Large FBI, Homeland Security Operation Targets Militias in Michigan, Indiana, Ohio

On Saturday night the FBI and Homeland Security conducted what was described as a “major” operation against the Michigan militia.

As of Sunday morning, the operation was not reported by national media, although it was covered by local media in Michigan.

“The FBI was conducting raids Saturday night at multiple locations in southeast Michigan,” WXYZ News in Detroit reported last night. “Action News has learned Homeland Security and the Joint Anti-terrorism Task Force is also involved in a major operation.”

The feds would not tell WXYZ “who they were targeting or where, but the FBI has set up a command center at the Washtenaw County Sheriff’s Department in Ann Arbor, where they have brought in two satellite trucks and a radio tower.”

“Several media outlets report that the FBI conducted raids on Saturday night and Sunday morning at several locations in Washtenaw and Lenewee counties. In its Sunday morning broadcast, Channel 7 Action News reports that Homeland Security and the Joint Anti-terrorism Task Force are also involved in the raids, possibly connected to the Michigan Militia. A command center has been set up at the Washtenaw Sheriff’s department,” reported the Ann Arbor Chronicle.

“There is still a lot about this case we don’t know,” reported Action News reporter Kim Craig (see second video below), “and hope to find out later today, but there does seem to be a connection to the Michigan Militia.” The FBI and Homeland Security used “a small army” against a house in Adrian, Michigan.

It appears raids are being conducted in Hammond, Indiana, and Sandusky, Ohio, as well

“Hammond police assisted with an FBI raid Saturday evening in the Indiana city, but federal officials would not release any details,” Chicago Breaking News Center reported.

FBI, Homeland Security, and agents from the Sandusky Police, Erie County Sheriff’s deputies, agents from Toledo Police Bomb Squad and Cleveland Regional Transit Authority’s K9 Unit conducted an operation in Ohio. “Some officers in green uniforms carried large automatic rifles,” the Sandusky Register reports this morning. An FBI spokesman said warrants were sealed in federal court and he could not release any information until after the suspects appear in court Monday.

The Michigan Militia website reports today that the group has not been raided. “We do nothing illegal, ” a headline on the website states. “Both The Southeast Michigan Volunteer Militia and the staff of condemn attacks or threats of any sort directed against our elected representatives. We also condemn those who would use these attacks to further their agenda. If you don’t like your representatives, then recall them or elect someone else, or hell, run for office yourself. We also urge all representatives to obtain and read a copy of The Constitution,” the site explains.

The original Michigan Militia was formed in response to the federal government’s mass murder in Waco, Texas, and the murder of Randy Weaver’s family at Ruby Ridge in Idaho. The Michigan Militia came to national attention in1995 when the corporate media erroneously associated Timothy McVeigh to the group.

Last April, the Department of Homeland Security released a report on “rightwing extremism” that warned of militia violence. The DHS report followed similar reports issued by MIAC and the Virginia Terrorism Threat Assessment Center. The MIAC report claimed supporters of Ron Paul, Chuck Bladwin, and Bob Barr are domestic terrorists.


The corporate media has reported on the raids. “The FBI confirmed to Local 4 [in Adrian, Michigan] that there were several law enforcement activities in the Lenawee/Washtenaw County area late Saturday night,” reports MSNBC. “Michigan State Police said the raids are not terror related, but would not comment further.”

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Comment by Jeff on March 30, 2010 at 3:08pm
Here's the retard:

"Take your son, your only son – yes, Isaac, whom you love so much – and go to the land of Moriah. Sacrifice him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will point out to you." (Genesis 22:1-18)

Sacrifice? Burnt offering? Sounds just ducky.
Comment by Jeff on March 30, 2010 at 3:06pm
A righteous God would allow billions of Muslims to follow the wrong religion?
Comment by Jeff on March 30, 2010 at 3:05pm
No, the guy who said if you don't follow my religion you won't be saved was a retard.

What about Muslims, Jews, Catholics and all the others?

They just by random choice picked the wrong religion?
Comment by Jeff on March 30, 2010 at 2:57pm
I prefer to fight the NWO with a pen, or a keyboard, but I also believe it's a hopeless endeavor. That doesn't stop me.

I don't think an AK47 will help because when push comes to shove they're just going to arrest people waving guns and they'll do it with tanks, helicopters, armored vehicles and more, which we can see from the Hutaree arrests. We may not win but I'll go down knowing and spreading the truth about war, food additives, Big Pharma, the banks, politics, economics, chemtrails, environmental chemical pollution, the death of the bees and everything else that Capitalism and Fascism and Socialism and government brings on. I'm an Anarchist which means I believe government isn't necessary. It pollutes the world, usurps resources and enslaves people.
Comment by Billybob Cornfed on March 30, 2010 at 2:51pm
I was just kidding...trying to find the vein in which to talk with offense meant! Just bustin on ya!
Comment by Jeff on March 30, 2010 at 2:47pm
Billbob, I'm one of the original members. I have over 700 posts. Go read a few.
Comment by Billybob Cornfed on March 30, 2010 at 2:44pm
Sounds to me like Jeff is a fed here to bait and find anger then bring the wrath of the feds down - just like in Michigan.
Comment by Jeff on March 30, 2010 at 2:20pm
Oryzen, knowing who ones friends are is the first step on the road to reality.

And I only shot down the people that have to resort to bible verse to carry on an intellectual debate, and that would obviously include you, even though you didn't use bible verse.

I don't need any fucking tea, I went and bought cigarettes.
Comment by Billybob Cornfed on March 30, 2010 at 1:47pm
I would like mine with a touch of bitter...
Comment by Jeff on March 30, 2010 at 1:33pm
I'm not negative. I have opinions. People that use bible verse in their debates are retards.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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