Neutralized: Antonin Scalia, Now Our 2nd Ammendment Up For Grabs..

Hello 12160,

I went through researching the issue and still am. There are all kinds of articles on this issue, but the ones i found on info wars were short and sweet. Interestingly enough the information on this issue seems to be creeping out slowly..

Usually they would announce his death, withhold any statements and then have an autopsy done as  Standard Operating Procedure prescribes.. Only then, (if no investigation) when they have all the info to "issue" an official statement will they make one.

Out of sight, out of mind is what I call slowly releasing info to the public.. If no-one can have all the facts at once, it is likely that they only "skim-read" the follow up information regarding any particular issue. This is called complacency and it kills fast. Therefor these issues are out of sight and the rest we very well know is out of our collective mind by design/nature.

Anyways, I believe the MAIN story here is: He was defending our 2nd Amendment, got assassinated and an autopsy was denied by judge in Texas.. Seems like someone was in the way of the NWO.

Cant have order with people toting guns around now can you? As a person, he might not have been the most upright but he DID defend our 2nd, we should at least give him credit for that.

Its a damn shame that he is gone (he was the lesser evil in regards to the 2nd). Now NWObama can appoint an anti gun advocate (Quote " due time..") and carry on with his plan to create a state of emergency and remain in power over globalist "Pan-America" as has been coined by presidents before him.. Its a cakewalk.

Read the articles for yourself but I recommend doing more research on your own. I copy pasted them right in here in order. Never mind, 100k CHAR is max so I am going to have to trim it up and I'll post more below in the comments as i stumble across anything..

My 0.02,

Scalia Found Dead in Texas

Federal official says no evidence of foul play, death appears to be from natural causes.

Associate Justice Antonin Scalia was found dead of apparent natural causes Saturday on a luxury resort in West Texas, federal officials said.

Scalia, 79, was a guest at the Cibolo Creek Ranch, a resort in the Big Bend region south of Marfa.

According to a report, Scalia arrived at the ranch on Friday and attended a private party with about 40 people. When he did not appear for breakfast, a person associated with the ranch went to his room and found a body.

Chief U.S. District Judge Orlando Garcia, of the Western Judicial District of Texas, was notified about the death from the U.S. Marshals Service.

Body to be embalmed with no autopsy, Washington Post reports.

A Texas judge declined to order an autopsy for Supreme Court Associate Justice Antonin Scalia after she says she was assured the cause of death was a heart attack.

Speaking with WFAA 8 News, Presidio County Judge Cinderella Guevara says she turned down the procedure Saturday after Presidio County Sheriff Danny Dominguez said there were no signs of foul play.

“As part of my investigation, one of the things I did ask the sheriff and the U.S. Marshal: ‘Were there any signs of foul play?’ And they said, ‘absolutely not.’ At that time, I still wanted to be careful, and asked them if [Scalia’s] physician would call me.”

Guevara stated that Scalia’s doctor had informed her that Scalia had visited him “for a shoulder injury last week” but “also suffered from several chronic ailments.”

“When [the physician] explained [Scalia] had just visited on Wednesday and Thursday and [the doctor] had done an MRI, then I felt comfortable what I knew was going on with him physically,” the judge said.

Guevara, who did not see the body, indicated that Scalia’s death certificate would include myocardial infarction as the official cause of death.

A justice of peace speaking with The Washington Post said she would have undoubtedly ordered an autopsy if in the same position.

“As late as Sunday afternoon, there were conflicting reports about whether an autopsy would be performed, though officials later said Scalia’s body was being embalmed and there would be no autopsy,” The Post reported.

Given the high-profile status of Scalia, questions have begun to circulate regarding the decision as well as the almost-immediate claim of no foul play.

NRA: Scalia Death Puts Gun Rights In Jeopardy

"We are one justice away from a Supreme Court that would harm our Second Amendment rights," said the NRA.

“We are one justice away from a Supreme Court that would harm our Second Amendment rights,” said the NRA.

The organization plans to spend over $20 million on the upcoming election to push gun rights and is concerned about the ages of court justices, believing the the next president will have a chance at choosing the four judges.

“In my view, all the chips are on the table in this election because the impact is who gets the Supreme Court,” said the NRA’s chief, Allan D. Cors in an interview with Secrets this month.

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Comment by J Edward Kendrick, DDS on February 15, 2016 at 9:29am

I nominate Judge Andrew Napolitano.

Comment by truth on February 15, 2016 at 7:25am


“We discovered the judge in bed, a pillow over his head. His bed clothes were unwrinkled,” said Poindexter.

Comment by truth on February 15, 2016 at 6:23am

one of the first people the ranch staff managed to reach was a priest, who
was about 30 miles up the road
He quickly went without realizing he was about to deliver the last Catholic
rites to a Supreme Court justice.

The problem then is that they seemingly couldn’t find anyone to actually
declare Scalia dead. Presidio County Justice of the Peace Juanita Bishop
should have taken care of that, but she was out of town. She called David
Beebe, the justice of the peace for Precinct 1 in Presidio County, but he
was also far away at a political forum (where, coincidentally, NPR’s Tom
Michael was as well
Bishop then contacted Presidio County Judge Cinderela Guevara, who decided
to pronounce Scalia dead of natural causes at 1:52 p.m.—all by phone and
without ordering an autopsy.
Declaring someone dead over the phone is apparently permissible under Texas
law, and not all that uncommon when dealing with these huge remote areas.
But Bishop questioned why Guevara wouldn’t have ordered an autopsy. “If it
had been me, I would’ve done an autopsy,” Bishop said
“They said he was good one minute and the next minute he’s dead.”

Presidio County Justice of the Peace Juanita Bishop, whose precinct
includes the ranch, remembers driving up Interstate 67 Saturday morning and
noticing an unusually high number of private jets at the ranch property.
She figured celebrities or dignitaries were gathering at the ranch for the
long weekend.


Cibolo Creek Ranch: Wildlife, movie sets, luxury

A few hours later, she got a request from the Presidio County Sheriff’s
Office to perform an inquest on a deceased person at the ranch property.
Since she was out of town, she deferred the case to County Judge Cinderela
Guevara, who performed the inquest.

Usually, if the cause of death is unclear, Bishop will order an autopsy,
she said.

“If it had been me, I would’ve done an autopsy,” Bishop said. “They said he
was good one minute and the next minute he’s dead.” She added: “It’s for
our own good to know cause of death.”

Comment by truth on February 15, 2016 at 6:22am
Judge who prevented Scalia's autopsy has been accused of covering up a murder beforeJustice of the peace Cinderella Guevara is a woman with a problematic history, who believes that "powerful Anglos" don't take "kindly to Mexican-Americans seeking social and political change;" and she has now become the facilitator in the most significant political assassination to take place in America this century.  

This is not the first time that Judge Guevara has been implicated in hampering an investigation into the death of a respectable American. 

In 2014 she was asked, by the parents of Melaney, a girl thought to have committed suicide, if she was even aware of what she had done to hamper an investigation into her death. Her parents asked: "with all due respect, Judge, how do you know she wasn't already dead when she was hit by the train?"

Who killed Melaney?
The Daily Kos reported in regards to the investigation obstructed by Judge Guevara that Melaney's parents were told by Union Pacific Railroad that the company would have paid for her autopsy "if they had known an autopsy had not been ordered." 

Melaney's parents, not knowing that an autopsy had not been demanded, told the Daily Kos that they also would have paid for one if they had been aware one was not ordered despite overwhelming evidence that Melaney was not suicidal. 

Melaney's parents wrote a letter to Big Bend News, telling the Texan paper that Judge Guevara had defended her hampering of the investigation into their daughter's death in saying: 

"I told you I asked God to give me an answer in the video as to whether this was suicide or not.  I told you He didn’t give me that answer.  But
He did give me another answer, and that was that, yes, this was a
tragedy, but the true tragedy was that she died without accepting Jesus
Christ as her savior.
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on February 15, 2016 at 2:35am

"Found with a pillow over his head"......herro???

a quicky autop by phone (gotta be that new Auto-Autopsy App on the eye-fonez).... rush to embalm before he starts stinkin'...notifying family last possible's all stinkin' already

these things aren't even planned out and barely concealed anymore???

Comment by Mark Olander on February 15, 2016 at 2:21am

Well Burbia, we may not know all of the exact details, but I'm sure that if it was a heart attack it was done by the CIA heart attack dart gun as was done to Breitbart and so many others including Tim Russert.

An autopsy wouldn't help anyway according to the research I've done. Apparently the substance dissipates by the time the person is dead or soon thereafter.

I'm in agreement with you or whoever it is that suggests this was a gun grab motivated murder. Far too many Americans are hopelessly indoctrinated and have no idea what is about to happen. Hell they won't even recognize that they have become prisoners when it actually happens to them.


Comment by Burbia on February 14, 2016 at 11:24pm
Motive is passing the gun grab. Opportunity is he was away from home. Alibi is his recent visit to his doctor. Red flag is the rush to embalm with no autopsy.
Comment by Suebian on February 14, 2016 at 10:21pm

Hey ALL,

This situation is a huge clusterf... My favorite part of truths' post was:

[by phone, without seeing his body. Instead, she spoke to law enforcement officials at the scene — who assured her “there were no signs of foul play”].

Guys, I am still not quite kidding right? Yeah he smoked and did all that nasty to his body but isn't that a perfect stage to act upon?

Anyone with any kind of leadership/operational training understands that the timing is key to every operation...Even burger flippers understand this (no offense, its a good start out job...). I do like your profile pic though, thats another man that just went away for an agenda.

The timing on this incident fits too nicely though. Looks (seems) like Mr Murphys Law had noting to do with this one, although it is very likely as we all know from experience..hmm..thats a conundrum.

So, now we have reached the zone of reasonable doubt/plausible deniability.. Not a place ANYONE wants to be when working for a government that likes to leverage everything and anything to reach their goals/agendas.. This makes it easy for them to "just make you go away" and have another coffee. Hell, they fund BOTH SIDES of wars while having lunch and having family time with their fortunate sons without a second of lost sleep.

I am with Anti Everything on this one in general..

The ideology and the system are not the problem, however a refresher in the human aspect of it is very much warranted AND very much necessary. Sadly however, the Sheeple of these United States will do anything to remain "under the radar", in favor of the government, divided and constantly demand security/equality without even knowing about the concept of LIBERTY.

When the politicians come out and publicly state that guns are for hunting and ask why we need full autos for hunting deer, we are lost. Oh that already happened multiple times and We The People let it happen because they dumbed us down through common core indoctrination. It is only every once and a while that they peek their rotten head out and test the stage of the indoctrination by using foul language like the above mentioned guns are for hunting.

Everything is a conspiracy when they conspire, and man are they ever conspiring...

Now that we have all been ridiculed by the media over the Oregon (flag operation) standoff, the Americans that were leaning towards patriotism and activism have been "persuaded" otherwise. We no longer have a trust worthy platform to unite under. Even the alternate media platforms are ringing for views as this new age of media is here. I am afraid to say it but I think we are all thats left.

What now? Secret Society? Maybe a bad boy club? Well we all made the cut with homegrown terrorists, Y'all Qaeda, Sovereign Citizens, Oath Keepers, Patriots, Gun Owners, Returning Veterans and White Terrorists.. Those that are oblivious to this idea wont know about it until they come knocking but then it will be too late for them.

Even when it comes to me personally.. I have lived and operated abroad for most of my life, now I am home and see this state of gross neglect and am disgusted to what happened to my home and my fellow Americans' way of life..

What to do, what to do.. So much info to gather...

Understand why I have been banned just about everywhere? I tells it as I sees it and global big brother doesn't like that it lost control over an asset (more like: throw away item..).

The only good replacement she would be guud-fer, is the wolf skin hides at the end of my bed. They tried to eat me, I made a floor throw out of them, how fitting indeed an obama hide would be. Although Id really rather have a pork rind mat than that old thing but then again Christie might make me just go away so he could eat it. Screw it, the wolves stay.

You guys are awesome, keep it up! Maybe we can be loud enough, so that our kids and theirs do not miss out on their god given right (whoever yours may be..) to be proud and free Americans that protect the liberty so many have died and suffered to achieve.

Excuse the rant, I am angry to the core and at this point I ALMOST welcome a civil war. Almost.. We The People are not ripe enough yet to entertain such measures.

My 0.02,

Comment by Dora Hermann on February 14, 2016 at 10:14pm
Gun control & amnesty & refugees & etc. We know nothing will come of it so we wait? To see what boa & senate start to do & everyone else involved. Scary.
Comment by Alan Wakefield on February 14, 2016 at 9:45pm

As I read the reports above, it "just doesn't sound right." It has a "scripted feel" to it. The Judge's question, "were there signs of foul play?" She was talking to two professionals, the first thing they would have told her, had that been true, is "There are no signs of foul play." Scalia's doctor had apparently done a thorough physical the day before Scalia flew to West Texas. Had Scalia had issues the doctor would certainly advised Scalia to cancel his trip. The report above describes a "shoulder" ailment and a few minor issues, normal for a 79-year-old. Another report says the judge said the doctor told her Scalia "was sick."  Was he sick or wasn't he? This "Scalia thing" is beginning to develop a very bad smell!

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