If History is ever Depicted as it Should Be

Image result for Obama the unconstitutional candidate

They say that the recording of history will always favor the conqueror as they are the ones controlling the information and archiving their version of history as they want it to appear to future generations. The trouble with that is that the ruthless ones who spread mayhem and destruction will have history show that they were benevolent when indeed they weren’t. This is surely the way history beginning in 2008 for the US will certainly be distorted thanks to the dishonest nature of the Democrat Party. It will certainly depict the righteous as misinformation specialists and hate mongering corrupt capitalists, when in reality, it was they (the Democrats} who created social unrest and propaganda to cause enough distraction to get the public to lose sight of what was really happening.

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Why was he never indicted?

History as shown by the Democrats will conveniently ignore that Barack Obama lied to the people and Congress after sitting on the board of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac saying that the two federal mortgage guarantee agencies were too big to fail as they were suffering thousands of defaults thanks to the Democrat CRA approving bad loans that never should have been allowed. That was in 2004 and Obama received a 100 thousand dollar bonus for being a member on the board. In 2005 Obama struck again being part of the covert development of bio-weapon labs in Ukraine, the very source of our threat of a WWIII today with Putin’s Russia.

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The big snow job that went unpunished

In 2008 history if objectively recorded should show that due to massive cooperation with the mainstream media, corporations that donate to the Democrats, and blocking conservative efforts to educate voters, Barack Obama was elected president. A fledgling senator from Chicago whose mentor was William Ayers, a convicted domestic terrorist who discussed the need for liquidating millions of Americas who would refuse to accept Communism once he had aided our enemies in conquering the US. As president Obama would continue to hate monger and race bait in public statements that would lead to widespread rioting in US cities. His economic policies would lead to never before seen deficit spending that would make the cost of government greater than the total GDP of private industry in America for the first time.

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Blood on their hands

Getting hundreds of Mexican citizens killed and two US border agents murdered due to the Fast and Furious gun walking program that AG Eric Holder and he proposed thanks to being exposed by an ATF whistleblower who risked his life to reveal the federal fraternity of corrupt law enforcement agents willing to act illegally for a piece of the action. Under Obama one scandal after another marked the 8 years of tumultuous rule under the Democrats such as the Solyndra scandal, the IRS scandal, not to mention weaponizing the federal government against conservatives and Christians. Why is this relevant today? Take a look at puppet man, Joe Biden, an installed oval office holder, elected through massive organized voter fraud. Biden is literally Obama 2.0 another 4 years of the same incompetent rule that nearly destroyed the country beginning in 2008. Now it is upon us again.

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The undeclared invasion

History would show if accurately depicted, a federal government blatantly demonstrating its lack of ethics, concern for our allies, capitulation to China as our president’s family profits in millions from the Communist Chinese. History would show the unheard of breach in national security caused by the open borders policy of the Biden Administration with 5 million unvetted illegal aliens with embedded terrorists drug cartel, violent criminals, and human traffickers now living among Americans even aided with US tax dollars for shelter, food, medicine, and transportation to the city of their choice! This as US veterans went untreated and impoverished. As American mothers found baby formula shortages when it was revealed the baby formula had been shifted to supply illegal aliens who had trespassed across the southern US border. A flagrant disregard for the American citizen by our own federal government!

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Fiscal irresponsibility

This amazingly corrupted era in US history where Americans were left behind in Afghanistan as it was abandoned and left to the Taliban, economic policies that led to the highest inflation in over 40 years, due to dangerously high deficit spending that will likely never be reconciled so that the US dollar will eventually collapse. A ruthless Democrat White House that refused to tell the America people the truth while spending millions in legal attempts to incriminate former President Trump with false and fabricated evidence that would result in charges being levied against any normal citizens. A politicized FBI only interested in punishing Trump supporters labeling 80 million voters as domestic terrorists while allowing Hunter Biden’s laptop full of incriminating evidence against son, Hunter, as well as the rest of the Biden family to be ignored and go unprosecuted. Our federal government imprisoning political prisoners ( American patriots) using planned entrapment and calling it an insurrection while just months before in that previous summer supporting and funding paid agitators to burn down several US towns and attack police, even on the grounds of Washington DC. History would not be kind to a Democrat plague of anti-American policy!

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A time when traitors ruled the land?

The years of Democrat dominated rule from 2008 to 2012 and from 2020 to 2024 would have to go down as the darkest periods known in the history of the United States when a treasonous regime stabbed the American people in the back, and lied repeatedly getting caught at it each and every time! The damage is so great that it is doubtful the nation can survive under the treason committed by so many in government who have become the useful idiots of our foreign enemies while pseudoscience was even used to justify administering questionable and dangerous vaccines proven to be more dangerous than the illness itself (Covid 19) they were supposed to provide immunity against. This will be an unparalleled time in American politics and public life when the federal government could not be trusted to function in its constitutional capacity and instead served the needs of our enemies! The internal treason too numerous to overcome! With a Department of Justice rife with Obama appointees making it impossible for the rule of law to succeed!

Image result for America under the boot of the Biden shit show


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