Is Earth or the Universe Really What it Seems?

As Einstein maintained from the very beginning when his great work, "Theory of General Relativity" was published, time and space are no different than each other. At the time of its release only 9 people in the world (physicists) could read and comprehend this theory. This phenomenal revelation occurred years before World War I. It is part of the basis in which we ask even more questions about our place in the universe.

Scientists have painstakingly recorded the age of the universe based upon establishing a timeline dating all the way back to seconds before the alleged "Big Bang" theoretically when the universe, as we know it, was created with an explosion of matter. Albert Einstein in his General Theorem of Relativity even makes an estimate of the exact size of the universe based upon its expansion from the original Big Bang. Einstein felt surely that the universe was close to its finite level of travel from ground zero and would shortly begin to shrink since the initial energy and displacement caused by its creation had expended itself leading to an inevitable contraction of all matter.

Scientists know that time as measured of the universe differs from the time continuum we know on earth. There seems to be missing time. Some researchers believe that there is an exact missing time of 24 hours on earth that does not equate with the time measured for the rest of the universe. Want stranger? Some scientists are convinced that the earth exists as a self perpetuating hologram that contains its own reality as opposed to the observable universe. In other words if time on earth does not correlate with the rest of the universe then we exist in a separate reality that only a hologram would explain.

It is curious indeed to note that in the Bible, God prevents the earth from revolving on its axis for one day! Of course it is described by ancient men as a day that never saw the night come forth. If for nothing else the world did lack 24 hours of measurable time that could not be traced to the rest of the universe this would present a problem of missing time and the need for an explanation. Divine intervention is always frowned upon by the secular community. Even with sound geological data and archeological evidence still many in the scientific community scoff at Biblical prophecy. If so, you might wonder why the Vatican maintains one of the best observatories on earth constantly monitoring the heavens for celestial signs of the coming Revelations as in the "Book of Revelations" in the Bible.

There are many other things that don't seem to jive with what our current astrophysical assumptions seem to think. For one thing, the universe contains a lot more matter than science can account for, yet it remains hidden. That huge amount of undetected matter does not exist in the visible spectrum of stars, planets, asteroid belts, or nebulas. Yet, it is there. So, what did the scientific community do? They accounted for the missing material as "Dark Matter" the mystery stuff that we have not been able to detect. We merely created a new category for one of many things we cannot explain about the universe. Remember in the Bible the Lord says, "My thoughts are not your thoughts."

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In recent years NASA has unleashed a massive effort to find planets with similarity to our own Earth. New technically advanced satellites are able to reach light years out into space to analyze other distant solar systems. Searching for solid metallic core planets that generate a magnetic field that shields the surface from solar radiation is one requirement for life as we know it. The "Goldie Locks Zone" is another requirement that our satellites scan for. This would be the right distance from a star that would not be too hot or too cold so that oceanic activity and a dense enough atmosphere would be present to promote life.

Although thousands of planets have been discovered, a few seem just like Earth, with one that is much larger than ours revolving around a star much larger than the yellow dwarf we call "Sol" in our own solar system. Yet, discouragingly enough there seems to be no radio signals emanating from these planets that would support carbon based life forms that we have here on our home world. It may be, as Einstein stated, that as we co-exist with parallel universes that the bizarre visitations that many witnesses have reported known as "UFO's" or "UAP's" have come from another dimension, therefore their physical properties are not well known to us or do they necessarily apply to our understood physics.

UFO Fascination Says More About Humans Than About Aliens
According to the General Theory of Relativity, the faster one travels when approaching the speed of light time slows down and even begins to reverse itself so that someone who left our Earth at the speed of light would return in 20 years of our measured time without having aged very much at all. Even at 300 mph. on a conventional airplane a slight measurement of time slowing down has been detected, but that would be very small. Remember also that gravity is not the attraction of two bodies due to the orbital pull exerted by each other upon themselves, but by the displacement of those bodies acting upon the space time continuum, or as Einstein says, " the fabric of space time." Like the depression on a bed quilt left by the weight of an object resting on its surface, displacement is an invisible force acting on everything in the universe just not in the manner we once theorized.

Albert Einstein has been interpreted as being a man dedicated to the search for knowledge, who was considered, eccentric, apolitical, unconventional, and even forgetful, but as some have described as atheistic they would be wrong. As Albert was once quoted as saying, "God does not play dice with the universe." It seems that Einstein had a faith in the very foundations of atomic and molecular structure and the laws that governed them to be evidence of a higher power. As we have seen in the 20th Century and in America that the farther we stray from a faith in a creator and the Ten Commandments we have opened Pandora's box of evils and perversions that are quite disturbing and have no logical explanation.

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