Finland has deteriorated its relations with Russia, restricting visas to minimum, banning vehicles from entering, confiscating property, accusing Russia onesidedly of the war in Ukraine and other baseless accusations, joining NATO, authorising NATO troops and after a while nuclear weapons in Finland etc.
The newspapers continuously post more and more fantastical stories of the war, how Ukraine is winning, how Putin has cancer, is alcoholic, his family, his sex life, his mental health, or whatever suits their purpose. Televion news are full of lies and propaganda. No peace negotiation are deemed necessary. The government is gungho to send more weapons and money to Ukraine further escalating the killing, mostly Ukrainians. All this is financed by already ridiculously high public debt. The economy is in ruins from the plandemic circus and further deteriorating from trade sanctions.
This will not end well at all. It's all going parallel with the demonrat tyranny in the US and the stolen presidency. They want to maintain the White House under their thumb and keep Trump out no matter what. And they want to further the Great Reset one world goverment agenda. It's all evolving around the coming presidental election and the Trump scare. There are nearly a thousand political prisoners in the US because they support Trump. They will do anything; political assassination, new plandemic, start a world war, use nuclear weapons, you name it. Anything!
The coming year is critical in furthering the Great Reset. There are increasing military tensions in Taiwan, Serbia, Moldavia, and now an open war in Israel, African countries are revolting and switching sides to the growing BRICS block. A full scale world war is a real possibility. Finland can easily be involved by a false flag operation in the coming months. Remember the Russian North Stream gas pipeline destroyed by the US and the media silence after it. The NATO needs fresh meat as the US army has gone woke with inclusion strategies and snowflake illusions. And the propaganda machines run red hot.
New Invasion Libel - Putin to Invade Finland
"Do normies really believe that the big bad Rooskies may invade Finland? For what purpose? After having easily achieved his limited military objectives in the eastern sliver of the Ukraine more than one year ago, Vlad the Bad has not attempted to advance so much as one mile further into central or western Jukraine. Of course, the seditious scribblers at Sulzberger's Slimes don't actually believe that peaceful Russia is an aggressive state; but, evidently, many normies in Finland and "educated" libtards in Manhattan do! "
The only reason Russia would escalate operations near the west would be if they felt motivated to do so. If they were confident of success in the south and had the means and manpower to move westwards I think they would do so - have done so very close to Poland. To send a message ? ( news from EU is they want to steal frozen Russian funds from the countries that hold them and give all that money to Ukraine for the war instead of their own contributions ) Maybe a new western front is forming.~ Ukraine's a sizeable country with many unfriendly neighbours near by. I don't think anyone would blame them considering the funds that are at stake. Anyone close to the firing line would do well to be clear that they will not follow the EU suggestion and will continue to hold the Russian funds in trust till after the 'war'. Removing the assets would be theft. Some of the frozen funds are owned by normal Russian retail investors and the country is trying to unfreeze them and allow them to be sold to assist those folks. This is where I think it would not be a good idea to upset them.
Cheeky. An interesting video. It shows NATO reconnaissance activity on Poland - Kaliningrad and Finland - Russia borders and concludes that it means a risk of a Russian invasion. I see it another way round. These seem preparations for a military operation against Russia. Possibly a false flag. Now why would Russia escalate the conflict from Ukraine while they have their hands full there?
The war machine likes to fight on two fronts provoking Russia and trying to crack its cool demeanour and response to endless animosity. Finland will be one they'll spy up among other neighbours and currently its seems Poland might be the centre of focus. It's hard say what could come next but it's not good for any places near Russia to provoke them. Be it east or west. This you tube explains something strange going on in the Baltic areas.
With great sadness and pity for my contrymen I have to admit; Finns are the most gullible lot of Europe. Almost eighty percent of us trust or somewhat trust in the corporate media. It means this flock of idiots is highly manipulatable.
You can expect us to go gungho against Russia fantasizing about the winter war massacre of Russians back in 1940. After succesfull defence against a formidable Soviet army ten times our size we lost eleven percent of our territory. Somehow this is seen as a victory of a kind. Luckily after all we maintained a sort of independence just to fifty year later hand it over to a resurrected Soviet Union, the European Union, the "EUSSR". The biggest scam in the European history.
It is very likely that this gullibility will be used to drive us into a bloody war against Russia. Only this time the game has changed. Russia isn't the old Bolshevik run Soviet Union and the weapons today are very different. Finnish army may be able to kill many, but it will be a bloody war on both sides. And it will propably happen with a help of a false flag that will be accepted without any scrutiny and criticism. In reality, Russia has nothing to gain by invading Finland. Why on earth would they want a deeply hostile population to govern against?
The government owned YLE media published this article in last July, proving the Finnish gullibility. The comparison included mostly European countries with Canada and Japan. The least gullible of these was Japan followed by Spain and France. The curse of blue eyes, trust on our slaughtermaster sponsored media, was highest in Finland, followed by Denmark, Norway and Sweden. Sorry about that OldDenmark! We are in the same boat, but luckily you are far from the harm's way.
Finns solidly trust news outlets, place high value in public service broadcasting
I wonder why they had left the United States out of the comparison. Could it have something to do with the American distrust on the same lying media? This is a typical propaganda strategy, leaving out conflicting data to maximize the desired effect in the public opinion. And o-boy don't we trust their BS?
Americans' Trust In Media Remains Near Record Low
"At 34%, Americans' trust in the mass media to report the news "fully, accurately and fairly" is essentially unchanged from last year and just two points higher than the lowest that Gallup has recorded, in 2016 during the presidential campaign."
I salute the Americans who can see the difference between the truth and lies! But not all of you, still. Gullibility is one of natures unlimited resources and the cabal is using it to the max. However, with consistent repetition of social engineering adventures the public is little by little getting immunized against lies. Will we soon see the tide turning and the snakes burning?
Hey LP , That's the arrogant criminal statement I was referring to which just goes to show how much head start they had and now we are all caught up and are exposing them more each day.
I figured out if you can't touch it question it.
Yes Steve, The picture that the corporate media paints for us has little to do with reality.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." - William J. Casey, CIA Director
"Nearly 40 years later, the words of William J. Casey, CIA director still resound as we sit just weeks away from a moment of reckoning for our Democracy. Here's one thing we know for certain, the proclamation that Director Casey made is far from complete, but what we also know that there has been no lack of attempts made in doing so."
Hey LP,
The name escapes me but some putz in the us corporate gubberment said many years ago "when the american public believes all their lies to be true then their mission is accomplished" or something to that effect. Just look around at all the stupid sheeple believing and supporting the degenerate juw fag in ukraine who is backed by biden but these same sheeple hate biden and the wiley evil pooty poot is responsible for EVERYTHING wrong with the world, it is cognitive dissidence on steroids. Man ol man pooty poot is the reigning mad dictator genius of all time, yet it is americas mad men and their war machines who have been killing ,stealing and causing death and destruction around the world for my entire life.
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