Frontline Doctors on Censorship: We’re Coming After You Big Tech – We will Not be Silenced!

There is an information war amid the Covid-19 pandemic scare. The virus scare has been used for political purposes, to confuse the people and to tighten a noose suffocating civil liberties and scrutiny over corrupt governments in most of the countries. Needless to say that the control measures have been more against the patriots and the traditional republican citizens than the leftist, BLM, pink glassed democrats and the rest of the decadence builders.

We see the faces of people like Bill Gates to lecture us on vaccinations, without any medical degree, and George Soros financing the Marxist uprising. Their goal is clear and exposed over and over again, to control and cull the people through chaos and to give the Old World Order a new even more totalitarian face of the New World Order. 

The high cabal has put their effort to silence dissent and all criticism against  their control of the politicians by threats, bribery, blackmail and secrets of their shameful private acts of pedophilia and other crimes. Their focus has been on doctors during the Covid-19 circus. However, it is encouraging to see that some doctors still follow the ethics and moral of their profession. And there are thousands of them.

They criticize the treatment of the the epidemic, saying that with early treatment the patients recover very fast and there is no need for expensive medical care.

"by Brian Shilhavy
Editor, Health Impact News

Less than 24 hours after the Frontline Doctors first press conference in Washington D.C. was censored and removed from Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter, and after having their own website knocked offline in an attempt to silence them, the doctors were back in front of the steps of the Supreme Court building today (Tuesday, July 28, 2020) for their second press conference, at great risk to their lives, their families, and their jobs, as they remained determined to bring the truth directly to the American people that a cure for COVID exists, and that the public does not need to cower in fear anymore."


Watch the video before it gets censored.

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