Let's Talk About the Juxtaposed Reality You are Supposed to Accept

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You are watching TV and a commercial comes on empowering women just because they wear anti-leakage disposable underwear, and they'll stomp their feet all at once leading us to believe just like Jesus would do the same after he returns to earth witnessing the evil that has gone on since his departure only when he stamps his foot earthquakes will arise! There is an anti-perspirant ad by a well known deodorant maker that has women making muscle pumping stances that signify their power over not sweating under their own under arms even when taking an aerobics class because they have attained political and social power over using a product that suppresses the body's normal reaction to heat and physical stress by using aluminum chlorhydrate considered by many to be a toxic brain contaminating agent! Knowing this is all politically false advertising that capitalizes on people's stupidly exploited emotions I find my self being the only person in Walmart or Home Depot not wearing a mask, and I know the illusion is complete. The people are dumbed down, brainwashed, and subjugated by their masters! Like Lemmings they have submitted like caged animals and the next step will be exactly this as they are packed into waiting National Guard trucks to be shipped to quarantine facilities or military lock downs located God knows where!

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Humans are impressionable. They are susceptible to odd ideas and manipulative narratives that convince them to submit, to give up, to obey! We humans are a social species who want to believe that leadership had our best interests in mind, but they don't, and it's hard for them to see the "Big Picture". Reality has such nice packaging! War can be seen as justifiable no matter how many GI's come home without limbs, mentally disturbed, or unable to engage with society in a normal way again, but the media will tell us they are village burners, child killers, and hired thugs who betray the poor brown skinned victims of the third world! They will tell us like Barrack Obama that they are well paid mercenaries so what ever happens to them is not our responsibility being that they were professional and well paid soldiers who chose to participate in evil missions! So fuck'em!

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We are led to believe by the US media that capitalism is some evil kind of socioeconomic system that victimizes the innocent, taxes the poor, and establishes a system of abusive unearned superiority that capitalizes on the unfortunate while uplifting the greedy rich class! Yet, this Soviet orchestrated model of deception does not depict free markets and free enterprise in its actual role. Why have more millionaires, more prosperity, more of those who rose above poverty to make themselves into successful examples of what a little ambition and unhindered effort by the bold and brave can do to enhance one's life and become, a positive role model for all to see? Opportunity exists when government rule removes itself from the society and individual ambition is allowed to turn the tide of despair to the joy of earning the rewards of hard effort and belief in the individual who seeks betterment! A person who does not expect entitlement or government intervention, but rewards that are earned from ingenuity, hard work, and free thinking will succeed! This can never happen under ANTIFA madness or Black Lives Matter spinning yarns of hate and violence! You must free yourself from the lies! America is great. it does provide opportunity. And, it does promote freedom of thought not suppression of liberty as the Bolsheviks and their evil media would have you believe!

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Comment by Doc Vega on July 21, 2020 at 12:50am

Central Scrutinizer you are so damn right!

Comment by Central Scrutinizer on July 19, 2020 at 11:20am

There is no "if " in that sentence Doc,.... there truly are morons & IQ deficient sheople out here


Comment by Doc Vega on July 19, 2020 at 10:11am

cheeki kea if there are people so stupid that they can't see that ANTIFA and BLM are not domestic terrorist groups than not only am I amazed but sadly more convinced just how mass stupidity has compromised our world! 

Comment by cheeki kea on July 19, 2020 at 6:56am

Good essay Doc V. Nothing good comes from Antifa or blm they are domestic terrorists, just watch the pampering lefties in Gov. try to distance themselves from these groups in election year, it's a total joke when they have welcomed them all in and given formal greetings. Their hospitality has condoned the violent and radical behaviour that we now see. The hate for and removal of historical monuments seems to be flavour of the day at the moment and it's anybodies guess what comes next. Did the left think they would all just simply go away when not needed ? These vandalising mobs truely believe any act is peaceful, because that's what they've been told they are. Next up......? cell towers ? I really wouldn't be surprised if these groups are the ones destroying them, as twice I have seen statements in the press from big Govt. stating cell tower damage isn't peaceful protest, but still down they come. If that's the case then the lefties get what they deserve. 

"Destroying the New World Order"



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