Hardin, Montana under siege! Alex Jones Interviews Michael Hollingsworth (Infowars/ Prison Planet TV)


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Hardin, Montana under siege!

Michael Hollingsworth Infowars September 30, 2009

Today started not unlike any other. Except that one of my friends emailed me a story about how a company called American Police Force has moved into a town south of me called Hardin, and how they were “taking over that jail that was built and never opened”. Now most Montanans are aware of this financial OOPS that was this modern jail. It was built, and never opened because it was not built to specs in accordance with prisoner housing requirements pursuant to Montana State Law.

featured stories Hardin, Montana under siege!
The new prison facility in Hardin, Montana.

When I started reading the KULR 8 news stations reports on this “American Police Force”, it immediately made me suspicious as that is totally against the idea of police. Our police are hired and mandated by the local governments they are local to. They are required to go to what’s called POST, or Peace Officer’s Standards of Training. This school is mandatory by Montana Law prior to be appointed as a “sworn peace officer”.

With these concerns in mind, I started making phone calls. I started with Becky Shay, who was the Billings Gazette reporter who initially broke the story. I spent an hour and a half with her and talked about all of the details. She and I had a positive talk where she assured me that she was “thankful for the chance to be able to talk to people like me.” I was appalled to hear that this company had “no intention of revealing who their parent company is”. Ms. Shay confided in me that she went from a reporter’s salary and conditions “driving a ‘99 Dodge Intrepid with a broken tie rod and bad front brakes”, to “a brand new black SUV that she doesn’t have to pay the gas bill for”. My jaw was on the floor. Story breaker straight to the being the mouth of the beast…

Ms. Shay also told me that there are people in Hardin that are so grateful for APF’s presence, that they literally opened their homes to her if she needed a place to say. Now this SOUNDS great and all, but it also sounded very manufactured. This conversation went down as if Ms. Shay was trying to sell me something. I read some things about how APF arrived in Hardin, Montana with the words: Hardin Police on the door. This is IMPERSONATING A POLICE OFFICER. They had NO RIGHT to bear that title. They are NOT sworn as peace officers. They have NO AUTHORITY!

It was shortly before I ended this call on a positive note, that Ms. Shay expressed a GREAT interest in talking to Alex. I told her that I would be contacting the AJ show. I was told by her that I was TOTALLY 100% OK’d to use ALL of the content in any further correspondence. I then called Mr. Al Pedersen who is the Executive Director of Two Rivers Authority, the financial entity that is in charge of attempting to rebuild Hardin’s infrastructure. I asked Mr. Pedersen to elaborate how a private military company could move into a town, take over a prison that did not meet Montana Code, and dare to emblazon “Hardin Police” on their doors…Mr. Pedersen cursed me out, and hung up on me. I called him back, got his voicemail, and left the message that since he could not see fit to talk to me civilly, that I would be calling all of my elected officials as well as CNN and CSPAN. No reply.

I then proceeded to call KULR8 news in Billings, Montana. They expressed concern about how a near 20 year career reporter could simply sell out and go to work for the very company SHE ousted! The person I spoke to said, “she got herself a bigger paycheck, can’t fault her for that!”. This person also conceded that it was a sell out situation, and was sick. I than called the Office of the Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer. The person who answered the phone assured me that Gov. Schweitzer was watching this situation and would see to it that there was NOTHING illegal or unconstitutional going on, and that his office would NOT allow these people to overstep any legal boundaries. They didn’t want to talk about how the APF showed up labelled as “police”. This conversation was abruptly ended by the intern.

I then called the Office of Max Baucus’ Billings location who denied any knowledge. Although Schweitzer, Baucus, and Mt Senator Jon Tester were sued by Two Rivers Authority to allow this prison to be used by a private entity…wherein a judge overturned Montana Law in order to allow this prison to be used privately without disclosing where the prisoners are coming from, or their nature. This company is known to be affiliated with Blackwater Security now known as XE, as well as other PMC’s.

For more information or to post Montana news tips please go to. http://freedomvideousa.forumwise.com/

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Comment by Dee on October 7, 2009 at 12:36am
Comment by UnSpy on October 1, 2009 at 3:10pm
Comment by truth on October 1, 2009 at 1:36am
Comment by Tara on October 1, 2009 at 12:33am
To see the shadow of yesterdays dawning rise and fall under a boot that falls hard upon a battered soul shrinking. The fist of fortune forever tries to smother the dreamer within, but never conquers the cheers of those who seek freedom unbending. Freedom still reigns in the hearts of those who know thyself over their master, to one day dance on the graves of those that believe by a grander dress, they are mightier. To all those that suffer by the fate of a few....your day will shine upon you like a golden shield of honor in the battlefield of truth and honor....evermore!
Comment by Marklar on September 30, 2009 at 11:46pm
Like looking out the window and seeing the future rushing at you with grasping claws. Iron bars and stone walls like a lord's castle of old set upon the hill to watch over the daily toils of the wretched and casting it's cold cold shadow over the human soul. The servant waits while master baits behind a shield of blue and gold.
Comment by Alastair Carnegie on September 30, 2009 at 11:09pm
Read these words from Marcus Tullius Cicero, written over 2000 years ago, on internal treason and subversion. They were written about Rome, but they could have been written yesterday about America, if we actually had a politician who would call out the truth of what is happening.

"A nation can survive its fools and even the ambitious.But it cannot survive treason from within.

An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and he carries his banners openly against the city. But the traitor moves among those within the gates freely, his sly whispers rustling through all alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself.

For the traitor appears no traitor; he speaks in the accents familiar to his victim, and he wears their face and their garments and he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation; he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of a city; he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to be feared.

The traitor is the plague." http://www.diggersrealm.com/mt/archives/003160.html
Comment by Peter Fuhrman on September 30, 2009 at 10:47pm
Does this mean we will be seeing more purposeful, covert/in your face invasions of our own lands? Why are the local authorities and military not kicking them out?
Comment by Steven A Keene on September 30, 2009 at 10:29pm
I have to agree with Lawrence on this matter. I don't think that this will just go away though. The reason I make this statement is that the militia in Montana has been in the mainstream media for the last year if not longer. They are worried about Montana possibly being a tough nut to crack so In my line of reasoning is they will deal with that area of the country first to demoralize the rest of the country. So you have to ask is Montana's militia a force to be reckoned with or have they been making these statements to hype the information out of proportion to reality or is the Intel good? Either way I feel this is more of a psyops issue with longer reaching goals down the road.
Comment by plantop14 on September 30, 2009 at 6:09pm
James, hell of a good guest on the show today and AJ is going to Montana w/ updates tomorrow! Can't wait to see how much AJ exposes on the foreign traitors! Oh.....and as you can see, finally resolved the log in issue! Thanks for the help on that!

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