Recognize the basic Philosophy of Leftist Dictatorships and Commie Regimes

Image result for Tea Party rallies in Dallas Texas

In Dallas in 2010 I remember going to a Tea Party rally and hearing speakers from other countries warning Americans. A lady from Central America talking about what the Obama Administration was doing and said this was exactly how the Communists got a hold of her Central American country. She outlined the way they achieved their goals, a combination of really bad quality public schooling, a corrupt media, and a government that began using the Communist Manifesto as its guideline. Even though the population was largely conservative and overwhelmingly Christian, they sat back not believing anything like this could happen to their nation and by the time they went into action it was too late! They just couldn’t believe it would happen in their society. Does this sound like America? Only, we have students too damn stupid to distinguish between free enterprise and Communism.

Image result for CIA toppling Marxist central American governments

Our own government its worst enemy

I remember the left continually bagging on the CIA for running anti-Communist operations in Central America due to the insurgence of Russian and Cuban sponsored radical socialist movements. What they didn’t bother to mention was that according to the Monroe Doctrine, the United States was bound to protect the entire western hemisphere from foreign aggression. That meant the interdiction of drug cartels, the overthrow of Communist dictatorships who took power by force and coercion, and prohibiting the use of ports and waterways by enemies of the US. The Jimmy Carter White House handed over the Panama Canal to the country of Panama and the United Nations just as he ordered the US Navy to withdraw our naval base in Taiwan, and look how those decisions have come back to bite us. Always the Democrats.

Image result for Venzuelan food riots

Case in point

Take a look at Venezuela, once a massive producer of crude oil that it exported all over the world. Caracas, Venezuela, a glorious capital city that hosted championship boxing matches and all types of famous events, made that country the most prosperous in Central America. All it took was a couple of decades of leftist socialist leadership, and there was massive food shortages, energy restriction, and affiliation with Russia and Cuba. Now Venezuela is on the skids thanks to the grip of Communism.

Image result for Branch Davidian siege

What are the common denominators of all leftist Communist regimes as well as their modus operandi?

  • Atheism-There can be no higher authority than the state. Instead of God granting inalienable rights only the state can be acknowledged for that. Thus giving the people the impression of the state being altruistic and powerful. Faith must come from worshiping the state and it’s appointed puppet leaders.
  • Centralized Control-The state must control every industry. No private businesses can run without state sanctioned restrictions. Everyone must seek the blessing of the all-powerful government.
  • Media control-The press must not be free to report events as they truly happened. It must cover the news with bias and state rhetoric. All who attempt to get the truth to the people are harshly subdued by propaganda or even force.
  • Market Control-Nothing operates without the blessings of the big government. All manufacture and production is strictly measured to keep the masses at bay and to inflict shortages and even starvation when the population becomes wise to their lies and becomes restless.
  • Birthrate-The number of babies being born is under control. Abortion is the widely go to method of allowing only numbers that the limited economy of the state controlled industry can provide. As in China with their “One Child” rule, girl babies and babies brought to the state that exceeded one child per family law were given an injection of formaldehyde through the fontanelle to induce immediate death. Piles of dead baby girls could be seen in the back of Chinese hospitals, who were also determined as undesirable because they were female instead of male. Most Asian cultures are quite chauvinistic we are told.
  • GDP will be greatly burdened by military spending-The largest portion of the budget in a socialist economy that will always underperform will be military spending. That military funding is used just as much to suppress the population of that country as well as for national defense.
  • Political Prison system-In countries like North Korea with hostile Communist dictatorships imprisoning a quarter million people simply for political reasons is common. The guards are trained to murder children, drown pregnant women, torture prisoners during interrogation, and show no mercy what so ever. Have we not seen this type of psychotic government sanctioned action at Waco when the Branch Davidians were under siege, burned out of their compound, and women and children sprayed with liquid nerve gas, but it was their fault wasn’t it?
  • The Occult of Personality-In a Communist leftist regime, the ruler, the strongman, the dictator has autonomous control. He must be held in high regard as a God who is giver of all things good in that culture. He cannot be debated with, he will not tolerate being questioned, and his word is final no matter how destructive the consequences could be. His political opponents if allowed usually end up dead. Does this sound reminiscent of Joe Biden in a similar way? I’m not talking about Kim Jong-un either, yet does there seem to be a parallel?
  • There are no free elections allowed-As the strongman usually rules until natural death of he is toppled in a coup. If there are elections they are simply illusions of free will with a predetermined outcome. Sound familiar in the US during the 2020 presidential election?
  • Despite all the class warfare that helped hatch the poisonous regime-Only a select upper class of privileged elitists will be allowed to enjoy the freedoms of prosperity as the non-existent middle class is replaced by a poor lower class, uneducated, paid little, hardly surviving, and kept that way by the leftist, merciless ruling class always reminding them how fortunate they are.

Image result for Joe Biden looking liek a dictator

If you see these same characteristics being demonstrated in America under the Democrats you are exactly right. Here on the eve of 4th of July we are seeing the US transformed into the brutal compromised regime of ideological false narratives and government sanctioned constraints upon our Bill of Rights that 20 years ago would never have been tolerated but for an up and coming generation of Millennials too cowardly, too misinformed, too unpatriotic, and too passive to do what needs to be done and resist the evil!




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