15 Jul 2013 |

Karl_Denninger_Interview_Financial_Crisis_2012By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com 

Employers are cutting full-time employees back to part-time to avoid the requirement of providing health insurance under Obama Care.  Trader Karl Denninger says, “As the Obama Administration runs against the economic reality of what they passed, they are now trying to find ways to dodge it. . . . (more…)

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Comment by Nobody Will Observe on July 16, 2013 at 2:39am


Comment by Tara on July 16, 2013 at 12:45am

I already saw this happening in a place I worked at as a second job for a few months. They're only hiring on part-time workers at minimum wage and trying any tactic to make things as miserable as they can for the handful of lifer's (union members still employed at the store.) And of course all the while, customer service takes the back seat because they'll hire any yahoo off the street who just needs a paycheck to makes ends meet so... there's not a lot of shiny happy customers or workers anymore.

Comment by Nobody Will Observe on July 15, 2013 at 11:14pm

Employers are cutting full-time employees back to part-time to avoid the requirement of providing health insurance under Obama Care.  Trader Karl Denninger says, “As the Obama Administration runs against the economic reality of what they passed, they are now trying to find ways to dodge it. . . . The Obama Administration’s reaction to this has been to unilaterally, and by the way illegally, put off the imposition of mandate.”  This is not going to save the teetering economy as Denninger contends, “Bernanke has lost control of the bond market and, in general, his policy. . . . The reality is the Fed is not in charge, and when that confidence level breaks, you are going to see all hell break loose.”  Denninger goes on to predict, “We are setting up for a collapse that is going to be worse than 1929, and it’s going to come sometime within the next two years.  It could come as soon as the next couple of months, but it is going to happen, and there’s nothing that is going to stop it.

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