Look behind the balaclava of many a self-proclaimed “anarchist” and you’ll find a statist thug
Paul Joseph Watson
Friday, April 2, 2010
Given the past history of how so-called “anarchist” groups are so easily infiltrated and provocateured by the authorities to commit
meaningless acts of violence that only serve to discredit political
causes, we should be alarmed by the possibility that anarchist plans to
“crash the tea parties” will present the perfect opportunity for the
establishment to create a flashpoint with which to demonize
constitutionalists as unruly extremists.
According to leading anarchist website Infoshop News, “On April 15th thousands of right-wingers will attend rallies in cities
and towns across the United States. The organizers of this nationwide
day of protest call it a tea party. This tea party movement that
emerged only a year ago is a coalition of conservatives, anti-Semites,
fascists, libertarians, racists, constitutionalists, militia men, gun
freaks, homophobes, Ron Paul supporters, Alex Jones conspiracy types and American flag wavers.” (Emphasis added).
In one paragraph, the so-called “anarchists” have regurgitated wholesale the exact same rhetoric that the corporate-owned media, their
supposed adversaries, have been spewing ceaselessly for months on end –
that anyone who opposes big government (which is what “anarchists” are
supposed to do), is a racist and an extremist, while also lying about
the origins of the Tea Party which in fact was started by Ron Paul
supporters as early as 2007.
The anarchists’ primary reason for wanting to crash Tea Party demonstrations, because “If the tea party movement takes over this
country they will really hurt poor people by getting rid of social
programs like food stamps, unemployment benefits, disability benefits,
student aid, free health care, etc,” is completely at odds with the
traditional anarchist political doctrine of extremely limited or no
government whatsoever.
As Kurt Nimmo points out, these people are not anarchists at all, they are statists, teenage
socialist punks who like to call themselves “workers” but a good
portion of whom have probably never worked a day in their life. They
make for perfect puppets through which the establishment can manipulate
to demonize its real political adversaries.
Apparently the bizarro world of corporate media dominated political propaganda has infected the “anarchists” (at least the Infoshop variety) who now sound like Democrats. Once upon a time,
anarchism was a political philosophy that stood in opposition to
The term anarchism derives from the Greek anarchos, meaning “without rulers.” But apparently the Infoshop strain of anarchist has deviated from the original definition — they now appear to be indistinguishable
from state-loving “progressives” who also consider Libertarian Tea
Party activists “anti-Semites, fascists, libertarians, racists,
constitutionalists, militia men, gun freaks, homophobes, Ron Paul
supporters, Alex Jones conspiracy types and American flag wavers.”
Note the pairing of “fascists” and “libertarians” in the above. Libertarians are the polar opposite of fascists. “All within the state, nothing outside the state, nothing against the state,” said the grand
daddy of fascism, Benito Mussolini. Does this sound like Libertarianism?
Anarchists were at the front in the battle against fascism in Spain. Italian anarchists played a key role in the anti-fascist organization Arditi del Popolo that went up against Mussolini’s Blackshirts. But
that was then and this is now. Now so-called anarchists specialize in
making anti-war demonstrations look like a re-run of the Days of Rage
in 1969. Anarchists think they are fighting the state by smashing
windows at McDonalds and providing the corporate media with scary
images of black-clad youths trashing bank lobbies.
As we have constantly warned, the latter half of April represents the most dangerous time period for when we can expect violence to be
staged or provocateured which will instantly be blamed on tea partiers,
libertarians and constitutionalists.
A brief history of how anarchist groups have been infiltrated and steered by authorities to commit mayhem and violence in order to
justify a crackdown on free speech and the right to assemble has never
been more prescient.
We have documented numerous different occasions where the black bloc anarchists were completely infiltrated by the authorities to provide a pretext for a police state crackdown.
A recent example occurred at last year’s G20 summit in Pittsburgh, where footage showed three burly older men who look completely out of
place with black bandanas over their face walking alongside young
protesters during a march against police brutality in a You Tube clip
entitled “G20 Epic Undercover Police Fail”.
The clip would be hilarious if it was not so disturbing. Protesters walking behind what are obviously badly disguised cops claim they broke
cameras and acted aggressively towards genuine protesters, as well as
carrying gas canisters. During a peaceful demonstration on the same
night, riot cops savagely attacked protesters with batons and rubber
bullets while also assaulting and arresting students who weren’t even
part of the demonstration.
Following the SPP protests in Canada three years ago, Quebec provincial authorities were forced to admit that three rock-wielding
black mask-wearing “anarchists” were in fact police infiltrators used
to gather information on protesters.
Video shows two of the provocateurs pick up rocks and try to incite violence before they are outed as cops by legitimate demonstrators. The
two thugs then tried to slip behind police lines before their fellow
officers were forced to stage their arrest. Again, the fact that they were cops in disguise was later admitted by auth.... Watch the video.
Alex Jones’ film Police State 2: The Takeover exposed how the black bloc anarchists were completely infiltrated and provocateured by the authorities during the violent 1999 WTO protests in Seattle.
The authorities declared a state of emergency, imposed curfews and resorted to nothing short of police state tactics in response to a
small minority of hostile black bloc hooligans. Police allowed the
black bloc to run riot in downtown Seattle while they concentrated on
preventing the movement of peaceful protestors. The film presents clear
evidence that the black bloc anarchist group was actually controlled by
the state and used to demonize peaceful protesters.
Watch the video below.
At the WTO protests in Genoa 2001 a protestor was killed after being shot in the head and run over twice by a police vehicle. The Italian
Carabiniere also later beat on peaceful protestors as they slept, and
even tortured some, at the Diaz School. It later emerged
that the police fabricated evidence against the protesters, claiming
they were anarchist rioters, to justify their actions. Some Carabiniere
officials have since come forward to say they knew of infiltration of the so called black bloc anarchists, and that fellow officers acted as agent provocateurs.
At the Free Trade Area of Americas protests in Miami in late November 2003, more provocateuring was evident. The United Steelworkers of America calling for a congressional investigation, stated that the police
intentionally caused violence and arrested and charged hundreds of
peaceful protestors. The USWA suggested that billions of dollars
supposedly slated for Iraq reconstruction funds are actually being used
to subsidize “homeland repression” in America.
The leadership of the black bloc has been completely usurped by the authorities and anyone who still professes to be a member of the group
is either supremely naive or completely stupid. To dress up like
terrorists, all in black with ski masks and bandanas (like the police)
immediately sends out a negative message to the watching public and
demonizes legitimate protesters.
The fact that many tea party members have seemingly taken the bait makes a potential flashpoint all the more likely. As Raw Story reports, some tea partiers have implied that they will resort to violence if the anarchists get in their way.
“Be aware anarchists, you WILL be HUGELY outnumbered,” writes “Rick Mercer” at Fox Nation. “You won’t have the numbers you like to help
yourself feel anonymous. And some of us DO legally carry concealed
weapons to protect our rights. MAKE MY DAY, PUNK!”
Of course, only complete idiots or federal provocateurs could think that engaging in violence would further their cause – this is exactly
what the establishment wants. They want to see fights between
“anarchists” and tea partiers so that the police can have the excuse to
crack the heads of both groups and the footage can later be replayed
over and over on the news and cited to characterize any dissent as
violent and unruly. This provides the much cherished “agitprop” the
system will exploit to demonize its political enemies.
Do not engage in violence of any kind. Turn the other cheek. The establishment hates credible, peaceful political rallies that stick
to the message rather than falling victim to the tricks of violent
provocateurs. If you are attending a rally later this month, make sure
you take video cameras and plenty of batteries. If anyone tries to
start violence, get it on tape, and you may soon find that, just as
happened in Quebec, the perpetrators are a lot less “anarchist” and
more “statist” than you would have imagined – and in many cases are
working directly for the state itself.
They way they 'do not' want people to protest is the way they brain wash the masses and that is covertly.
If several hundred people went out to a town unannounced and in 'small' groups, without obvious dress, banners or flags and handed out high quality easy to read and access literature on what they wanted to say and they spread themselves out over a four square mile area, this would virtually impossible to police.
The key is to think like those that are creating the problems for us all in the first place and hand out clear evidence that makes people stop, think and question.
The most important part is question, as many do not get this far.
With today's home PC, top notch short videos and article can be produced to a high standard comparable to the standard of the propaganda in the media.
The key to get people reading such literature is keeping it short simple and to the point.
Going up against the system by fighting is a sure way to loose as you are going up against those with arms that have been legalized to use them and literally get away with murder.
Its sad that the guys in the uniforms, if they did but know it, are under the same tyranny as the rest of us. Its a mad mad world.
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