A few months ago I was listening to an Alex Jones podcast and heard this amazing idea of Masonic architecture and how it shapes reality. The show featured Texe Marrs the author of "Mysterious Monuments" and they discussed how images and buildings help shape our view of the world and the future it holds.

I wondered if this could have validity and I thought of one of the most important buildings ever built in America and the tragedy of 9/11 with the economic aftermath. The World Trade Center was the financial center of the world, and since it's creation the U.S. has been at the center of finances in the International market and represented wealth and prosperity. Almost immediately after 9/11 the stock market crashed and has since been unable to recover and has worsened.

What if this is more than a coincidence and there is power behind images, and architecture?

This is a central idea of magical practices, and even if you don't believe in such things, once you listen to Texe Marrs you begin to realize there are people out there who do.

Now if they are right, and people have been able to use these tools to manipulate society and our future, that means people can use the same techniques to bring the New World Order down. Worth a shot right? At least it would annoy those at the center of these secret organizations who believe in this stuff.

So any artists or practicing magicians/witches/etc. who have any ideas on how to start implementing such tools and subverting I hope you stumble across this blog and put out your two cents.

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Comment by Tara on March 7, 2009 at 2:24am
Wow, I love what everybody has contributed here because not everybody can actually get to that place of understanding of what is hidden, which lies dormant in most of us. We are all here trapped in the material world, but starving for something more.....something spiritual that transcends our understanding of who we are. I agree that positive energy exudes the same and since our spirits are made up of energy, that electricity flows into every soul that is seeking the same....so on and so forth. And of course we have the opposite energy force of negativity which flows the same but like an oil lamp that runs out of fuel, it eventually fades into darkness. The light, GOD is in every single one of us and it is up to us to either let that light shine through by dilligently adding fuel to the flame, or succumbing to the void of darkness, smothering the light of the fire to become the ash of what could of been.

"Positivity is the only way to remove the darkness from our eyes, so that we might move in the direction towards eliminating the barriers to the soul." Tara
Comment by Marklar on March 7, 2009 at 1:00am
Yes, Jung's collective unconscious would be a direct parallel to Cayce's Akashic record. The many parallels can be seen as being the same thing expressed from two different world views without necessarily taking sides on who's view is the more accurate one.

I think your right Q. I understood it this way as well. I was merely suggesting the image to be used by the "villagers", and trying to relate exactly why I believe this to be an appropriate method and one that does not lead you down the path of actually becoming LIKE them. It's difficult to some up ten years of occult study and experience in a page or two though.

Normally, because of the principles I tried to express here, I no longer study or practice the occult. Instead I am now a mystic who seeks direct experience of God and unity with him knowing that the rest will come naturally if I succeed in THAT. I'm no bible scholar but I have found wisdom buried in all religions if one is of a mind to dig for it. What I'm saying here brings to mind the story of Jesus taking Peter (I think it was Peter) out for a strole upon the water until he let's go and Peter sinks. Jesus of course tells Peter that if his faith had been stronger he would have been born up. This is one of the rare parts of the bible that I would interpret literally rather than allegorically.

So while I normally eschew such things the technique I described previously is what I do as I drift off to sleep. If others were to join me in this that, collective consciousness would only make it more effective. If another technique or objective were used by such a collective consciousness I might not be able to participate if it runs counter to my philosophy of trying to do all things in accordance with his will. For instance directing a divine energy to kill the evil emperor outright would NOT fit in with my philosophy. Destroying their workings however does.
Comment by Rev. Hellion on March 6, 2009 at 9:12pm
Hey Marklar, Sorry for jumping to conclusions there... I actually only saw your first post here when I wrote that, and your second post made me rethink what I had wrote. I think you and I are on very similar wavelengths when it comes to all this stuff. I've discussed these ideas with shamans and like-minded people, but I think your take on making it global is great, I've never thought of visualization on such a grand scale.

If there's anyone else who believes in this that is reading these posts I would suggest following Marklar's suggestion, maybe that will start opening up people's minds to the truth that has been hidden from them for so long and take power back into God's and the People's hands. Remember our minds shape the future and we cannot walk into this with fear, only hope.

As far as Jung and Cayce's parallels go on the nature of the human soul, from what I they both drew this information from what Jung described as Collective Unconscious, which I'm sure you know about. Jung writes about meditation techniques he used to dive into this place that some times almost sound trance like. Fascinating psychologist who wasn't afraid to explore outside the bounds of his scientific community.
Comment by Marklar on March 6, 2009 at 11:54am
I merely use Crowley for an example to illustrate a concept, NOT to espouse anything he did or said except for that single sentence. Just because he stumbled upon a single truth in his dark little twisted life doesn't mean that anything else he had to say should in any way be taken seriously. Many others have expressed this same concept but mages are usually affiliated with secret societies (at least those who decide to write their ideas down) and they tend to mystify everything they say speaking in riddles and innuendo to intentionally confuse those uninitiated in his own particular school of magik. That Crowely expressed it so plainly was his perverted way of laughing at people who would not understand the true ramifications of what he said. From what I have seen almost nobody does either. Fact is the rest of the tiny Book of Law is the most garbled and retarded mess of gibberish I have ever seen.

NOTHING else but that single sentence had anything to do with Crowely's philosophies whatsoever (at least not to my knowledge as Crowley never really interested me much except from a historical perspective). It does, however, have much to do with the Luciferian philosophy represented by the architecture you're talking about. But where I choose to seek unity with God they seek radical disunity. They seek for their own will to be done by gaining power. I seek for God to give me the power to do his will because my own intentions, my free will, are in line with his will.

To break the antennae would require an army pretty much circling the globe or some sort of space based weapon, etc. One of my biggest points here is that it is completely unnecessary to break the antennae at all. It has no power. It's merely a way to make the Luciferian FEEL very powerful and clever and superior to anyone who doesn't understand it's mysteries as he does. Therefore it does actually aid his concentration and confidence but it also limits his perceptions and leaves his will less maleable/flexible, you might even say brittle but of course that is metaphore. You point out yourself how they bombard us with bad news to make us feel small and alone and confused so is it so very difficult to see that they would construct this antennae over the centuries to make themselves feel exactly the opposite? A "great work" to aggrandize themselves and boost their confidence?

So it is all a matter of raw naked will ultimately. The antennae merely focuses the vision but the goggles include blinders so that one sacrifices periphereal vision while gaining clarity to put it yet another way.

The architecture and the symbolism are worth studying to gain an insight into how they think and to some extent even what their intentions are. I generally leave that sort of thing to guys like Tex Marrs and Freeman and generally take their word for it and thank them for the insight.

When I say God/not_God I merely refer to energy that manifests God's will and energy which manifests the will of another who is not in unity with God or his will. In either case the energy is a divine energy that is OF God. The difference lies in whether the will that is layed upon it is OF God. A metaphore that comes to mind is matter and antimatter. They are NOT opposites as many people think. They are essentially the same matter made up of the same constituent parts without an iota of difference in their make up. The only difference is that each particle spins in the opposite direction as the other. So God and not_God are both made up of the same stuff OF God but one aspect of not_God (the will guiding it) is not OF God. A rather simple concept but tough to explain to someone without the right experiential frame of reference I'm afraid.

I hope that clears up what I was saying somewhat. Sorry if it doesn't. I seldom discuss such things precisely because of the difficulty in communicating them even though most seem rather simple once you do wrap your head around them.

Granted, it's all just my opinion.

I like Jung over Freud as well. His thoughts on the mind run closely parallel to Edger Cayce's readings in regard to the nature of the human soul. A parallel I find rather fascinating.
Comment by Rev. Hellion on March 2, 2009 at 1:13pm
I'm not sure I fully understand this concept or where you are going with this God/not_God idea, Marklar. And for my two cents, I have a hard time taking any suggestions from a self-loathing man who ended up in addiction like Aleister Crowley. I try to follow people who lead happy successful lives, which from all that I've read on him it seems Crowley was surrounded by unhappiness, conflict and hatred.

It's the same problem I have with people who listen to Freud over Jung. If I had a choice to take the knowledge of a man who was depressed most of his life and ended up dying of jaw cancer due to his addiction to Cigar or a man who lived well into old age always being content with his life and had a wealth of friends and a loving wife, I would go with the latter.

But what I'm focusing on in this blog is how do we break this antennae or use it against this control. And the reason I am focusing on images and architecture right now is because they inspire thought, much in the same way media inspires thought (notice now much news is focused on how bad things are and how it's getting worse, and how things are going wrong when Ron Paul points out the Federal Reserve is behind it).
Comment by Marklar on March 2, 2009 at 12:52pm
1. Enter into meditation. You don't have to be in a deep yogi trance, if relaxing and clearing your head is the closest thing you can manage you'll still be effective enough.

2. Once you are as relaxed as possible visualize all that unmanifest energy throughout the solar system. Sitting there i the middle of it is the Earth.

3. Imagine the not_God energies there that the NWO has gathered and set to it's own purposes. Dark constructs of energy both on the ground and orbiting the Earth like satelites. I won't tell you what it looks like as this is merely symbolism formed from the imagination to guide your free will in achieving you goal. The Earth you imagine is not the Earth but a symbol of sympathetic magic that allows you to act upon the real thing, you see? Also, beware the trap of trying to "see" these dark constructs in too much detail. The harder you try the more their exact shapes will elude you it's not necessary to imagine them in detail, only that they are there.

4. Draw the unmanifest energies from the space around the solar system in towards the Earth until the Earth lights up against the darkness of space with a bright white light of this concentrated energy, see the dark constructs that are not_God shatter and dissolve until their energies are completely one again with the light. God forced by the agency of man's free will to become not-God has become God again by that same agency. As you withdraw and come out of your meditation leave the light in place knowing that the light will continue to wash over the Earth as a blessing if that is God's will. If you wish it is not a bad idea to leave with a simple parting prayer of "Thy will be done lord, thy will be done," to affirm that your exercise of free will is that above all else, God's will be done.

4.2 Highly advised for newbies: Tap off just a bit of that energy for your own use and create a shell of energy around the room. The shell is invisible as you look down through the roof and into the EMPTY room. Hold this vision in you mind for a couple of minutes before opening your eyes. This will assure that only the very talented will be able to track you back to your location and mess with you via remote viewing.

6. Crack a beer and chill. You've just committed your first act of spiritual terrorism against those who are stupid enough to think they can truly become gods (possible) so powerful that they can knock GOD off his throne and take his place (yeah,...right, LMAO).

So there's Marklar's slam bam rush boot camp for psychic warfare 101,.. for what it's worth. Their are dangers so be resolute and of indomitable spirit or don't mess with such things whatsoever. If you must try it, don't TRY it, DO it. No doubt, no hesitation will do anything but put a chink in your armor. You are a co-creator of the entire universe in the making and being a child of God who seeks only that God's will be done, it is impossible to try but only to do.

Okay, now everybody's going to stop thinking I'm insane and start being sure of it instead. Oh well, bound to happen some time.
Comment by Marklar on March 2, 2009 at 11:02am
Well, I was into the occult for many years and I'll try to put in my two cents as succinctly as possible because I really could go on for days. First of all the masonic architecture stuff is all true and the seperate sites are all laid out in a global scale geometric alignment. A giant pentagram laid over the entire Earth. Think of it as an antenna to God, the universe, an energy collector. Now quit thinking of it all because the alignments, the symbolism, they're all hokum. They are simply a means of focusing the mind of the initiate and also becomes a crutch to retard the advancement of those who might otherwise grow to challenge the true masters - another mystery wrapped around the secret sauce that hides a riddle.

Fear can be draining and hope can be energizing but really there is no positive or negative only God and not God. Not God is that energy, that part of God which is sealed away from God by a thin veil of free will to be forced to the bidding of man. When Aleister Crowely channeled the Book of the Law and said "Do what thou wilt is the whole of the law" it shocked the religious world but he was quit right in that God gave man free will making the ultimate law that man will do what man wills to to do. Part of free will, the biggest part, is that man can choose day to day and moment by moment to be of/one with God, serving the will of God through bonds of love for God and all of his creation or one can turn from God to follow one's own path, not necessarily evil but simply not_God. Crowley, of course, used his free will to become not God in spectacular fashion by becoming a rather pathetic cartoon version of the anti-christ. Think of the difference as that of either receiving God or using God. In the former one is bestowed the power of God by virtue and in proportion to ones alignment with God's will while the other is the use of Gods power to serve one's own will. If on must use limited terms like good and evil to get one's limited human mind around the concept then this is the essence of it.

So this energy in our universe that is God is really that portion of of God that Christians might call the holy ghost. It is the power of our physical/energetic universe's creation which forms the laws by which all that is here is able to be. This energy is both manifest (that which is in a rock, a person, or even a radio wave) and unmanifest (that which fills the spaces between that which IS manifest).

Now, drawing upon manifest energy is not_God. It's there for a purpose and it's purpose is determined by the will of God so leave it the hell alone. Unmanifest energy is God without purpose or perhaps it's purpose is merely to wait for it's purpose to come unto it.

So for any who wish to prosecute psychic warfare against the NWO I would suggest doing it like so:

"Destroying the New World Order"



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