The National Republican Senatorial Committee is running its first ad of the election cycle in Kentucky, where GOP Senate candidate Rand Paul faces state Democratic candidate Attorney General Jack Conway.
The attack ad, a black-and-white film that resembles an old-time news reel, show pictures of a horse race and a voice-over that says Mr. Conway is riding on the back of President Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosis and their failed policies.
"Big government running health care, big cuts to Medicare. Jack Conway took their side," says the narrator. "Jack Conway, he's not riding Kentucky's horse."
The ad, titled "Jockey Jack," is scheduled to run later this week, but Democratic and Republican sources are already trying to shape its significance.
Democrats say the ad buy proves the GOP is in trouble in a Republican-leaning state, where the candidates are running for the open seat held by retiring GOP Sen. Jim Bunning. They also say the ad buy shows Mr. Paul, an optomistrist and "tea party" candidate, is too much of an outsider candidate to win the general election.
Republican officials have reportedly said the NRSC made the first ad buy in Kentucky to solidfy their lead, then move to other close races.
Poll results range from the candidates being tied to Mr. Paul leading by as many as 15 percentage points. None of the polls show Mr. Conway in the lead.
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