(NaturalNews) This is an open letter to the community of programmers, white-hat hackers and all those who wish to be part of an information revolution that may play a significant role in the future of freedom and liberty.
As you well know, the internet is under attack. The corrupt, criminal governments and corporations of the world are trying to "cleanse" the internet and remove all truthful information from it. Websites that question the government's official position on 9/11, fluoride, aspartame, the War on Drugs or the false War on Terror are being targeted for removal. With legislative assaults like SOPA, PIPA and ACTA, the days of true freedom of speech on the internet appear be numbered. Content censorship by Google, Twitter and Facebook is no longer conjecture; it is policy.
As a former software developer myself, I recognize the urgent need for what I am calling a Peer-to-peer news distribution technology that relies on no central server and could redistribute news (text, audio and video) in a similar fashion to today's bittorrents.
The truth-telling news industry ("alternative" news) needs a technology that will bypass search engine censorship and which cannot be taken down with an attack on a single server or point or origin. There are tens of millions of internet users who, right now, would be thrilled to serve as peers of this system, redistributing news from confirmed "freedom" sources that are reporting real news that the world's corrupt corporations and criminal governments don't want people to read.
NaturalNews wishes to locate a small team of dedicated, liberty-loving, free-speech supporting developers who can create a peer-to-peer news distribution application that will allow freedom-loving end users to read and distribute news and information that may soon be censored off the 'net. This application will obviously need to be cross-platform, and it will need to use advanced port-hopping technologies to avoid being easily blocked.
If the system works well in our testing, I will personally pitch it to Alex Jones at InfoWars, where I believe this system could see tremendous success as a breakthrough technology to distribute information and reach more users. I cannot speak for Alex, however, so it remains his decision on whether InfoWars would wish to use such technology. But if he did, the combination of NaturalNews and InfoWars using this technology to distribute liberty-oriented news and information would be enormous. It could thrust this application into one of the most popular new technologies used around the globe for people to stay informed about what's really happening in the world, despite what the lying hoax media reports on a day-to-day basis.
The system will allow top-level authorized news sources to interject news items into the system from any peer. That news item then gets replicated across all the participating peers. The content distributed through this system obviously cannot be censored by search engines, governments or social networks. Anyone who is running the news torrent app will be able to both SEE the incoming news and FEED that news to other peers that are requesting it.
The system will be used to issue daily news updates on topics like the global debt collapse, censorship of truthful speech, nuclear reactor leaks, FEMA camp activations, poisons in the food and water, deadly GMOs, government lies, media lies, election lies and anything else that is important for people to know to help restore a free society.
The peer-to-peer network will even distribute installation files across the network, so that end users can install the apps without going to a central server. Any person can simply give any other person a small install file that they executive to run the app. New updates to the installation code can be introduced at any peer point by the developer, obviously with special authentication processes.
If you or your team is interested in developing this freedom-promoting technology, please contact me at p2p@naturalnews.com
As a working code name, I am calling this the "Paul Revere project" until a more appropriate name comes along.
Thank you for your consideration.
Freedom will never be honored if we surrender to the technologies of the global elite. Only a game-changing technology can shatter the corporate and government censorship that currently enslaves the human race. Information wants to be free. So do the People.
As the editor of NaturalNews, I have covered toxic GMOs, the perverted groping of the TSA, government lies about the War on Terror, the death agenda of Bill Gates and his depopulation goals, toxic poisons in the food supply and much more.
On the positive side, I have promoted natural cures, nutritional therapies, permaculture, vermiculture, organic gardening, non-hybrid seeds, natural medicine and environmental stewardship. I'm the recipient of a Human Rights Award for investigative journalism, and I'm a regular fill-in host for Alex Jones at InfoWars.com
I believe in ending all patents, period. Intellectual property claims have been used by powerful corporations to enslave the masses. The patents on genes, seeds, animals, plants and medicines have done nothing but enrich the corrupt corporate elite at the expense of the People. I believe in restoring the Bill of Rights, and especially the full strength of the First Amendment. I believe in information revolutions that tear down false histories (the Ministry of Truth, 1984, etc.) and restore public access to truthful, accurate information about reality.
Our world is run by (corporate and government) criminals, and those criminals control all the primary information systems around the globe. It is time that we stopped playing on their field and instead created our own news and information distribution technology that needs no approval from the status quo.
If you wish to be part of this mission, and you have significant experience in P2P technologies, please contact me at p2p@naturalnews.com and we can chat more.
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