Friday 13th 'Unlucky For Some' - Frances 9/11 & False-Flag Attack...

I first must offer my condolences to the people and families who may have been affected by these recent alleged terrorist attacks in France.  Though I am sceptical whether the amount of people being reported to have been killed is in fact true, and if it is then it is very unlikely that those who did the alleged attacks were in fact ISIS aka ISIL "terrorists", - as it has since been proven that the alleged "Arab terrorists" who was meant to have attacked America on 9/11, could not have actually carried it out and if they did, they didn't act alone.

Like 9/11, 7/7 London Bombings, Boston, Sandy Hook - the very day in Paris Friday 13th "Emergency Drills Took Place!" 

In the above video we can hear Patrick Pelloux, an emergency medical services specialist and one of the first responders in the Paris attack and the alleged Charlie Hedbo attack earlier this year,- was speaking on a radio station France Info and appears to confirmed that an emergency drill was ongoing during the morning of Friday 13th 2015.  The broadcast is in French with English subtitles.

Al-Qaeda, the Taliban (where have they gone to?)  and ISIS/ISIL are Saudi Arabian/Israeli/American/West creations.  Therefore technically speaking it was highly probable that covert "security forces" carried out these latest attacks in Paris.  Is it not rather convenient the alleged terrorists are not here to be questioned and interrogated and all died at the scene, - if of course they ever did?  Time and again, this conveniently seems to happen following such alleged terrorist attacks.

Yet we are now hearing an 18 year old has actually handed himself over to the police - "admitting" he was involved.

Before or during the shootings, it's alleged by one female witness that one of the alleged terrorists told her he came from Lebanon! 

Many reading this will be perhaps be confused with the collective Saudi Arabian/Israeli/American/West connections; as how can, and why would they be in collusion with one another?

Well it is not as straight forward as it seems and I will try my best to nutshell the reasons as to why they are further on.  Though key to it all, is the fact that the world is controlled by "illuminati cabals" - in which are Zionist.

Above is a copy of ZIONISM, THE REAL ENEMY OF THE JEWS – which takes the story from the 1967 war and the creation of Greater Israel to the present and the question: Will President Obama be allowed to deliver an acceptable amount of justice for the Palestinians in order to achieve peace for all, and, if not, is a final round of Zionist ethnic cleansing inevitable?

Don't be fooled into thinking "Zionism" is exclusively a "Jewish" doctrine, as it is also a fact that they are a combination; though to be fair if we are to believe the man-made scriptures and wording of the Bible, Torah and Quran, there clearly is a sect among us who claim to be the "chosen ones", and it is this belief-system that is the fundamental problem to all of mankind.  However, Judaism is not to be confused with Zionism, for instance and what comes to mind is when the British Cabinet whom Lloyd George headed, issued the Balfour Declaration in 1917, which was formal statement of policy by the British government, stating that: "His Majesty‘s government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object..." it was voted for, yet over the demanding objections of its then only Jewish member, Edwin Montagu.  But the remainder all non-Jews, including many anti-Semites, then tipped the scales. Today this has greatly changed and perhaps for good reason.  For back then and like today the British government (illuminati cabals), saw Zionism as a way to advance British imperialism and the Masonic New World Order.   Montagu, who was the then Secretary of State for India, told the PM Lloyd George: "All my life I have been trying to get out of the ghetto. You want to force me back there."  An integrated Jew, Montagu regarded Judaism as only a religion, and viewed Zionism as 'a mischievous political creed, untenable by any patriotic citizen of the United Kingdom.

There is also an abundance of evidence and hair-raising accusations which expose the Jewish leaders of Zionism, as war criminals.  Accusations from Jewish victims and survivors of the alleged holocaust, quite clearly and categorically agree, that their own leaders contributed to the destruction of their own people. – Above paragraphs - extract from Trapped in a Masonic World.

The Zionist fanatics approach, is on par of those leaders of the Taliban/Al-Qaeda/ISIS/ISIL; who believe suicide bombers is necessitated to bring forth Jihad, Sharia Law, thus a Muslim world, - is that ‘Jewish blood’ is the anointing oil needed to keep the wheels of the Zionist state keep on turning.  And this approach is not a thing of days gone-by, as it remains in force and is as operable today than it ever was in the past.

Do not forget that the biggest distributors of "yellow journalism", is the media themselves, and all owned and controlled by the same illuminati cabals; as are all the world’s religions that ironically none of the illuminati cabals actually believe in and it is only the sheeple they have indoctrinated into believing what they do via their schooling and religious establishments.  In the "West", you believe you are living in a Christian society, yet all the obelisks in every capital across the world should be enough for you to understand that those who run these "capitals", thus countries, are far from "Christian" and have a Zionist agenda.

It is purely a 'roll of the die' as to where you will be born, and into what sect or religion you will unfortunately be enslaved to.  That conveniently and indirectly teaches you to hate all others who do not share the same "belief" as yourself.  This surely is evidential enough to convince even the most orthodox of believers that were there a "God" of the type you have been indoctrinated to believe in, then why on earth would "he" have created such a race of people to hate and wish to kill one another?

However, returning to the latest alleged attacks in France on Friday 13th - “unlucky for some”. Like most other "false-flag" attacks, this too doesn't add-up; it was a bit like how President Bush first reacted when allegedly being informed by his security agents that the Twin Towers had been attacked and all that he did was to remain sitting in a classroom of children who in turn were carrying out an occult "spell" of "Plane hit steel" during a rendition of "The Pet Goat" "children’s" story.

Out of interest; Friday the 13th being "unlucky" for some origin is believed to have originated from Friday 13th October 1307, when King Philip IV of France had hundreds of Knights Templar arrested and who were subjected to torture, and most were burned at the stake, including their leader Jacques de Molay, the 23rd Grand Master of the order.

Amsterdam - Paris Train - False Flag! "Hoax" - Not Another One! 

Like following 9/11, the main stream media is once again incorrectly 'cherry picking' and reporting the alleged "official storyline", as we all know (well those wise enough to) about "crisis actors", therefore if they are not playing the part of an alleged "victim", they play the part of an alleged witness.  One "genuine" British witness said; "...I see the French President Francois Hollande, get up and leave the stadium (Stade de France) and 'before' any sound of explosions could be heard."  Yet Sky News have been reporting that he was there and giving the impression it was not until after the explosions had occurred that the president then got up and left the stadium.


It will no doubt be said that he was informed of the other attacks taking place around Paris, as to why he got up and left, yet this doesn't make sense with the following;

As according to another "genuine" British witness, who too was in the stadium watching the France against Germany game along with 80,000 fans, said he and many others had heard the alleged explosions; "I thought it was a hoax or something trivial and didn't hear what had happened until after we got out of the stadium. The game continued until the end."

Are we really expected to believe the security and police would have simply ignored these alleged explosions, - "bombs" going off in the stadium?   Allegedly killing three people (another favourite number of the Illuminati), that they would endanger the lives of 80,000 football fans, yet at the same time let the president of France be able to slip out of the back door.  What if there were more bombs yet to explode? Why was the game allowed to carry on until the end?  In all reality, were what we are being led to believe is true then surely the game would have been abandoned and the stadium safely evacuated and for the whole place to have been searched.

OK, so it will be argued that they didn’t want to put their lives at risk by doing so.  Well that’s not good enough, as many people did get up and leave after hearing the explosions.  The remainder, though only after the game was played and why you seen them on TV, were then invited to stand on the soccer pitch itself as they felt more safe standing there.

I know it sounds rather course of me to mention this, yet in this age of the ipad/tablets and self-obsessional ‘selfies’ and yet we are being shown photos on Facebook and Twitter of people at the Bataclan theatre bar and before the alleged shootings, but how come there’s no film footage of what was meant to have happened in the Bataclan theatre, not even a peep of one of the alleged gunman and where it is alleged at least 100 people were killed, and many more hundreds were inside there?  The same applies to the many alleged shootings in the USA, by so called ‘lone wolves’, again often allegedly involving hundreds of people, yet there’s never any film footage of the actual attacks.

In addition, it's said three of the alleged attackers - "blew-themselves up" - yet we've scene no real damage of bombs going off and surely where any of these suicide bombers had done such a thing, then many more people would have been killed, yet this doesn't appear to be the case and that most alleged victims were shot dead, not blown up.

Another anomaly is that one French witness on Sky News, said one of the seen alleged attackers was a blonde haired man - that's this the first blonde haired Jihady John I've ever heard about.  


The same applies to CCTV footage, it never seems to available following such alleged attacks like 9/11, and especially inside the airports where the alleged victims of the four planes involved; not one single film exists showing them queuing up to check-in, standing around in the departure lounges, bars, on their phones or going to the lavatory etc.

Then in another classic sign of "yellow journalism" after seeing them on TV, I have to question what are the possibilities that three consecutive alleged witnesses and all allegedly independent from one another; that how is it they came out with virtually the very same opening lines whilst being interviewed "live" on TV, and in separate places?  - "I heard 'fire-crackers', before realising it was gun-shots..."  They all said the very same opening lines during their interviews.  It's almost as if these three witnesses were all reading from the very same script and like many of the alleged witnesses following 9/11, the Sandy Hook shootings and many more such incidences, whereas in those latter cases it is all about gun control and to shock the nation into surrendering their arms to their already tyrannical government.

Then amazingly and what more seems like a "product placement" feature, as we know of the millions of pounds or dollars paid by companies who compete with each other to have their products placed in films such as James Bond, it is being reported; '...a French man, named Sylvester, was hanging around outside the Stade de France when a suicide bomber and a gunman created havoc by detonating a bomb, and firing off rounds. Sylvester was hit by a fragment from the bomb. Under normal circumstances, he would have ended up a statistic in a body bag.  But as luck would have it, his Samsung Galaxy S6 edge (seen above - Samsung must be rubbing their hands in glee) was there to take the brunt of the attack. While his phone was in pretty bad shape, it can be replaced. His life, not so much.'

Though this reminds me of the pictures I once see of a Welsh Regiment soldier who miraculously survived one of the bloodiest battles during WWI, after his life was saved by a metal cigarette case.  At first I believed these old 'fisherman tales', and no doubt some were true.  Though it soon came apparent the same type of miraculous 'soldier’s tales' were cropping up all over the place and in every other country around the world.  It gave rise to the media to occasionally be able to report a "good factor" story after having to continuously report about the millions who were killed during these despicable times and wars.  So much was this type of story becoming commonplace that after these surviving 'cigarette cases' were reaching rather high prices whenever they came up for auction, their prominence where soon called into question when it was discovered that many of these cases where simply being shot with a bullet and so the cases themselves were now worth a small fortune, yet never been anywhere near a battle field.

 In these latest alleged continuous "terrorists" attacks, that following such carnage, yet again created by the illuminati cabals with their own political agendas, it again permits "them" the opportunity to use this to their advantage/propaganda and bring in even more draconian laws, martial law even, and as and when they so wish and so as society are unable to live freely.

Though more sinisterly, this is in fact to bring about WWIII.  It also keeps the masses from uprising and is a continuous smokescreen to the much larger issues that are affecting everybody's lives; the troubles in Ukraine, the unjust wars in the middle-east, mass immigration sweeping across Europe and the USA in general, tough more importantly is the corrupt politicians themselves, not forgetting the paedophile scandals, along with all the bankers who have brought the EU and the rest of the world to their knees and due to all their alleged austerity measures whilst to 1% are getting richer by the day.

We are yet again being manipulated and controlled by our corrupt world governments who have all been totally overthrown and stage-managed by the illuminati cabals, - that the latest “False Flag” operation, which again I reiterate to those who scoff at such claims and calling me a conspiracy theorist, that a ‘false-flag’ operation does not mean it didn’t occur, it simply means that “false flags” are used time and again to influence the sheeple into having to accept that our corrupt government’s really had no alternative than to react to such false-flag attacks.  Often innocent people are killed for this purpose.  Though in many recent false-flag operations and around the world they simple involve paid mercenaries, agent provocateurs, crisis actors and secret service agents, in which the crisis actors work for.

Let me remind you, that before the USA got involved in WWI they had to wait until the false flag sinking of the Lusitania.  Before they intervened in WWII, the false flag event of Pearl Harbour had to happen.  Prior to the war in Vietnam, the false flag event of the Tonkin incident in the Gulf had to take place.  Before the war against Spain, they had wait for the false flag incident of blowing up of the Maine.

Then before the alleged “War on Terror”, the world had to wait for the false flag attacks on 9/11 in which before that could commence, we had to wait for the false flag of lies and deceit created about WMD with less than a 20 minute warning – in order for "us" to start the war in Iraq.  This gave "us" our foot in the door to the middle-east in general and which has long been part of the illuminati cabals overall plan - which is to create a good enough reason and carryout Albert Pike’s predestined third world war plan. Which ultimately is a “crusade” and war between “Christianity” verses “Islam”.

Though before “they” can draw the whole world into any world war, “they” need a series and constant barrage of false flag attacks and incidents taking place that will allegedly outrage society that much that there will be alleged false cries that “we must do something” to combat all these attacks and ironically to the very same people who are behind the false flag attacks in the first place.

That’s why long before 9/11 and the uprisings and turmoil we now see in the middle-east, “they” had to create Al-Qaeda and ISIS/ISIL.

For those who don’t know of Nayirah al-Ṣabaḥ, called “Nurse Nayirah” in the media, she was a fifteen-year-old Kuwaiti girl who alleged that she had witnessed the murder of infant children by Iraqi soldiers in Kuwait, in verbal testimony to the U.S. Congress in the run up to the 1991 Gulf War. Her testimony, which was regarded as credible at the time, has since been proved as utter fabrication and yet again just another tool used by the “Illuminati” in “wartime” propaganda.

“False-Flags” are also often used to help the illuminati cabals to distract society from the “bigger” issues and threats that is perhaps facing them.  Take the European Union, created and controlled by the illuminati cabals by simply appointing “our” world leaders in general, and that knowing of Germany’s track-record with two world wars under its belt you’d think the very last person to reside over the presidency of European Commission would be an ex-member of Hitler’s Nazi regime, as the first ever president and key architect of the EU, was ex-Nazi, Walter Hallstein.

The Saudi Arabian/Israeli/American/West - Connection

Whilst I'm writing this article, I would like to explain a little more, as it was following the alleged attack by so called terrorists on 9/11 in New York in 2001, that not only woke myself up, but thousands of other “truthers” woke-up around the same time.  Though saying that, I had read about and studied the Illuminati and world of Freemansonry long before and going back to the late 1980s.  So called "truther" have now grown to millions worldwide.  We could plainly see that the “official storyline” into how the 9/11 attacks took place was a completely manufactured and the reason behind it was for the USA, Israel and "West" to be able to start the alleged “War on Terror”.

So I spent many more years studying and researching those really behind the attacks and their reasons of wanting to do so.  I was about to write a book about the 9/11 attacks and reveal the abundant of evidence which proves the “official storyline” was nothing more than an pure invention and propaganda by those really behind the alleged attacks and for the just said reasons.

Yet due to many others doing similar and providing excellent material proving this to be the case, I decided to instead change tract and wrote Trapped in a Masonic World instead; that exposes a much bigger picture as to how those, the illuminati cabals, are in fact running and controlling the entire world and it is them and them alone who is behind every war, particularly world wars, and all that takes place previously to such wars being agreed to manifest and by the nations of the world - to crazily agree we should now annihilate one another.

I used to naïvely think that being a “truther” and in arm with the millions of other “truther’s” around the world, that as a collective we could open the eyes of the rest of humanity and perhaps change the pre-planned course of world events from taking place.  Therefore I constantly wrote hundreds of articles and blogs that have been read by well over a million people from around the world.  My book has had well over 500,000 downloads.

Yet this is a mere drop in the ocean, considering there are billions of people who need to be woken up and forewarned as to what is about to happen to us all.  Though I then woke-up one morning, as it had dawned on me as to what I am trying to do, is perhaps a fruitless exercise as what is pre-planned by the illuminati cabals and their millions of brainwashed lackeys, is something that will take place and nothing whatsoever can prevent it.

Even worse though, those I thought were "truthers" were and are indirectly and even unknowingly in the vast majority of cases, working for and helping the illuminati cabals in their pre-planned agendas.  As unfortunately, many so called "truthers" have their own "religious" agendas.  Whereas, I don't, as I do not believe in any man-made religion, in which all religions are.  This doesn't mean I'm not a "spiritual" being, as like electricity and sound waves, you cannot see them through the naked eye, yet we sure know they exist. I believe we have had our abilities "removed" or they have suppressed from us to be able to attune into another energy field that would permit us to have direct contact with other unseen energies.

If anything, I believe we are all born inherently good in nature and corrupted by those in control of this world that in turn means we are corrupted by those around us.  They need their man-made religions, permitting 'Kings and Queens' to rule over us and why they are mentioned in such religious texts.  Though that simply cannot be right, as I also believe we are born equal.

"The Masons (illuminati cabals) are the invisible powers behind the thrones of earth, and men are but marionettes, dancing while the invisible ones pull the strings. We see the dancer, but the master mind that does the work remains concealed by the cloak of silence." - Manley P. Hall - Morals and Dogma.

Okay, let me try and explain why there is a connection Saudi Arabian/Israeli/American/West and that goes even further.  The illuminati cabals, which actually equates to not the 1%, but 1% of the 1% - this means they own and run everything; they permit whatever royals families to keep their thrones and whatever politicians and world leaders to keep their seats of power, as they are appointed by them in the first place, giving the illusion it was you who "voted" them in when living in a so called democracy.

The same applies to Putin and Russia, even China to some extent, though it's been harder for the illuminati cabals to break into that culture with their "religious masonic doctrines”, yet there are many Freemasons in China today.  There's masses of them in Russia and always has been.  As much as the leaders of the world are mere pieces on the chessboard, we the people are the pawns.  So even if they lose one game, such as a world war, a new game immediately starts again.

Though whenever someone such as I exposes and talks about the world of Freemasonry, we often come under attack and all kinds of propaganda is quoted to try and undermine our findings, such as the illuminati has nothing to do with the Freemasons and vice versa.  That it was a thing of the past, or never even took place.  And of course we know who does this attacking and why.  Yet the fact of the matter is the real illuminati cabals are these quoted 1% of the 1%.  And it could be argued, that after all Freemasonry has good intentions, as we all know and are witnessing that religions are the prime cause of most of the ills and problems of the world.  Though what Russia did in the last illuminati social experiment of banning religion in Russia, proved you cannot simply take away peoples "faith".  This has been shown time and again throughout history and that those deeply indoctrinated from a young age, cannot and will not lose their "faith" that easily.  

Even though this is more psychological, as most people find great comfort and solace when living in such a deliberately contrived evil world.  And this is why Freemasonry cleverly permits the belief of a Supreme Being, so it is more welcoming to these types of people’s needs and desires.

To the masses and lower level Freemasons, it is put about and stated that 'Freemasonry is neither a religion nor a substitute for one.  There is no separate masonic god, nor a separate proper name for a deity in any branch of Freemasonry', - which in itself is a blatant lie and when your read the overall evidence in total you can clearly see there is indeed a separate masonic God in many branches of Freemasonry.  Regular Freemasonry requires that its candidates believe in a "Supreme Being", but the interpretation of the term is subject to the conscience of the candidate.  This means that Freemasonry accepts men from a wide range of faiths, including (but not limited to) Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Sikhism, Hinduism, etc.

However, the truth of the matter is that Freemasonry wants to become the overall prominent religion.  In my book Trapped in a Masonic World, I explain that basically the illuminati cabals consist of freemasons who control the Christian/Protestants, the Jesuits, alongside the Black Pope and the White Pope via the Roman Catholic church, the leaders of Sufism, Islam and the Muslims, whilst the Frankists rule over Judaism - and that collectively this coalition of faiths come under the same umbrella of the illuminati cabals and this is the direct link between Saudi Arabian/Israeli/American and the West in general.

Now, if you in the west regard yourself as pretty well educated and clued-up as to what's really going on in the world, - when really you know the vast majority of you don't, then look how much easier it is to radicalise poorly educated people and whose indoctrination into "their religions" is so more severe than here in the west. Yet in the west it is cleverly and subliminally done, so that means even you are unable to escape from your own forms of indoctrination and why some many so called religious people are as equally as wrong in comparison to their counterparts in the east and elsewhere in the world.

The conundrum is this; saying no man, women or child wishes to fight and tear each other asunder, we will not start a war and no matter where we come from.  And knowing that no country is crazy enough to go to war, as it would be suicide and they don’t wish to join the ranks of Iraq, Libya, Palestine, Tunisia, Egypt, Yemen and many more, – as they are more concerned with the idea they could be the next victims of an Hiroshima experience and totally erased from the world map; - so you need to create crazed religious ideologies, such as ISIS/ISIL to threaten the others not wanting to go to war.  You have to convince them the bogeyman is so frighteningly real and destructive and at your front door wanting to take over your lives and way of living, and like what they have let them do in the middle-east, as in this way you will be screaming out for help and to be protected from this bogeyman - yet who you are calling on to help you, is the very same people who created the bogeyman in the first place!

"The Third World War; Must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the agenda of the Illuminati between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.  The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Arab world) and political Zionism (the State if Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.  We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the bloodiest turmoil.  Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilisation, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time." 33rd Degree Freemason Albert Pike.

Since the 'inside job' and alleged terrorist attacks of 9/11, world events and in particular in the middle-east, have shown a growing unrest and instability between modern Zionism and the Arabic world, and even more so recently as it looks like the illuminati cabals are ready to sever the safe hands, of the better the devil you know puppet regime leaders who have kept these regions on the simmer for the past 30 to 40 years or so, and that they‘re now ready to unleash "Giuseppe Mazzini” like "Young Societies" to cause mayhem to that part of the world.  The feeling of empowerment to these much suppressed young men and people will be so great they're looking where to go next as once all their own leaders have been toppled, the "Young Arabs", now running the show will too soon realise, a bit like Barack Obama, that they won't be able to do that much more than what their corrupt leaders did in the past, as all the money‘s has run out, though used to fund these wars - and the one of the reasons trillions of pounds, dollars, euros and dinars have been stolen in world’s greatest robbery.

However, and more importantly, the “Islamic Young’s” will be greatly united and shall be encouraged to look closer at their next enemy, - an enemy that all these countries surround and whom they all oppose of, despise, and bitterly hate.  Though is it not strange, that out of all the countries suffering from these alleged terrorist attacks by ISIS-ISIL, they are not coming under such attacks.

Intrinsic to Pikes prediction of WWIII, is the final phase of the deliberate and contrived chaos and turmoil that's being brought into fruition by specific engineered acts of terrorism, uprisings and war’s.  Pike suggests '...that a near constant state of warfare must be whipped-up into such frenzy and then attained, - so as the world can be embroiled in an endless series of strife, until the masses are so weary and sick to death of it all, they'll hardly have the will to live anymore', - as it won't be what you'd could call living anyway.

When hence, the illuminati will step forward with the key that they can offer world peace and forever more.  Though in the guise of a "one world religion" = Freemasonry, the "mother of all religions".  Pike goes on to say how this shall be achieved; "With tongue (social networking, Facebook particular, that is awash with them and why I can no longer stand the place, with Twitter coming a close second and YouTube the third), and pen, with all our open and secret influences, with the purse, and if need be, with the sword..."

This is completely in line with a call for a Third World War to be fought between Islamists and Zionist and their allies on both sides.  And with the recent events - suggests we are increasingly getting closer to this time.

Are these same Masonic/illuminati bloodline families expecting us to accept that explanation as to why they turned a blind eye to the slaughter of millions upon millions of innocent people of all creeds and from many countries, - all because they didn‘t want to lose a few court cases and let the perpetrators get away some time later on up the road, when in fact they did everything possible to help most of the perpetrators escape justice and flee the country in the first place, historians spoke shit then, and it‘s repeating it‘s self again.

So my friends, like 9/11, the 7/7 London bombings, the alleged Woolwich attack on drummer Rigby, attacks in Madrid and other countries around the world including Australia, the 'war of terror' in general, the wars in the middle-east, the uprisings out there, the mass immigration being permitted, the Charlie Hebdo shootings and now these recent Friday 13th attacks in France; - is not what it seems and the real enemy is nearer to your front door and always has been.

For if you really want to know who is behind all of this and much more - just take a look at your own governments and their corrupt puppet leaders as they are all controlled by the illuminati cabals.

I, nor anyone else, other than those behind them, can say for sure when it will happen, yet I can assure you the UK is yet to have their false flag theatre of alleged terrorist attacks, and sadly yet again it will involve innocent members of the public, alongside those well-rehearsed line-up of crisis actors and all those others involved in these outrageous atrocities, so do be careful out there.

If you really want to know what's going on, then I can only advise you to read Trapped in a Masonic World - though do take heed, as it really is not for the faint hearted!


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Comment by Exposure on November 22, 2015 at 5:59am

They have removed the video "they" don't like you to see; so here's another version!! 

Comment by Exposure on November 17, 2015 at 12:25pm

I know Linda, far too many people have their head in the sand or watching the next Bond movie. How politicians and the media brainwash the sheeple into believing and accepting their lies and propaganda it by repetition, we have to play them at their game and do the same!  I wouldn't be surprised if Turkey started shooting down aircraft invading the air-space, they are bursting at the seems with immigrants, and recently they had their false-flag, killing many people just prior to elections out there - and there was not a police officer or any military insight of the bombings, reports were they simply disappeared just before the bombs went of and why many are blaming the Turkish government of doing it - like most things, a combination of events will bring Turkey into the fold - for those behind wanting to take over Syria, then Turkey is also in their tick-list. 

Comment by linda dagosta on November 17, 2015 at 9:44am

Exposure  "totally agree with you, and common knowledge to some - yet not to as many more and why such things have to be put out there..." 

SO many people today do not follow world news more so than do. it is a shame but many and most in my area don't care a hoot about what happens over seas.. they are more concerned about the latest movie or sports event  really don't care about terrorist threats and or what country is attacking who over where-ever that is their (majority) sentiments. Honestly If it weren't for history repeating it self I wouldn't be so concerned either. after all what is in  motion is in motion and there is little you or I can do to alter that course.. what will be, will be .. but it is comforting to know what the thoughts are on current events around the world.. even if I have no control over what will happen.   I still don't see Turkey getting involved just over violating airspace and borders.. after all that has been happening since the beginning of time.. something else will be the trigger.. but then again enough may have been enough with the taunting 

Comment by Exposure on November 17, 2015 at 7:02am

Yes Linda Dagosta, wait until Turkey get involved, as after all I cannot see why they will not be dragged into as their air space and borders are constantly being breeched...

Comment by Exposure on November 17, 2015 at 7:01am

Anti Everything, totally agree with you, and common knowledge to some - yet not to as many more and why such things have to be put out there...

Comment by Anti Everything on November 16, 2015 at 7:27pm

I feel nothing. France is just another lunatic state with nucs that is playing mean in a country(s) (Iraq, Syria) that has not, to my knowledge, harmed France (using my standard of "harmed"). Regarding the rest of this post, this is common knowledge to me. I think it was Einstein that stated something to the effect that after ww3 war would be fought with rocks and sticks.

Comment by linda dagosta on November 16, 2015 at 5:31pm

honestly when Turkey is dragged into war with the Arabs... I feel it is gonna be end game for all..  just my two cents..

Comment by Exposure on November 16, 2015 at 1:25pm

Sadly, I see the whole of Europe, then the world being forced in a world war...

Comment by linda dagosta on November 15, 2015 at 1:01pm

I hope the third time is the charm and the Ukraine finally find the peace and freedom they seek without forfeit of life !

Comment by Exposure on November 15, 2015 at 12:42am

Well said linda dagosta, it is inspiring to see how they revolted out there, though also think we have not seen the end of the battle there.  The "West", NATO are seriously pissed off with Putin, and there is still great divide in Ukraine. 

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