Ebola Virus: The Global Elite’s Bio-Weapon Scheme for 90 Percent Depopulation

Ebola Virus: The Global Elite’s Bio-Weapon Scheme for 90 Percent De...

Susanne Posel, Contributor
Activist Post

The Ebola virus mysteriously appeared in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) in 1976 and has sporadically reappeared in the area without explanation ever since. Mainstream medical professional believe that eating monkeys who are infected with Ebola is the initial mode of transmission. However, this is accepted speculation because the scientific community agrees that the natural reservoir of the virus is unknown and therefore knowledge of transmission is only hypothesized.

In July of this year, a sudden outbreak of the Ebola virus surfaced, killing 14 people. The World Health Organization (WHO), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and Uganda’s Ministry of Health came together to control the unexpected eruption.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni made a formal statement warning his citizens:

I therefore appeal to you to be vigilant. Avoid shaking of hands; do not take on burying somebody that has died from symptoms which look like Ebola. Instead, call the health workers to be the ones to do it. And avoid promiscuity because these sicknesses can also go through sex.

Dr. Paul Roddy, Medecins Sans Frontieres (MSF), a French charity, asserts that the outbreak of the Ebola virus in Uganda has been stabilized, however an additional outbreak could erupt in another location. Roddy believes that natives eating bush-meat were the catalyst for spread. He assumes that monkeys who have eaten infected bats, that were then consumed by Ugandans was the chain of infection.

Eight days later, in the DRC, a new strain of the Ebola virus has surfaced according to medical volunteers from MSF. It is not the same strain as was discovered in Uganda.

This new epidemic is being monitored because “not every person who develops the disease will develop clear symptoms that are recognized as Ebola. For the moment it seems that there are not that many cases but the exact number of cases is unknown,” said Anja de Weggheleire, representative of MSF.

Overseen by the US Department of Defense (DoD) under the Transformational Medical Technologies program (TMT) of the Defense Threat Reduction Agency and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) have spent millions of dollars conducting scientific research into the Ebola virus, its potential for being turned into a bio-weapon and certain vaccine efforts through two drug corporations, Massachusetts-based Sarepta Therapeutics and Tekmira Pharmaceuticals of Canada. Then the funding was abruptly cut.

The TMT creates relationships with private sector biotech firms, pharmaceutical corporations and academic institutions, as well as other government agencies to advance biological warfare, research viral and biological weapons and estimate threat levels of all biological agents based on ability to infect and effectiveness of devastation. READ MORE HERE>>

(TLS-) Weaponized Ebola is assuredly sitting on the shelf in multiple locations around the world just waiting to be 'stolen' or 'accidentally' infect someone starting a massive outbreak.  Who knows if they will pull the trigger on this one or not?

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Comment by Less Prone on September 6, 2012 at 3:39pm
90% depopulation requires a large scale application of the virus globally. Viruses tend to chance rapidly and loose their lethality, that's why they have to be applied widely. Probable places for spreading the decease are international airports. People travelling long distances would spread the decease effectively to big cities all around the world. That's another good reason to avoid flying, besides the TSA. It's good to avoid big cities also.

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