If the earth is spinning @1,000 MPH in an easterly rotation how come it takes as long going from west to east as it does going from east to west

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Comment by steve on June 20, 2023 at 1:51pm
Comment by steve on June 20, 2023 at 1:12pm
Comment by steve on June 20, 2023 at 1:01pm

Hey Less, Funny thing about electricity, it can be created it can be controlled it can be directed but it can't be defined just as lightening can't be measured it like magnetism is a force that  can't be explained. The voltage in a bolt of lightening is too immense to be measured by man.


Comment by steve on June 20, 2023 at 12:52pm

Hey all you indoctrinated ball believers, keep an open mind and question everything. How anyone can believe we are hurtling thru space at 500,000 MPH and rotating at nearly 1,000 MPH is shamefully gullible and has been deceived. Before you respond watch at least the first 8 minutes.



Comment by steve on June 20, 2023 at 12:34pm
Comment by steve on June 20, 2023 at 12:16pm

Many many pages of truth exposing the con of the earth spinning FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF SOUND. THE WHOLE PREMIS OF THE SPINNING BALL indoctrination is impossible just like the "big ol bang OUT OF NOTHING or the "theory of evolution" the math is impossible for 21 amino acids to combine into cells into organisms. The magnificence of life, ALL LIFE was made by the CREATOR OF ALL THINGS. Just remember kids those who can't CREATE can only con  and recruit



Comment by steve on June 20, 2023 at 12:04pm

Hey Less, Who you gonna believe,the liars who told you Jabby jabs are safe or your own eyes.



Comment by Less Prone on June 20, 2023 at 11:58am

The earth spins, yes. And the seas, atmosphere and averything on it spins with it. Why isn't the atmosphere stationary? If you take a glass of water and start spinning it, the water in it follows and after a while is spinning at the same rate as the glass. Why on  one side of the earth we have day when simultaneously the oppisite side is dark. If the earth was flat we would all have day and night at the same time everywhere. The flat earth idea comes from the times when people thought we were the center of all creation. It's quire a pompous assumption, considering the countless number of stars and galaxies observable even with bare eyes.

Lightning is a current of electricity. Here is an explanation of it.

Comment by steve on June 20, 2023 at 10:44am

Hey Rox, Please explain how lightening is "magnetic" as you claim it can't exist without the latter component.


Comment by steve on June 20, 2023 at 10:39am

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