israel?
By David Duke

Click on Video Picture on Left to Watch it!

lHear Dr. David Duke’s audio broadcast on this subject:

In the conversation with Nixon, Rev. Billy Graham, the Southern Baptist evangelist expressed disdain for what he saw as Jewish domination of the

“This stranglehold has got to be broken or this country’s going down the drain,” Graham said, agreeing with Nixon’s comments earlier in the conversation.

“You believe that?” Nixon says in response.

“Yes, sir,” says Graham.

“Oh boy. So do I,” Nixon agrees, then says: “I can’t ever say that, but I believe it.” (From the Associated Press)

I am a Christian, but I must also state that I am tolerant of other religious beliefs, and I am committed to the right of people to have and practice whatever religious
belief they so choose. Freedom of thought, conscience, belief and
speech is fundamental to traditional European communities. I oppose
religious intolerance, just as I oppose political tyranny and the
suffocating encroachment of world government. (more…)

Hear Derek Black’s new radio program now being broadcast on WPBR-AM...

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The Derek Black ShowNew Derek Black Show on AM Radio!

From Don Black

We’ve finalized arrangements for Stormfront’s Renaissance Man, Derek Black (Theodoric) to broadcast a twice weekly program on our local West Palm Beach radio
station WPBR 1340AM.
The programs will air live each Tuesday and Thursday, 9:00 to 11:00 AM
ET, (call in number 561-533-6134). A live audio/video stream
is available through the station’s website along with an audio
only stream
. The programs will also be archived online afterward:

Derek Black News/Talk Radio 4-8-2010 @ 44kHz, 16kHz
Derek takes calls and comments on current events, special guests are Don Black, Sid
Whinerstein, Jose Lambet and correspondent Truck Roy

Tags: "The Derek Black Show"


Creeping De-Christianization

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Jewish extremists attack Christianity even on Easter!!

by Jeff Davis

On Easter Sunday, I took a look at the (Jewish) TV programs and they had a documentary about the Dalai Lama, a documentary on Islamic Art, horror movies about anacondas, a Stephen King movie,
several sex documentaries and worst-of-all those snotty, atheistic,
British-narrated “science” documentaries that attack and belittle the
Bible as if it’s all superstitions and folk tales.

I remember a biology professor in college who pointed out that the order of evolution in science was the exact same order as the story of Creation in the
Bible. First the world was created, then life in the seas, then life on
land and last of all man appeared. Was a higher entity telling people on
this world information that mankind couldn’t possibly have known 2,500
years ago?

As for the miracles in the Bible, advanced science looks like a miracle to primitive people. A “virgin birth” could be the creation of a clone and its surgical implantation, a technology that has
only become known in recent decades. We can bring people back from the
“dead” for about five minutes after they “die” with CPR and/or a
defibrillator. God was capable of bringing back people from the dead
three days after death as was the case with Lazarus and Jesus Christ.
And God had that technology two thousand years ago. (more…)


Who Controls the Republican Party?

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Who Controls the Republican Party?

by Jeff Davis

The Republican Party pretends to be for lower taxes, and most White people think they support gun ownership and the general interests of White
people, but nothing could be further from the truth. Republican
politicians are whores for big business and the Israeli lobby.

It is possible to influence politicians a little bit on certain issues, by calling them up everyday and screaming at them when an important issue
comes up. And that’s exactly what we’ll have to do to block Obama’s
Amnesty scheme –assuming we have a chance. Amnesty was shot down in
2007, but the Democrats have a large majority in Congress now, and
Amnesty might get rammed through against our will just like health care.

One of the things which is vitally necessary to understand the upcoming Obama-choreographed “debate” on so-called “immigration reform” is the
fact that the power structure wants these illegal aliens here. The two
party system has stacked the deck against us. If anyone has any doubts,
just take a look at all the federal judges, who keep ruling in favor of
illegal aliens. (more…)


New Duke Video — Israeli Terrorism Against America!

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New Video — Israeli Terrorism Against America!

Nothing can show the Zionist control over American media and politics more than the fact that Israel has committed cold-blooded, murderous terrorism
and treachery against America without any reprisal. The fact that most
Americans are not even aware of Israeli terrorist attacks against us
speaks volumes as to the extent of the media control that we are under.

This video exposes the only nation in the Israel- Arab conflict that has committed terrorism against us. That nation is Israel. In the Lavon
terrorist attacks Israel was caught red-handed. In the
attack on the
USS Liberty which was proven to be
deliberate terrorism against us by people no less than the U.S.
Secretary of State at the time, Dean Rusk, and the Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, Admiral Thomas Moorer. In the repeated spying
against America
by Israel, we see no “friend” but an enemy of
everyone but their own Zionist agenda. It is illustrated by the Pollard
Spy Case which is considered the most damaging spying done to America in
our nation’s history. Yet, still our government sends billions of our
tax dollars to Israel. – David Duke


Illinois and Florida Follow California Down the Financial Drain

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Illinois and Florida Follow California Down the Financial Drain

by Jeff Davis

California has been leading the nation as it bobsleds toward bankruptcy thanks to the crushing burden caused by millions of illegal aliens, not to mention the Obama Depression. Now it looks like
Illinois and Florida are tied for second place in the race toward
economic oblivion.

The Orlando Sun-Sentinel reports: “Florida’s unemployment hit 12.2 percent in February, the highest rate on record, soaring past even the rates
recorded in the 1973-1975 recession. February’s rate rose a 0.2
percentage point from the January revised rate of 12 percent. More than
1.26 million people are out of work in the state.”

Does that include the hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens from Mexico and elsewhere in Latin America as well as Haiti and all around the Caribbean
who weigh down Florida like an anchor around the state’s neck?

Meanwhile an article in the Daily Herald notes “The Illinois unemployment rate inched up to
11.4 percent in February, up one-tenth from the month before, the
Illinois Department of Employment Security reported Thursday.” (more…)


Sheriff Joe Arpaio Still on the Job

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Sheriff Joe Arpaio Still on the Job

by Jeff Davis

It’s nice to have a beacon of sanity in a sea of madness. Virtually all our top politicians seem hell bent on shoving Amnesty down our throats. The
Jewish-controlled mainstream media of course supports Amnesty since the
Jews want to destroy the White race and America as we know it.

Despite all this pressure from the top to flood America with illegal aliens, Sheriff Joe Arpaio keeps telling the political elite to stuff it.

A Yahoo News article reports: “The Maricopa County Sheriff’s Office in
Arizona has launched a two-day, countywide crime and immigration sweep
that authorities say will focus on drop houses, drug violators and human
smuggling vehicles. Four hundred deputies and volunteer posse members
are taking part in the patrols. The sweep, which began Thursday, is
Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s 14th since early 2008. During the sweeps, deputies
flood an area of a city — in some cases heavily Latino areas — to seek
out traffic violators and arrest other alleged lawbreakers. Critics say
Arpaio’s deputies have racially profiled Hispanics. The sheriff says
deputies approach people only when they have probable cause to believe
people have committed crimes.” (more…)


Obama’s Next Item: Amnesty

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Obama’s Next Item: Amnesty

by Jeff Davis

The Obama administration has always been planning a one-two-three punch for its first four years. The first was “healthcare reform,” which we just had
rammed down our throats. The second punch is so-called “immigration
reform” to amnesty and legalize the 20 to 30 million illegal aliens now
resident in the United States. The third punch will be gun control and
confiscation to render the White population absolutely powerless. The
second item is coming up fast.

The Washington Times reports: “President Obama on Thursday gave a thumbs-up to the framework of a plan to legalize illegal immigrants and create a flow of
low-skilled foreign workers for the future, saying the bill being
worked on by a Republican lawmaker and his Democrat counterpart is
promising. The long-awaited framework, written by Sens. Charles E.
Schumer, New York Democrat, and Lindsey Graham, South Carolina
Republican, calls for illegal immigrants to be put on a path to

That is the deadly buzz phrase we have to watch out for here, “path to citizenship”. We also face a bi-partisan threat since many Republicans are whores to the big corporations which want cheap
illegal alien labor, no matter what these backward, Brown immigrants do
to the country. (more…)

Tom Sunic Interviews Kevin MacDonald part 2 scheduled!

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The Sunic Journal
Interview with Kevin MacDonald, Part 2

On Tuesday, April 6, 2010, at 9 PM Eastern US time, Tom will interview Dr. Kevin MacDonald in the second of a two part discussion.
Topics for this portion will include:

· “Hate speech” in the US, the fear of the stigma of racism, and the imagery of Whites in the media
· Political polarization along racial lines in the US
· The Jewish reaction to racial changes in Southern California
· Joe Biden’s trip to Israel and the low-point in US/Israeli relations (more…)


David Duke Video Archive! Quick Links to Videos!

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Watch David Duke TV!

Jewish Terrorism Against America!

The Dynamics of the Jewish Elite!

Affirmative Action is Racist !!

The Purim Celebration of Hate

Purim II: Promotion of Genocide

Hollywood Basterds by David Duke

Do Jews Control the Media? — The LA Times Says Yes!

Shoe Bombers, crotch bombers, 9/11 and Israel

The Zionist Matrix of Power in America

The Zionist Red Army by David Duke

Stop the Genocide of European Mankind (more…)

George Soros, HIAS & Andy Stern’s S.E.I.U. Behind Amnesty Push

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Roy Beck Assaulted by Andy Stern's Marxist Service Employees International Union “SEIU” Jewish Groups At The Forefront of “Immigration Reform”

MidWest Free Press

Now that President Obama’s Health Care Agenda has been shoved down the throats of the American people, immigration reform is likely the next
big controversy. It has been reported that Jewish Senator Chuck Schumer
(D-N.Y.) and the Neo-con patsy Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) have already
drafted a comprehensive immigration bill.

Frustrated with the time it has taken for this issue to re-enter the spotlight, illegal alien activist groups held a massive march on Washington this past Sunday. As
noted in the article below, many Jewish groups were involved with the

Jewish Groups Join March for Immigration Reform

American Jewish groups were among 200,000 protesters in Washington demanding comprehensive immigration reform in the United States. (more…)


Double Standard Alert: Jews want Blacks to live everywhere on the p...

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To reduce the number of Black babies, Israel subjects Ethiopians to long-term birth control

By Jonathan Cook

NAZARETH, Israel // Health officials in Israel are subjecting many female Ethiopian immigrants to a controversial long-term birth control drug in
what Israeli women’s groups allege is a racist policy to reduce the
number of black babies.

The contraceptive, known as Depo Provera, which is given by injection every three months, is considered by many doctors as a birth control method of last resort because of problems
treating its side effects.

However, according to a report published last week, use of the contraceptive by Israeli doctors has risen threefold over the past few years. Figures show that 57 per cent
of Depo Provera users in Israel are Ethiopian, even though the community
accounts for less than two per cent of the total population. (more…)


New York Delays Tax Refunds

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New York Delays Tax Refunds

by Ian Mosley

The ongoing financial collapse of states and municipality proceeds apace. Now New York is delaying state income tax refunds. WCBS-TV
reports: “For hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers, the check won’t be
in the mail — at least not on time. New York State has stopped paying
tax refunds and won’t start again until next month. The tax refund delay
is part of a bigger cash crunch. Half a billion dollars’ worth of
refund checks were put on hold last Friday, and state beancounters won’t
start sending you your money until at least April 1. ‘I apologize that
we had to do this. I hope it serves notice on the public of how serious
our financial situation is,’ Gov. David Paterson said.’ ”

Somehow, I doubt if taxpayers will get any slack in paying their property taxes. If you don’t pay on time, expect some massive fine. Unfortunately, you
don’t get to fine them when they send your income tax refund late. (more…)


Judea declares War on Obama by Gilad Atzmon — With Dr. Duke’s Comme...

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Judea declares War on Obama by Gilad Atzmon
Gilad Atzmon

Pre-commentary by David DukeIn another brilliant article by Gilad Atzmon, he exposes the underlying currents of Jewish extremism. The fact that he
would expose the Jewish world declaration of war against Germany, even
before any German actions against Jews, is something that hardly any
Gentile public figure would dare do. Just that one headline explains so
much as to why we had the horrible war that killed over 60 million
Europeans and left our civilization in the hands of the Jewish

As for Obama, there is definitely a lot of Jewish anger right now against Obama for simply having the Vice-President and the Secretary of State voice disapproval of the
massive Israeli betrayal of American interests by authorizing a huge
Jewish land grab in East Jerusalem. Of course, Jews have destroyed other
Presidents as well for even the slightest criticism of Israel. The
speeches at AIPAC by Democratic leaders show clearly though, that Obama
and Clinton are fully prostrate at the feet of the Jewish extremists.
For if they were really free and independent, they would announce to
Israel that since Israel is harming America’s interests and policies,
that if Israel does not cease all new land grabs of Palestinian land,
America will cut off the billions of taxpayer’s dollars that Israel
gets. But, don’t hold your breath! That won’t happen just as Obama
wouldn’t even say a word as Israel massacred hundreds of Palestinians in
Gaza. True tyrants don’t tolerate one iota of criticism. The truth is
that Obama has been their boy for a long time. Jewish extremists Axelrod
and Emanuel are at his left ear and right ear. Now that Obama has made
this gaff, you can be sure he will work overtime to support Israel in a
thousand ways behind the scenes in order to placate the wrath of the
Zionists. This article is such a good exposition of true Jewish
extremism, read it a learn a lot from this incredibly honest and
courageous Jew–Gilad Atzmon. --dd

Last week we read about AIPAC’s assault against President Obama. It was reported that the Jewish Lobby in America took its gloves off. In the open, AIPAC
decided to mount pressure on the American leadership and President
Obama in particular. (more…)

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