Nature fights back - bugs devour GM Monsanto corn with a vengeance Learn more:

(NaturalNews) Corn genetically engineered by Monsanto to kill western corn rootworm is reportedly being devoured by those pests with a vengeance. Thanks to heavy reliance on the genetically modified (GM) crops, the tiny rootworm pest has overtaken fields, outsmarting the genetic engineering that was supposed to keep it away.

Nature fights back against GM corn

The GM corn, launched in 2003, is engineered to produce a protein, known as Cry3Bb1, derived from a bacterium known as Bacillus thuringiensis, or Bt. In theory, rootworms ingest Bt corn roots and the protein is fatal. However, recent reports indicate that pesticide-resistant rootworms are showing up weeks earlier and more voraciously than ever.

In a research paper published in the July/August/September 2012 issue of the journal GM Crops & Food, scientists reported that samples taken in 2010 indicated that rootworm populations had an eleven-fold survival rate on Cry3Bb1 maize than did control populations. The paper noted that resistant corn rootworm populations first identified in 2009 had three-fold survival rates on Cry3Bb1 maize at that time compared to other populations.

Mike Gray, a professor of entomology with the University of Illinois reported: "We're still early in the growing season, and the adults are about a month ahead of schedule," explained Gray. "I was surprised to see them - and there were a lot."

Reports of increasing rootworm damage began coming in last year after Iowa State University researcher Aaron Gassmann published a study saying that the rootworms in Iowa were becoming resistant to GM corn, creating so-called "superbugs." Farmers in several states found that the western corn rootworm was surviving after ingesting an insecticidal toxin produced by the corn plants.

With both demand and prices high, many farmers are planting corn year after year and on more acres, increasing the possibility that resistance could develop. Typically, corn farmers have had to rotate corn crops to minimize pest pressures. But with Bt corn, many simply planted "corn on corn," year after year. Federal regulators require a 20 percent "refuge" of non-Bt corn near Bt acres, but many growers have ignored that and oversight has been lax.

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Comment by mystery on June 24, 2012 at 10:30pm

If you believe in genetic memory raymond it is possible that you could be carrying latent memories or feelings from the past.

I truly believe this is where dejavu comes into play. Could it be the feelings we have when dejavu hits us that it is memory being passed down though our DNA.

Only certain people mention having dejavu, maybe we are the starseed children of a time long, long ago.

Comment by Cryptocurrency on June 24, 2012 at 8:05pm

Double wooot for nature! Nature kicks ass :)

Comment by raymond _______ on June 24, 2012 at 7:57pm

I would love to have been alive then living and understanding their culture,or maybe I was.It makes me sick to watch these so called powerful people of today,sticking out their chests like they own the world.THEY DONT HAVE A CLUE WHAT REAL POWER IS.SERIOUSLY.

Comment by mystery on June 24, 2012 at 7:44pm

I believe you are spot on about the ancient ones, raymond quinlan. They had to be very intelligent, way ahead of what we  consider advanced.

Comment by raymond _______ on June 24, 2012 at 9:21am

Best news I heard this week...I hate MONSANTO.BAYER,DU PONT and all the other doctordolittles involved in genetically modifying,plants ,amimals and people.At least Enki,Ninki,Enlin.Anu etc knew what they were doing.

Not like these clowns guessing everything,and poisioning the Earth along the way.At least nature is fighting back,because we the people are not.well some are and THANK YOU but we need more people educated on this,a monster problem.I was going to say eating actual shit would be better than eating GMo but I just remembered,that is what ASPARTAME is.Two bacterias have a shit,they mix them together and its tastes sweet,so they then put that shit in everything.DISGUSTING.

Comment by DTOM on June 24, 2012 at 6:45am

Just as long as the bugs don't undergo mutation themselves :/

Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on June 24, 2012 at 2:04am

I loath MonSatan.

Comment by Unemployed Storm trooper TK420 on June 24, 2012 at 12:59am

One for The Good Guys ! Yeah !

Comment by Anthony Furciniti on June 23, 2012 at 10:35pm

Praise the Lord

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