Palestinian Leaders Seek UN Endorsement of Statehood, Israel Threatens Unilateral Actions Against Palestine in Event of Statehood

by Jason Ditz, November 15, 2009

Frustrated by Israel’s hawkish government having declared the peace process dead several times in the past few months, Palestinian leaders say they are going to unilaterally ask the United Nations to endorse their independence based on pre-1967 borders.

In the 1967 Six Day War, Israel attacked Syria and Egypt, and when Jordan entered the war on the basis of a defense pact with Egypt it occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem. The territory has remained occupied ever since, and Israel has built settlements housing hundreds of thousands of Israelis in the West Bank.

Years of peace efforts have yielded little in the way of progress, and while Israeli officials now concede that the Palestinians may be allowed to have a state of their own, it will only come with a myriad of conditions attached, and only in a portion of the pre-1967 West Bank.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has expressed outrage at the idea of unilateral statehood for the Palestinians, and has threatened unspecified unilateral actions of his own against the Palestine in the event it happens. Though President Obama has expressed US support for the Palestinian state (again, under certain conditions) in principle, it is widely expected he will oppose any UN attempt to do so without Israel’s imprimatur.

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Comment by Aldona on November 22, 2009 at 3:46pm
It angered me to no end to hear the UN denied the Palestinians any kind of support. Instead they are cowering with their tails between their legs like a scared pack of dogs. Disgusting, really... and all because they are afraid of the big bag wolf sitting in Israel. Sick. I'd kick the bastard and stick him in a cage, the way they would do to someone they didn't like. No ´way can they be God's chosen people... cause if it were anywhere near that truth, than this God is the Devil. I think they just got their Idols mixed up.

Sorry for the harsh words, but I've gone through so many documentations, and have read enough quotes from these Israelis, that it is clearly written, these are not humans, but animals. Sick animals, infested with a kind of rabies that affects the heart. They have no more hearts.

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