Lindsay Lohan Poisoned, Along with 300 Million Other Americans.

Lindsay Lohan Poisoned, Along with 300 Million Other Americans.

Alex Jones explains why Lindsay Lohan, and by extension millions of Americans are being poisoned with methamphetamine style drugs like Ritalin that cause brain shrinkage, heart problems and a myriad of other disorders. Alex also highlights how SSRI prozac drugs are turning people into psychopaths and leading to a massive increase in suicides and other reckless behavior.

Young girls and even babies are now going into puberty as a result of milk laced with hormones, Bisphenol A and a toxic cocktail of other ingested substances.

Alex also highlights the deadly threat of sodium fluoride and how it causes IQ reduction, bone cancer, and how vaccines are also contributing to a massive and sustained chemical attack on free humanity as the globalists’ eugenics agenda goes into high gear.

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Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on August 29, 2010 at 10:35pm
There was a discussion on another forum where a guy that has Autism and has a son that developed it after vaccinations control theirs with diet. He doesn't drink the water from tap (city water) but gets spring water or distilled. Washes whatever he buys in it and buys organic from farms whenever possible. He swears that it helps control both his and his son's conditions. Pesticides have been linked to Autism too.

Lohan. I and my wife met her dad at Faux studio in the green room one time. We were waiting to go on and he and a physiologist were coming off stage. Both of them were pure evil in their eyes, and I'm sure the apple probably didn't fall far from the tree.
Comment by O.R.M.E. on August 27, 2010 at 4:37pm
Thank you for this! Interesting!
Ritalin seems to be used for Autism too, I (Poppy) have a niece that has been through tests (for too long it seems!) for Autism and her parents were advised that Ritalin was the way forward! Thankfully, they haven't gone that way as they have read the side effects!

Wonder if Schwarzenegger is bloodline!?

Poppy and Holly (O.R.M.E.)

Comment by truth on August 27, 2010 at 12:50pm
I agree, it is a great way to reach the masses already interested in this media drama.
Comment by Marklar on August 26, 2010 at 4:27pm
Brilliant, I love it. This is proper propaganda kung-fu. Bend like a branch in the wind, flow like water, and turn your enemy's own strengths against him.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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