Gordon Duff Takes No Prisoners AND This Is Exactly How I Feel

Look, this guys a 60+ year old ex-marine and he doesn't hold back. I love him, he's my kind of guy and he writes well. He makes me laugh and cry in the same sentence. You just gotta love Gordon Duff.


I am simply done with crazy people and think they need to be sent away. There are so many of them that Utah
and Oklahoma can’t hold all of them. I am in favor of splitting America
in two. I’m a Vietnam veteran, one exposed to agent orange, over 60
years old and have seen my life and the lives of my children, my friends
and decent Americans poisoned by idiots. I’m not taking any blame. I
would never have joined the “those people” to send our jobs overseas,
open our borders for cheap slave labor or watched the phony
“Evangelical” Christians try to create a state that might actually
succeed in bringing Jesus back, just to cart them to hell.I lived thru feminism, the “welfare state,”
and “political correctness,” all ideas that were never more than a
sideshow invented by our corporate news so we would wake up some day and
find ourselves, well, find ourselves where we are now, permanent war,
broke, Constitution in tatters and hundreds of thousands of Americans
following “corporate whore” Sarah Palin into a scripted version of “dime
store” Fascism. Real Fascism is actually a lot better than her
version. It gave people jobs and medical care. Palin, moronic bimbo
that she is, is working for the American Mafia, a combination of
Zionists, Wall Street, oil and defense lobbyists, to turn America into a
prison camp.

We are more than halfway there now. Ever
wonder about words like “stop loss?” Probably not, is my guess. It
means that if you were once in the military, fought in wars, did your
time and got out, they can simply get you back and keep you as long as
they want. This used to be called slavery. Even indentured servants
were released eventually.

Any of you read about the Siddiqui trial in
New York, about the dangerous terrorist we “caught” and put in jail
for, well, we don’t really know since she never was a terrorist and
didn’t do anything. We had a gang kidnap her and her kids, no reason,
no terror connections of any kind, and, once we had her, we did all we
know how to do. We torture, we rape, and then we lie about it. How do
we hide our mistakes? We give the victim a “fair trial” and put them

We jail people, we have millions locked up
in America now and half our kids stuck overseas “fighting terrorism,”
which, when we look at it, stuff like 9/11 or the Detroit “Crotch
Bomber,” seems more and more each day like we are being set up. Now we
are being told to expect a “major terror attack” in 6 months. Is it
being planned in a cave somewhere or as more and more of us believe, on
Wall Street with the help of people we used to pay to protect us from
terrorism who seem to have joined up with the Mossad and “military
contractors,” not really mercenaries, that is too good a word for some
of them, even pirates had and honor code. We can expect a terror
attack, poison gas, anthrax, more hijackings or coordinated suicide

When we look, but we really won’t look, we
will be able to trace a financial trail to “patriotic Americans,” and to
Israel and to some of our stooges in Saudi Arabia. That’s ok, we will
already have a patsy lined up, a country we plan to attack, preferably
one with oil, the last one has drugs and the market on heroin in the US
is saturated.

When I see the “T-baggers” lined up to
listen to the “spokes-Pimps” for the generations of rats, foreign and
domestic, that have made it necessary for our kids to fight meaningless
wars or starve, when I see redneck morons with the “queer hating”
bigots, racists and mental defectives banding together to complain about
how bad things are in a failed America they helped bring about by their
own ignorance I say its time to “throw in the towel” and split America
in half.

I say, let the fools run their own
country. Israel can keep them supplied with weapons and technology,
like they have with India and China. They can keep them supplied with
terrorists also, in case they run out. Christmas showed us that.

I don’t want to talk to “them,” I don’t
want to see “them” anymore. With kids in high priced colleges who have
no hope of jobs when getting out and others unemployed, underemployed
and losing hope, I am no longer willing to lie, willing to make excuses
for what has been done to America. So many of us saw this coming
decades ago. We saw the sham of “Reaganomics,” destroying jobs,
building debt and using an actor, kindly, convincing and dementia
ridden, to sell us on our own destruction.

Where are our jobs? OFFSHORE
Where is all the profit made because of the
tax cuts and wars? OFFSHORE
Where is all the oil money from rigging
gasoline prices for years? OFFSHORE
Where are the people who now own America?
Where are our children in the military?

Where are the planners of the next big
terrorist attack on America? WASHINGTON, D.C.
Back during the “Bush the lesser”
Presidency, there was continual talk of moving the “blue states” to join
Canada. A great internal migration would occur. The new America, the
one joined with Canada, would lose its snake handing/speaking in tongues
Christian Zionists, the West Pointers who planned the quick and clean
“Mission Accomplished” oil war against Iraq. We would lose our meth
dealers, drunks, country club golfers and those veterans groups that
love America but find disabled veterans “too time consuming” to help.

Maybe we should thank Palin, ok, not her,
she couldn’t plan a trip to Wal-Mart. We really don’t see anything
other than the buffoons they put in front of us, the deadwood filling
Congress, the “Jerome Corsi” types, the “Joe Lieberman” turncoats or the
McCain’s. McCain. This man is a classic. Is he an “asset” of the
Mafia, Communist Vietnam, Israel or all of the above? With a country
filled with heroes, we put this man on a podium. Shame. With his
“classified” record of betrayal and his presidential pardon, we actually
ran him for president.

Friends in Canada, Germany, France and even
in Iraq constantly tell me, “Get the hell out of there, bring your kids
over here where they have a chance of a decent life.”

Those who stay in America have plans.
Gated communities. Private islands. For those less fortunate, the
double-wide, a barbed wire fence and a shotgun will have to suffice.

There is no way to fix what is wrong, it
isn’t just that we let thieves steal our country. We have so many
people here that are so stupid, and I assure you, the entire world is
laughing at us, America can’t be saved. We can’t educate them. They
“believe.” There is no such thing as justice, morality, economics,
international law or humanity to people who have religion explained to
them by a “televangelist” hate spewing domestic “Mullah.” Even much of
the Taliban has had to grow up and deal with the idiocy of attacking
television sets and following beliefs that the Prophet, peace be on him,
would have reviled at.

In America, “dumb” is big business and
hijacking dissent, is how a criminal conspiracy has been allowed to turn
the richest and most powerful nation in the history of earth into
something we all know is descending into poverty and chaos.

I don’t care if the world thinks we are
stupid. We don’t measure ourselves by others, we don’t have to go far
to see how we have fallen nor do we have to look far to see how a cabal
of thieves on Wall Street along with AIPAC, Rupert Murdoch,
Bush/Cheney/Ashcroft/Rumsfeld and an unseen criminal conspiracy hijacked
America with the help of the ignorant and fearful.

I could sit here silently, as do many, or
point fingers at Obama for failures that began with Reagan. I could
blame Obama for fiddling while America burns, a truth he isn’t allowed
to admit. We elect presidents to lie to us. I think this is a
prerequisite for the job.

I work with veterans. All day long it is
disease, homelessness, injustice and corruption, failure by government
to pay the bills for wars that never should have been fought and lives
that should never have been destroyed. Few Americans are aware that
most veterans who have served in the last 10 years have applied for
disability. Not some, not a few, but most are disabled, unable to work,
unable to support their families and certainly unable to get health care
for those they are no longer able to provide for.

We are talking about 400,000 recent
veterans, young people, who are telling us that after deployment after
deployment, they are physically or mentally unable to hold a job,
provide for a family or, in many cases, take care of themselves.

Do we tell them that a group of
“conservatives,” not really political types, but those who call
themselves “Republicans” along with oil thugs and Pentagon thieves
planned the Iraq war, and just maybe, who knows, some of those “terror
attacks” also, long in advance. I know the feeling of being duped. I
am a disabled veteran who fought in Vietnam. Vietnam was a luxury. It
was so corrupt you could smell the stink of it before you got off the
plane. The military didn’t even bother to lie to us about “fighting for

I never demanded a perfect country. I
always thought life would be hard work, injustice, bad luck, suffering
and it has been. I have seen friends die, children die, war after war
and personal success while those around me have failed has been empty. I
still see good people every day. I see what America has done in Haiti,
we have shown the world the kind of people that are here.

I ask a lot of America. I had been told
all my life that we were special, not chosen by a god or ordained to
rule the earth but good, even simple and naive. I had been lulled into
believing that our political processes, our technology and the innate
goodness of our people would build a paradise of freedom, justice and
plenty. Instead, we got secret prisons, the Patriot Acts and visions of
Sarah Palin hiking up her skirt while crowds scream “kill him.” This
was the real scene in Findlay, Ohio during the last election.

Hey, after World War II, we executed a few
of the Nazi front men but let the bankers and industrialists they worked
for go free. Even that is better than what we have done after the Bush
fiasco. We denied America the justice we demanded, kept up the wars,
kept the illegal laws, kept the secret prisons and changed very little.
Dictatorship can be very addicting, it seems.
Did we even have an election? I am not so
sure anymore.

Maybe we could find a litmus for “dumb.”
First thing we could do is get rid of everyone who thinks “conservative”
means laws against everything, rule by the rich and sending our
military around the world to fight for Israel.

Another group I want gone are “Christian
Zionists.” These are people who advocate the destruction of earth
through causing nuclear war so their imaginary god, not one in any bible
I have seen, will take them to heaven while the “unrighteous” are “left
behind” to suffer and die. Not only do these people get to go to that
“other country” but should also be on a worldwide “no fly list” or
“idiot watchlist.”

Do we talk about people who believe that
not letting poison be dumped into our drinking water is “tree hugging?”
The “no fly list” for them too.

I am unwilling to allow people who believe
insurance and pharmaceutical companies should make rules for government
to remain unsterilized. I really believe that this kind of mental
defectiveness may be genetic. Either they go or I go. I say “them.”

Years ago, British author Douglas Adams
wrote The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. One of the suggestions made
in that book involved 3 space ships. Every few years, society would
discover a great disaster coming and build 3 space ships. The great
leaders and scientists would be on one, the workers and people who
actually do things would be on another and the “managers” and “telephone
sanitizers” would be on a third.

The ruse, of course, would be to let the
3rd space ship take off and the other ones break down.

My “3rd space ship” would be filled with
military leaders, lobbyists, congress, weapons designers, think tanks,
people who write TV commercials, every employee of the corporate news
and anyone who has ever used the terms, “big government, socialism or
liberal.” Since we don’t have the technology for this, then we let this
group, them, the 5 Supreme Court justices we all know so well and our
“T-baggers” to set up their own little version of hell on earth.
They can build prisons, pass laws, keep
guns, seize guns, put each other on lists, listen to each others phone
calls, mandate religions and borrow and borrow from anyone dumb enough
to lend them money. They just can’t leave. I strongly suspect the
world will want them under permanent quarantine. Sarah Palin can be
Supreme Ruler for Life.Gordon Duff is a Marine Vietnam veteran,
grunt and 100% disabled vet. He has been a UN Diplomat, defense contractor
and is a widely published expert on military and defense issues. He is
active in the financial industry and is a specialist on global trade.
Gordon Duff acts as political and economic advisor to a number of
governments in Africa and the Middle East. He is a regular writer for
Veterans Today and Opinion Maker.

Gordon Duff is AWESOME!

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Comment by Jeff on February 8, 2010 at 1:34pm
I'm a fan too. I exchanged a few emails with him yesterday and today. One son killed himself and another has diabetes. He has quite a few children. He's not terribly happy with America. Neither am I.
Comment by Tara on February 8, 2010 at 11:33am
I stumbled into Gordon Duff's articles some time ago and was a fan immediately. This is the best rant I've heard to date.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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