It happened a week ago today.


I was listening to Alex Jones talk about how MSNBC Rachel Maddow had singled him out on her own show the previous week, playing clips of what he had said, apparently out of context.  Alex then went on one of his rants, starting it by calling Rachel "Mr. Maddow."  He had done this on a previous show, the Friday before, but listening to him do it again set me off.


Is Maddow a NWO minion?  Probably so.  Everybody cuts their own deals in life, and Rachel cut hers a long time ago.  But for Alex and his Prison Planet acolytes to attack her based on her sexual preferences...nope, can't go along with that.  What a person believes is right and wrong and the gender a person loves are two different things.


Was Alex attempting to say that to listen to his show, you not only have to believe 9/11 was inside job (for it was), and that the Federal Reserve is running the country (which it is), you also have to be a man that likes women and a woman who likes men?  Nuh uh.  I dare say that some of listeners may be (gasp!) bisexual, gay, or transgendered.


And no, I'm not gay, I'm straight.


But a good way to piss on your listeners though, Alex.

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Comment by npd1969 on February 4, 2011 at 8:10pm
I started listening to Alex on a Friday evening in 1999 when he was leaving Kingsville, Texas.  I was listening to him talking about what he saw with drills going on in the area.  I got hooked on him and really like the information presents.  Sure he could be much better with his presentation, but I do believe that he is genuine.  I have learned a lot from him as well as Texe Marrs.  I honestly believe that Alex is only trying to get people to wake up and realize that our nation is going in the wrong direction.
Comment by Marklar on February 4, 2011 at 11:56am
,.. and almost all serial killers are white males with short hair, but we don't kick the shit out of such people or deny them other rights because pre-crime is bullshit and every individual is innocent until proven guilty. If you hate that concept maybe you'd prefer living under the Taliban rather than in the U.S.
Comment by TheLasersShadow on February 3, 2011 at 6:52pm

Is this issue still going ... I still listen, I don't subscribe anymore. I say as far as syndicated radio hosts go (syndicated=mainstream) Alex is the least offensive to my ears. Whether or not many believe it Alex is now main stream, compare the numbers he has both for web and radio vs msnbc and other news sites ... he's matching and now beating them. So remember when you talk about Alex Jones your now talking about a Main stream radio host.

Comment by illuminated-dj on February 3, 2011 at 6:10pm
Bang on's like he was trying to cover up whats really going on in the gulf of mexico or trying to protect the reputation of oil companies
Comment by Dan on January 30, 2011 at 1:55pm
I do not believe AJ is a disinfo agent. He certainly is lacking in accurate information in certain areas. Specifically--the whole realm of Druidry, Wicca, Shamanism, etc. is beyond his comprehension. This realm is gigantic. His knowledge of paganism or pre-Christian spirituality is tainted by, and doesn't go much beyond, his little experience with the Bohemian Grove and and research into bizarre cults like Skull and Bones and the Illuminati. He fails to realize that conspirators, and the corrupt in general, come from all religious and non religious backgrounds. They participate in, and call themselves, whatever is politically beneficial to their own agendas. Alex does not condemn all Christians even though the vast majority of corrupt and conspiring individuals and groups have called themselves Christians. His programming is obviously very biased. He has not yet achieved the intellectual fortitude of a truly open minded skeptic. Also, he has an over inflated ego.
With that said, I still think he does great good. He reaches a wide demographic with many truths they likely would not otherwise hear. I have learned much from him. Always, with a grain of salt.

I like to gift all people with the benefit of my doubt. As my druid ancestors used to say: "The beginning of knowledge is doubt." I follow that ancient philosophy with enthusiasm--inspired to be open minded and skeptical.
Comment by Central Scrutinizer on January 25, 2011 at 4:39pm

Comment by josh templeton  ...becuz they dont think for them self......

tiz the whole reason we are gathered here today josh ;)

Comment by josh templeton on January 25, 2011 at 2:10pm

fight the new world order not each other.....or people in the fight....dont listern to anyone make up your own mind some need to listern to him becuz they dont think for them self......

Comment by truth on January 25, 2011 at 1:26pm
And I wish Aj was the humble man he once was before drudge jesse and sheen - Tex
Comment by 7R33SandR0P3S on January 25, 2011 at 1:16pm

I wish I was perfect.


Comment by illuminated-dj on January 25, 2011 at 12:48pm
your wife is bi-sexual?arent you the lucky one lol.what pissed me off about jones recently is that someone phoned in about the gulf oil spill and jones said "im not here to talk about some stupid oil spill" as if it was nothing to be concerned about,and yet the oil spill continues.

"Destroying the New World Order"



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