My Open Letter to Dennis Kucinich Concerning Truth & the 9-11 Attack on America

Congressman Kucinich,

I received an email from you that led me to your video speech on 9-11-2010.
- Dennis Kucinich: 911 Truth and Reconciliation --

Nice words but,......When are you going to take off the kid gloves and start NAMING NAMES??!! And I mean that you start with the REAL terrorists, not the CIA black ops patsies in Afghanistan.
Start at step one - September 11, 2001. THE GOVERNMENT/MEDIA COVER-UP.
We are fed up just reading between the lines. Spit it out!
Do the research and NAME those who again are using are the same playbook that financed NAZI GERMANY.

If JFK would have NAMED those who opposed him and were about to kill him and take over our country he would have had ALL of the American people standing shoulder to shoulder with him and the country could have been saved from where we are right now.


You talk about TRUTH. Where were you on September 9,2010 when Richard Gage held the Architects & Engineer's for 911 truth debate? You wont even mention his name or the Organization or the petition you have been given.
Why give these speaches and continue to ignore the voices of the American Voters? Do you even listen to the people?

Oh, and speaking of ignoring the public outcry, Congressman Kucinich, Do you think that the Attorney General Holder will act on the public demand for JUSTICE against the REAL perpetrators of this TREASONOUS act or will it be ignored and he remain complicit in the continuing cover-up? Where is the truth, Congressman?

You are standing in front of THE AMERICAN FLAG in the video but where do you really stand?
The time is NOW for you to stand up for the TRUTH that you are fully aware of. (and they know that you know)

We the People are awake and know that when we hear government officials use the term "Special Interests" we, in reality, hear "New World Order". We are not being fooled with "double-speech".

Either get to work and expose the criminal/traitors in government or step aside, lest ye hang with them.

WE WILL TAKE OUR COUNTRY BACK, with or without you.

On behalf of the millions of true patriots

C'mon Denny, Get with the program.....

PS, You sold us out on "Audit the FED" and "Gov Take-over of Health-care".
Your leaders, Pelosi and Reid, are on the way out. Take a lesson from Senator Mike Gravel, Rand Paul, Jesse Ventura, Judge Napolitano, Richard Gage, Ron Paul, and Alex Jones. Pump up your cojones and help save America and give up playing politician and join the ranks in the Spirit of 1776.

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Comment by SHTFgirl on July 10, 2011 at 11:44pm

Please Join my New Group: FIRE CONGRESS in 2012 CAMPAIGN


The buck stops here!



Comment by SHTFgirl on July 10, 2011 at 11:35pm

I like both Dennis Kucinich and Ron Paul. One thing, however, concerning me about Ron Paul is I think he is a member of the John Birch Society or there is a connection.  Recently, I watched a video of a speaker presenting a plan to the elitiest Birch Club members guessed domination. 


In my opinion, Dennis has a more spotless record in terms integrity; he has even won the Gandhi Peace Award in 2003.  If Dennis ran for President I would vote for him.  Boy would that piss off the fricken elistist A-holes.  He would probably get shot though.


Google "Kucinich and Impeach" and you will read article after article of him acting alone in Congress fighting with the presidents and vice presidents about the illegal wars over the years.  So I think he has way more balls then you letter gives him credit. Right now, as you may know, Ohio lines are being redrawn through his district and two seats in congress were lost.  He is thinking about running in Washington. Lets hope that he is reelected into Congress because we need him, and others like him, on the inside.

Comment by JoJo on September 14, 2010 at 1:24pm
Yaah right?
"Of course there are a few exceptions being Cynthia McKinney, Jesse Ventura and Mike Gravel"-- Silenced and disappeared from the scene.Not one dares to point out the real terrorists--Israel. It's no good saying no arabs could have done the dirty deed but it takes balls to who did it--Israel.
On Sept 11 2001 at about 2:30 PM, FBI escorted over 200 Isrealies to a waiting Tele Aviv plane at JFK. What more prove is needed?. 5 dancing MOSSAD agents released--no big deal- videos.police records non public-happens all the time
No politician will stick his neck out or they are dead.Just imagine if Israel was proven to have done the 911 attacks--Land of the brave will do piss all ,just as done to the USS Liberty :^(
Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on September 14, 2010 at 11:23am
Tara, So far, Ron Paul maintains a "Constitutional" voting record and that is good enough for me. Ron Paul is likely to run for Prez in 2012. He does not have to prove his intent to me. Kucinich put out the video "Dennis Kucinich: 911 Truth and Reconciliation".
With a title like that, I expected the whole truth and nothing but the truth, Not a watered down half truth.
Because Denny sold us out on his voting, I expect him to loose, but maybe go out with a shocking disclosure and become a hero legacy. But he did not do it (yet).
Ron Paul has a strong political future and can leave a legacy to the likes of General George Washington or President Kennedy.
I know that when RP speaks of the "Evil" he simply calls them "Special Interests".
He has to play politics at this point in time. But we know his intent. Elect him.

BTW please check out my comments on 911! Hyper-Intelligent-Idiocy Now Required To Support Official Story!
Comment by Tara on September 14, 2010 at 10:38am
Great letter to Kucinich Tex! I think this letter could very well be sent to Ron Paul as well. He has not once hopped on board with 911 truth and named names or maybe I'm missing something here. I think most politicians are still into saving face and not about getting to the truth and what is right. Of course there are a few exceptions being Cynthia McKinney, Jesse Ventura and Mike Gravel.
Comment by truth on September 13, 2010 at 10:00pm
Hey Tex wrh picked this up! Maybe it will make it to little denni!
Comment by JoJo on September 13, 2010 at 9:18pm
To my follow Americans. The real terrorists 9/11 are Zionist Israelies.Not one politician dares not question the 9/11 attacks.MOSSAD Planned accidents happened. Home of the Brave and Land of the Free---what a joke. After what American politicians did prior and after attacks, everyone of them SHOULD BE fearfull to be seen in public. Why is Larry Lying Silverstein and Marvin Bush still making the rounds or the other hundred Israel firster pukes (At large). Time to Shock and Awe Israel :^/

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