@ Mike great idea, you are on to something.. we should occupy Congress and the White House as well. And while we are at it, occupy the Pentagon, Supreme Court Building, each and every branch of the FED.
Concentrate the OCCUPY and TEA PARTY efforts in a direction that would cause real change.
I'm very serious, I don't want to offend anyone, but pray for Ben Fulford's group and that God changes the hearts of the men and women in our united states government so that they will go to heaven and not hell for trying to depopulate us with a war machine (look up Tavistock, it's on a site called roberts court and then look up Albert Pike, beginnings of the new world order planning). if we had all 400 million saying 1 prayer together every morning, that would be a lot of power. one spiritual healer here in columbus was so good that he had to hide because the cia was trying to kill him with a rifle. Ben is 100% correct. I think Ben said they were going to put 1,000,000 of the workers in our gov into the fema camps that they said they were going to put us in. Watching Bradley's soul of God.
"I'm just a tin foil hat conspiracy lunatic.".....LOL, I use this line all the time, Stupid Little Monkey...but I almost always follow it up by saying, " ...although, every self respecting conspiracy theorists knows that tin foil actually amplifies the signals rather than blocking them."
Mike said, "Ron Paul isnt the answer... he will just allow Iran to shove a nuke up our butt by allowing them to build weapons and give them to countries that want our destruction."
This is the same illogical attempt at an argument that I was hearing back in 2003. It damn near verbatim to the Iraq war propaganda.
I respect and defend your right to voice your opinion but I have no respect whatsoever for the lack of intelligence exhibited in actually parroting this nonsensical drivel from neo-con mouth pieces.
We Have GOD on our side. "In God we Trust" is on our monetary system.
Remember, WE employ THEM. It's not suppose to be us versus them, but they want that attention.
It's our money that's been stolen and not accounted for for years. Alan Grayson has had death threats
for investigating the fed resesrve and requesting oversite committees for the missing 14 Trillion.
I'm being attacked night and day by satellite in little old columbus, ohio. they watch my e-mails,
pc, attack things in my home, my cats get radiated by their satellites. i was a unix sys admin for
22 years at 2 different companies, nothing big, not like I ever worked for black water for God's sake,
nor does satellite attacking harmless us.s citizens warrant a satellite attack. never been in jail,
very disciplined worker for 22 years. God is more powerful than Satan.
The Iran "boogieman propaganda" is slowly loosing steam:
Ron Paul said during the debate (and numerous times) that if Iran became a threat we would eliminate that threat with airstrikes.
It's only going to get worse. Ron Paul is the voice of the people and we only get one shot at winning the Republican nomination. We ALL have to take action now. IF we can get Ron Paul in office, we will have a Commander and Chief that can address the people, speak on THEIR behalf and will have the Oval Office to shout at congress with the WILL of the people.
I saw Ron Paul speak live recently, and this was his message. Basically, get him elected, and he will put pressure on congress to either serve the people, or get fired by the people. And he also jokingly said we only need a third of congress to get legislation on his desk! He followed that by saying he could readily reverse most of this from the executive, and he is absolutely correct.
We need MORE THAN YOUR VOTE!! GET INVOLVED!!! Contact your local meetup and get in the game. Our future, our children future depends on it. Do the right thing and let's take back our country in one concerted effort. Ron Paul 2012!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'm extremely shocked that we the people are not at the whitehouse in so many numbers of people from ever corner of this uninted states of american and that we don't walk in and TAKE the white house from this insanity. Complete deliberate insanity. But i do believe certain entities will be standing by and will help if we need them too. Benjiman Fulford and his Groups for a view.
That explains the deaths of all "THE" Seal team six members that were (supposedly) involved in killing Bin Laden.
p-residential (spelling intentional) power, Ursurpers orders. Dictators decree......
What's good for the goose .............
In Omnia Peratus.
Semper Peratus.
Acta Non Verba !!!!!!!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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