June 11, 2009
Dear Friend of Liberty,
We wanted to make sure you were the first to know that your hard work and dedication has resulted in Ron Paul's Audit the Fed bill, HR 1207, gaining the support of a majority of the House of Representatives!
Just moments ago, Dr. Paul's congressional office issued a press release announcing that HR 1207 had received its 218th cosponsor, and that the list has now grown to 222!
Read their press release here.
Since our last update put the number at 207 on Tuesday, here is the list of representatives that have signed on:
-Rep. David Loebsack
-Rep. Gary Miller
-Rep. Frank Wolf
-Rep. Corrine Brown
-Rep. Jackie Speier
-Rep. Bruce Braley
-Rep. Donna Edwards
-Rep. Bobby Bright
-Rep. Anh “Joseph” Cao
-Rep. Jared Polis
-Rep. Dennis Kucinich
-Rep. Howard “Buck” McKeon
-Rep. Howard Coble
-Rep. Jean Schmidt
-Rep. Heath Shuler
This is an incredible victory for the freedom movement, but our work to Audit the Fed is only just beginning! Now we must concentrate on seeing the bill through the committee process and getting it to the House floor for a vote.
With your continued support, we will do just that. Together, we will restore transparency to our nation's monetary system.
Thank you for all you do for the cause of liberty!
In Liberty,
John Tate
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