Sabina Eriksson -Wall of Silence - Cover-Up - Latest Update 5/11/2012©

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Where is Sabina Eriksson - Police Cover-Up
 [Sabina and Ursula, have since been found and this books put's closure to that matter and many more.]

Madness Shared by Two is the true story that exposes the police cover-up involved in the Sabina and Ursula Eriksson case and the murder of Glenn Hollinshead -in eBook and paperback form.


To Be Released

A Madness Shared by Two, is not only the true untold story about the lives of Sabina and Ursula Eriksson, alongside the murder of Glenn Hollinshead, based on a critique re-examination of the BBC’s Madness in the Fast Lane documentary that had 7 million viewers [with a conservative estimate of around a further 15 million people having since watched this film via the internet and on websites such as YouTube],glued to their TV screens watching the twin sisters propelling themselves into the fast lane of the oncoming traffic on the UK’s-M6 motorway, as Ursula manages to throw herself under the wheels of a 40ft articulated lorry travelling at 60mph, that seems to swallow her up and spit her lifeless looking body back out of its rear end.  It is also the result of a thorough investigation into what might have really happened on those fateful days that led up to this tragic slaying of an innocent man.  We challenge the “Official Storyline” and expose what really occurred just hours before M6 dash, for it is here for the first time we expose the Eriksson sisters were “arrested” under the Mental Health Act, though this vital caught on film evidence was edited out of the original BBC films.  This will come as a great surprise to many people who questioned; ‘ was it possible Sabina could have been released from hospital after only five hours’ following their ‘suicide attempt’ on the M6?  We also reveal that the coroner’s report shows that the injuries inflicted on Glenn, was done so by ‘two’ weapons, it’s always been believed “Sabina” used one, and that it’s highly likely there were more than one person who killed him and that Sabina could be totally innocent.  Yet this obvious evidence seems to have been brushed under the carpet, or at the very least, it was never challenged.  We explain how these twins were very likely embroiled in some kind of major drugs smuggling ring and that they had been under “Obbo” [police observation] prior to the M6 incident and was probably so for quite some period of time.  As a result of our findings, legal action is now being sought and brought against the police and other related authoritative bodes by the Hollinshead family.

The "Ericksson Twins" case gets stranger by the minute, are we looking at another cover-up, one that involves the BBC and other media outlets in general?  Only last week and over the weekend I have contacted a number of media outlets including the BBC who were the original makers of the Motorway Cops: Madness In The Fast Lane documentary - which can be seen below, asking them directly as to why they have not followed up Sabina's case?  I've also contacted the Home Office and NOMS Prisoner Location Service and show the most up to date - 19th March 2012 - correspondence between myself and NOMS. 
Like I say, this is the most disturbing of cases I have every looked into.  I didn't know then at the time of the motorway madness, that Sabina went onto kill Glen Hollinshead within 48hrs of the first incident, and what had really happened to these "twins". 

Here’s the sequence of emails to date 19 March 2012 between myself and the NOMS Prisoner Location Service;

Prisoner Location Service
PO Box 2152
B15 1SD

Fax: 0121 626 3474


Sent: 14 March 2012 15:26
To: DAVID CANN; Prisoner Location Service [NOMS]
Subject: Location of Prisoner Sabina Eriksson

[This is not the original email as it has my personal details I had to supply as part of the procedure to make such an enquiry about a prisoner being held in custody in the UK.]

I first wrote to Prisoner Location Service [NOMS] on the 14 March 2012, I asked them that I was wishing to locate Sabina Eriksson, she was last at Bronzefield HMP, and the reason of contacting her is to see if she is okay and when she expects to be released, - as she was due for release last year 2011, but think she lost her right for parole.  - Would also like to be able to write to her if possible, though don't have her prison number.

This email was received from the INTERNET and scanned by the Government Secure Intranet anti-virus service supplied by Cable&Wireless Worldwide in partnership with MessageLabs. (CCTM Certificate Number 2009/09/0052.) In case of problems, please call your organisation’s IT Helpdesk. Communications via the GSi may be automatically logged, monitored and/or recorded for legal purposes

From: Prisoner Location Service [NOMS] <>
Sent: Thursday, 15 March 2012, 10:17
Subject: RE: Location of Prisoner Sabina Eriksson

Dear Mr Cann

RE: Sabina Eriksson

Thank you for your enquiry concerning the above named person.

It is with regret that we are unable to assist your with your enquiry, as according to records held by NOMS this person is not in prison custody.

I am sorry that I could not assist you.

Sent: 16 March 2012 14:05
To: Prisoner Location Service [NOMS]
Subject: Re: Location of Prisoner Sabina Eriksson


                              Thank you for your prompt reply.  As they are no longer in prison custody, can you confirm when they were released?

I thank you again.     

David Cann.

As you can see the “Team Leader” has stepped in and replied;

From: Prisoner Location Service [NOMS] <>
Sent: Friday, 16 March 2012, 14:17
Subject: RE: Location of Prisoner Sabina Eriksson

Unfortunately we can not confirm any further information.

[Name removed] Team Leader - NOMS Prisoner Location Service
[I have omitted their name and personal email address for privacy reasons.]

Sent: 16 March 2012 16:35
To: Prisoner Location Service [NOMS]
Subject: Re: Location of Prisoner Sabina Eriksson

Dear [Name omitted]

                                  Thank you for your help to date.  Do you know how I can get this information, - is there another department I can contact, or will I have to go via the Home Secretary?

Thanks you for your assistance in this matter.

From: Prisoner Location Service [NOMS] <>
Sent: Monday, 19 March 2012, 12:18
Subject: RE: Location of Prisoner Sabina Eriksson

If the person concerned has been released then we would be unable to confirm if she was in custody, and if released when this was or her release address deu to the 1998 Data Protection Act.

This would apply to any organisation.


[Name omitted] Team Leader
NOMS Prisoner Location Service

Now as you can see NOMS first confirmed: “…as according to records held by NOMS this person is not in prison custody. - I am sorry that I could not assist you”.  

So we have to assume she is not in custody, and why I wrote again asking when was she released?

And if you notice the colour of the font changed to ‘blue’, and the “Team Leader” replied; “Unfortunately we can not confirm any further information.” 

So that really doesn’t leave us much where else to go, it’s where the Home Office send you to make such inquires, and why I replied; “Do you know how I can get this information, - is there another department I can contact, or will I have to go via the Home Secretary?” – NOMS reply was; as above on the 19th March 2012.  

It states: “If the person concerned has been released then we would be unable to confirm if she was in custody”,  - Though the first reply from NOMS confirmed; “ according to records held by NOMS this person [Sabina Eriksson] is not in prison custody”.

So what's really being said here? - They first state the records held by NOMS shows she is not in prison custody.  Then the Team Leader states; “If the person concerned has been released..." - Which according to their first reply she must have been, -  "...then we would be unable to confirm if she was in custody". - But they have confimed she is 'not in custody' according to their own records.  Which would of course have the precise date of her release also recorded.

And it's this vital piece of information that the NOMS PLS and refusing to acknowledge and address, by stating it's against the 1998 Data Protection Act.  Though surely this cannot be right, for how is it we regularly can read, see and hear other prisoners stories that include when they are going to be released back into society and when they do it's normally in cases of national interest such as Sabina's case is.

So what's makes this exception to the rule in those other cases?  

The NOMS go on to say; "...and if released when this was, or her release address was due cannot be supplied due to the 1998 Data Protection Act [DPA]". – Meaning had Sabina been released and on whatever date, it cannot be confirmed due to the 1998-DPA, and would therefore; “...apply to any organisation.”

So at this present moment in time what does one do to find out this critical information that’s clearly in the public interest? - Not forgetting what doctors have confirmed, that either of the Eriksson twins could have a relapse at any given time.

And again I ask why are the media and particularly the BBC ignoring this major story?

[The new book A Madness Shared by Two, reveals why it appears the BBC have done so.  Though I would also like to say, that despite what I have previously written herein this post, the evidence revealed in the book, seems to indicate the media were not involved in a cover-up, for it's apparent they have been misled by the police from the very start.  To them it seems as if a mad women killed a man and that was it.]

Why are these groups turning a blind eye to my question - asking them why has this not been covered by their organisation?

What the hell is going on, whose really in charge of our prison service and media?  How can two high profile twin sisters, responsible for the most famous motorway suicide dash of madness, and where Sabina went onto kill Glen Hollinshead 48hrs later, - that they can then just simply disappear?

Their ID's appear to be fake, as do their histories, and why they can simply vanish off the radar.

This is why it's the media's responsibilty to publicise and investigate this case of national interest and importance, and why we should be demanding that they do? 

Because at present the case of the Eriksson twins - reeks of a 'COVER-UP', but to think the likes of the BBC could endorse such a thing must be truly disturbing, and hope to be proved wrong with them reinvestigating this matter of national interest once and for all, as how can we be expected to just sit back and accept this wall of silence? 

[BBC] Motorway Cops: Madness In The Fast Lane (Full)

This is a third part of an original blog, some parts of this new blog contains some of that same material, links for them can be found below.

 It's been widely publicised that Sabrina was to be released mid 2011, this appears to have never happened, and this looks like a case of silence of the lambs.

Sabina was arrested on the 20th of May 2008 for murder of Glen Hollinshead, she was charged and held on remand in HMP Bronzefield until she was sentenced on the 1st September 2009.


Let's allow for an error of judgement, due to weekends and leap years etc. so I am going permit 3 days either way, i.e. she was sentenced on the 1st September, so the dates could be from the 29th, 30, 31st August - and the 2nd, 3rd, 4th September.

This means from the 20th May 2008 until 1st September 2009 that equates to 1 year 3 months and 1 day.

She was sentenced to 5 years, - all sentences in excess of 4 years, are entitled to a 50% reduction in sentence, and can be paroled on licence.

If you fail to get parole, then after 12 months from the last rejection, you are reassessed for parole, - however if you have less than 13 months remaining of your sentence, then you are not entitled for parole.

And this could be the case with Sabina, for she was not [or should I say it's not been announced] released last year mid 2011.

In fact there has been an error, and it must be a deliberate one, for Sabrina was in fact eligible for parole on the 19th November 2010. 

If you calculate from the 20th of May 2008 to 19th December that equates to a two and a half years spent in custody.

1 year = 365 days - 5 years = 1825 days

50% Reduction in sentence = 912.5 days

From 20th May 2008 until 1st September 2009 = 468 days - which means she had 444 days left to serve before she was eligible for parole on licence.

1st September 2009 to 1st September 2010 = 365 days - with 79 days remaining.

1st September 2010 to 19th November 2010 = 79 days and her correct and "legal" eligible date for parole.

So if she was not released on that date, - and not the widely and incorrect time period of mid-2011, then she couldn't have been granted parole.

Which means she would have had to have waited another year for the second chance for her parole, but because she has already served 3 years 9 months and 16 days, she missed out because of the 13 months remaining clause.

The 20th May 2012 will be the 4th year Sabina has been in custody, and means she could be held until 20th May 2013, meaning she would have done the whole 5 year sentence, which is virtually unheard of, and the only way someone doesn't qualify for parole, means you must have been getting into a lot of trouble in the prison to keep losing so much remission, it's quite difficult to lose all your remission, as everyone is entitled to parole, they might not get, but in Sabina's case the judge didn't 'recommend' a minimum term, she got 5 years for pleading gulity due to being 'insane' at the time of the offence.

So she doesn't come into the same category as someone who may have got 5 years for stabbing someone, but had pleaded not gulity, and was found guilty, as this person most probably didn't show remorse due to their not guilty plea, - and is continuing inside prison to maintain their innocence, so therefore continuing not to show remorse, and would very much likely lose their chance for parole. - Yet even then, they'd likely find they would have got out on the second application for parole, meaning they would have served around 3 years 9 months as opposed to 5 years.

So this is why I ask, where the hell is Sabina?

I telephoned Bronzefield Prison the other day, and ask if she was still being held there.  They told me they couldn't reveal such information due to the data protection act.

I asked how do I go about trying to locate her?

The gentleman gave me a telephone number and I contact it, a message came up; "Sorry there is not a voice mail box for this number, push 0 to return to switchboard", which I did and it goes dead.

I then contacted the Home Office, and they gave me a website address of the prisoner location department, - 'you can write in or email a request', and I did so. You have to give your full name, address, telephone number, date of birth and what is your connection, i.e. a member of the family etc. - and reason as to why I was wanting to know. - I told them that Sabina was due out according to the media mid-2011, and that we haven't heard anything, so was wondering if she got her parole or not, for I can only assume she must therefore still be in custody.

And as the above emails confirm what the situation is to date.

 The media had a frenzy with it, first with the original news footage of when it first happened, then the BBC's 40min documentary, which covered the murder no one knew about, and then her sentencing at court in 2009.

HMP Bronzefield, Super Woodthorpe Road, Ashford, Middlesex, TW15 3JZ - Tel: 01784 425690 - Director: Helga Swidenbank - Controller: Alan Thurlby. - Operational Capacity: 465 from 1st August 2008. HMP Bronzefield is a modern purpose built prison for women which opened in June 2004. It performs the function of a local prison, accepting prisoners direct from the courts and is run by Sodexo Justice Services.

Sodexo Justice Services (formerly United Kingdom [and Ireland] Detention Services and Kalyx), a subsidiary of Sodexo, which is part of G4S, is a company that provides custodial, immigration and post-release facilities for the United Kingdom Home Office. The company changed its name to Sodexo Justice Services in 2011.  Sodex is part of the Goliath group of companies, which is also connected to many companies in the USA.  If you were one of the small business that used to supply your local schools, colleges and other public service sectors, and your contracts were cancelled due to being told your local authority has decided to go “in house”, - then it’s very likely because Sodexo and Goliath have been rewarded these lucrative contracts, their own heading is;

“An almost unfair business advantage”, and they’re not wrong about that, as these contracts are global.

We know how the media work, they must of made inquries as it got nearer the time of her release, - what hack wouldn't give his right arm to get the first ever photograph and story of the notorious M6 Madness in the Fast lane star and killer!">


So why all the blackout?

Ask them why is it they think their companies didn't cover her release? A story that would have helped shift three times or more the normal sales volumes of all their papers combined. It goes without saying, of course this case is a matter of "National Interest". Let's not forget the doctors have said it's possible these women could have a relapse, - and if that's the case I'd like to know before I go back on the M6 or A50.

So this doesn't add up, surely the media can't have been given the order to keep quite, a sort of gagging order, because as I say this really doesn't make sense, and indicating more that she is indeed a "Secret Super Strength Soldier".  And because they have reacted in this way, and if the cat does get out of the bag and the international media pick-up on it, - then it's always possible Sabina could raise her head, - though we can't really trust that now, - and as much as this might sound crazy to some folk, though not to me, - as they could now simply produce a 'clone' or "sane" Sabina and we'd never be any the wiser.     

What is known about Sabina & Ursula Eriksson is virtually nothing or solid to say the least, not even the Swedish authorities, the media, the police or the general public know much about these girls.  It was hardly reported in the Swedish press, though of course many got to hear about it because the film footage went worldwide.  3 years and 9 months have gone by since that incident that seems more like two years ago at the most.  That’s a long period for many things to have surfaced over this time, yet remarkable there has been virtually nothing other than what has already been known since Sabina was convicted of Glen Hollinshead’s murder on the 1st September 2009, which was almost 14 months after the motorway madness incident on the 17th May 2008. 

     All that seems to have been continuously reported, is that Ursula and Sabina Eriksson are identical twin sisters, grew up in Sunne, Värmland, in western Sweden with their older “brother”, and that their living conditions were apparently very poor. 

Sven-Göran Eriksson, born 5 February 1948, the former English football team's coach, was born in Sunne and has a house on the outskirts of the town, though it’s said he is no relation to them?  In such a small town whose population must have even smaller in 1967 when the Eriksson twins were born, Sven-Goran would have been 19 years old.  

Perceived to be odd by their peers, they were regularly bullied as children. You can read reports and articles that are completely unfounded, such as their father is dead, and that he was a Swish Banker, - and that if their mother is still alive why hasn't she stepped forward?

There are many other reports that again are totally unfounded, claiming certain things,and almost as if "someoene" is trying to get the picture across as if the Eriksson twins come from an 'ordinary' family, so you can read such claims like: "Their older brother, whom just recently found out about the incident from his nephew, claims that they were running from maniacs that wanted to gang-rape them. "They would rather hit a bus face-first, then be gang-raped" He describes his sisters as sport fanatics (athlete maniacs) whom always have been active in sports and dancing..He also describes them as overactive. The other sister is apparently back in Sweden they had a difficult upbringing and Sabina was very protective of her twin sister who was born with a minor “injury”. As I remember they were always very close to each other and perhaps this can explain why Sabina run out in the traffic too, after her sister was severely injured".  

Who originally wrote this totally fabricated family scenario? There is no original source, and this has been reprinted all over the internet and since 2008.

All it says is; 'He this, and he that', yet who is "he" and his "nephew", which means there must be uncles and aunts somewhere, but where? - Whenever you normally read a similar story, one that can be cross checked, they always mention the name of the relative or friend they are quoting. 

     It’s said Sabina had settled in Mallow, County Cork, Ireland, and Ursula had settled in the United States. It’s said the two met up in Ireland, - and on 16th May 2008 travelled to Liverpool, England.  Sabina apparently left no note behind for her husband and two children.  Was Ursula fleeing someone in the US, got to Ireland, and relised she was being followed, and then flee with Sabina, as whoever this 'someone' she was fleeing, if of course she was, it would no doubt be connected to Sabina. 

Here's a photographs taken of Sabrina in the police station just after the M6 dash, as we can see, - even more so in the video, - that apart from the odd red flush, there are no cuts, grazes or bruises to her face.

It was reported in a local newspaper called This is Staffordshire: A MOTHER-OF-TWO has appeared in court charged with murder. Swedish national Sabina Eriksson, aged 40, of College Wood, Mallow, in County Cork, Ireland, is accused of killing Glen Kevin Hollinshead at Fenton on May 20. Eriksson answered only to confirm her name, age and address. She was sent to Stafford Crown Court for an early hearing on Friday, February 19, and was remanded in custody by North Staffordshire magistrates


     In Swedish papers, it has been questioned; is their “brother” with ‘no name’, adopted or their biological brother?  Like just said, their father alleged to be deceased, who is he? And with no mention of their mother's name either, so who is she?

Any mother whose children had been involved in something as dramatic and horrific as this, would have surely come forward by now. 

As would her brother, or nephew perhaps would of written a book or given an interview, - like that of Ursula and 'her story', or even Sabina's alleged husband, yet why haven’t they?   They didn’t kill anyone, so couldn’t be accused of gaining from a crime.  - Besides something like this ought to be written about, as who knows and as doctors have already said, no one can say for certain [apart from their handlers], whether they will have a ‘relapse’

Calls for Inquiry Into Sabina's Release

As back as 1st September 2009 Stoke South MP Rob Flello said: "I think there needs to be an inquiry into what happened. It is a tragedy for everyone. "Where things have been done wrong they need to be put right so that they don't happen again. "  So what happend?

I shall try and contact Mr Flello and see what he has to say on the matter.

Meanwhile here's the article that states MP Rob Flello's above comment, - don't be mistaken with the headlines; "Why Was She Free" - for this is not in reference to being freed from prison, but questioning why was she freed hours after the Motorway incident, which led on for her to be able to kill the friend Peter Molloy, Glen Hollinshead ,and who was there with Sabina the night before she stabbed Glen.  This was writen 3 days after Sabina was convicted of murder and sentenced to 5 years in prison;

A FRIEND of stabbing victim Glenn Hollinshead regrets missing the 'million and one' warning signs which told him something was wrong the night they met a stranger in the street.

Peter Molloy, aged 27, of Duke Street, Fenton, spent the early evening of Monday, May 19 last year in his local pub, the Royal Oak in Christchurch Street, with 54-year-old Glenn and his dog Troy.

  1. <P>QUESTIONS: How we reported the case yesterday. Below, Sabina Eriksson and Glenn Hollinshead.</P>

    QUESTIONS: How we reported the case yesterday. Below, Sabina Eriksson and Glenn Hollinshead.

  2. <P>MURDER SCENE: Police cordon off the area around Duke Street where Glenn Hollinshead's body was found in May last year.</P>

    MURDER SCENE: Police cordon off the area around Duke Street where Glenn Hollinshead's body was found in May last year.

Just before 7pm they set off walking home together when they came across lost Swedish girl, Sabina Eriksson.

Mr Molloy, a customer administrator for npower, said: "We saw her across the street and she shouted something about Glenn's dog, saying it was a nice dog. She crossed over and said she was lost.

"Looking back now, she was all over the place, saying her sister was in hospital. She was clearly getting upset and that was the point when Glenn said she could go back to his house.

"He offered to make her some food because she hadn't eaten all day. I carried her plastic bag which had a red coat, a laptop and her phone.

"That should have sparked some suspicion on my part because people don't usually carry things like that in a plastic bag.

"We went into Glenn's house and he made ham sandwiches for all three of us. That's when it all started to get a bit strange.

"She kept looking out the window and I thought she must have had an argument with a boyfriend and was running away.

"When I asked her, she said 'I wish'. I should have realised she was really disturbed.

"She handed out cigarettes and snatched them back saying they might be poisoned."

By this point, Peter had spent a couple of hours in her company. She had been talking about Sweden and had struck up a conversation with Glenn about different countries.

Peter said: "Glenn was well travelled because he had worked in the RAF.

"He was someone who would help anyone and give a stranger his last penny.

"I often think, why didn't we take a different route home, why didn't we walk past her, why didn't I trust my instincts.

"There were a million and one signs that something wasn't right but there was absolutely no way I could have imagined what was going to happen to Glenn.

"Sabina was friendly but I felt nervous about her and I should have trusted my feelings."

Since Glenn's death Peter has had many sleepless nights wondering what would have happened if he had acted differently.

One of the most shocking moments was when he learned about Sabina and her twin sister Ursula's incident on the M6, three days before the killing.

They both ran out in front of traffic, leaving Ursula seriously injured and Sabina under arrest for hitting a police officer.

Sabina was charged and sentenced to one day in prison and released from court in Fenton the same day she met the two men.

Peter said: "Something in the system went wrong the day the police handled that situation.

"I don't think it was anyone's fault but she was not assessed properly.

"When I saw the footage on the internet of her running out in the road it made me feel sick.

"She looked possessed in that film. I wanted answers from the court case, I wanted to know why she did what she did but I don't think anyone will ever know."

Sabina pleaded guilty to manslaughter at Nottingham Crown Court on Wednesday on the grounds of diminished responsibility. She is in custody awaiting sentence.

The case has prompted calls for an investigation into the way the authorities handled the case.

Eriksson had no connection with North Staffordshire and psychologists have found she was suffering a mental illness. But despite the warning signs she was released with nowhere to go, and the next day killed Glenn.

Stoke South MP Rob Flello said: "I think there needs to be an inquiry into what happened. It is a tragedy for everyone.

"Where things have been done wrong they need to be put right so that they don't happen again. "



What about Sabina’s children and the social services in Ireland?  Like I say what about her husband, why hasn’t he written a book or been on shows such as Daybreak, Oprah or Ireland’s Late, Late Show to talk about this most unusual of occurrence? 

     Yet despite after all this time 3 years and 9 months later, we are none the wiser about the ‘true’ identity of the Eriksson twins.  For the same must be said about Ursula, we know nothing about her or where she lives in “America”. Is she there as reported? - Does she live there at all, and if so, what town does she live in the USA?  If so, is she married? Does she too have any children?  - When did Ursula depart the US and arrive in Ireland to meet Sabina? 

Why did they go to a police station in Liverpool to allegedly report Sabina was worried about her “two” children in Ireland, what was she worried about?  What did the police make of it, and was a record logged? Because it sounds as if they had to flee without seeing the children, or were they trying to say they think her children could be in danger?

And if none of this hasn't already surfaced in all this time, then it never will, and if it does, then it's without doubt fabricated, - that is of course unless it can all be proved and verified.

These women seem to have false-backgrounds and perhaps even ID’s, their histories just don’t add up, no one allegedly connected to them has actually come forward and been identified as being who they proclaim to be or who they really are. 

As just mentioned, and excuse me if I'm repeating myself, but we really have consider the serious implcations I am putting forward.  We have heard so called quotes by her “brother” and "nephew", but where are they and what do they look like? In what paper or any other media have we actually heard or seen anyone connected to the twins, Sabina’s husband, her mother, cousins, aunts, neighbours, anyone, yet not one person has been identified as being who they are meant to be other than some “quote” of a person being reported as her “brother”. Why is there no one worried about Sabina’s sentence and release date? 

I’m not being insulting to the women, but you only have to look closely, and her face and nose looks like it has received many years of being punch and knocked about, or it could be argued as it's been pointed out to me, android looking with cheek implants - she has the looks of a female boxer, and most probably trained in kick boxing and other martial arts.

And because these twins cannot be truly indentified, - they have probably been living among us, with others in other parts of the world doing exactly the same. Don’t forget the Russian spies or under-cover police officers over here in the UK, and where the Russian spies had blended into the community and got themselves secure jobs in the USA, and where under-cover police officer Mark Stone, whose real surname is Mark Kennedy, - lived within a group of “Peace” activists in the UK, and for more than 5 years, he even had two children who too so happened to live in Ireland, and Kennedy would at times sneak off the mainland UK, and go visit his family in Ireland.

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From Russia with Love - Spies - They're everywhere...

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Undercover Cop - Mark Stone [Masonic name or what?], real name Kennedy;

...or is it?

These kinds of “cells” or “Lone Wolfs”, are there waiting to be called on or to be activated in a Derren Brown style of hypnosis, and where all it takes is for the person under the state of induced hypnosis, is a telephone call with a ‘key-word’, that will trigger off the brain for them go into automatic pilot.

When these girls where first spotted by the coach driver at the service station, and when he reported them to the manager there, - and as the CCTV footage confirms, the women seemed very scared, they were looking all around them as if looking out for someone specific, they held their bags close to their chests, and why it was said by the service station manager that she thought the twins might have had a bomb on them. 

So she called the police, - it was an armed response car that attended the scene, and apparently after questioning by the police officer, was happy and left them alone and drove away. 

Though we don't know what took place immediately after that, as the next thing we see is that the women are caught on CCTV walking down the central reservation of the M6 motorway. 

Why would anyone make their way down to the motorway and just walk?  Were their lives in danger? Was Ursula fleeing the US, and went to Ireland and had to flee with Sabina?  Its been suggested they were on their way down to London on a covert operation and was disturbed, thrown off course by the coach drivers decision to not let them back on the coach. Did they have some kind of sensitive or damaging evidence and proof on the laptop they could be seen holding tightly up to their chests?  Why did they have multiple of mobile phones, all the traits of a secret agent or at least someone into some kind of illegal activity, such as fraud?  As we know phones can have multi functions and purposes, cash transfers is one, for messaging another and the data they can hold etc.

If one phone fails you have back-ups, with a laptop and the right kind of software, then you can almost achieve anything in the realms of what can be done with a computer. 

Let's look a bit deeper, as most people know Ursula and Sabina Eriksson were allegedly born as twins in 1967 in Sweden, and who came to national attention in the UK in 2008 after an apparent episode of what has ridiculousy been termed a 'folie a deux' which is the English legal way of saying they haven’t a bloody clue what really happened, or like most things are in on a cover-up.  Which resulted in unique footage of this moment of “insanity” on the M6 motorway, and when 48hrs after the motorway incidents Sabina was incredibly released from hospital by doctors, after examining and diagnosing her as fit and okay, with no signs of any serious injuries, - yet how can this possible be?

It was proved no drugs or alcohol were involved in any of the incidents, and their actions have never been satisfactionally explained apart from other this so called “rare” induced delusional disorder, which apparently caused the pair to go momentarily mental.

The government say by slowing your speed down from 40pm to 30pm, would be the difference between killing someone or causing a serious injury to them.

Image Detail

This gives an idea of the kind of angle Sabina hit the vehicle, though Sabina landed higher up, and Ursula's feet went under the articulated lorry a bit like that dummy and why her ankles were broken.

The speeds these vehicles were travelling at, one being an articulated lorry that literally run over Ursula’s legs, which of course did eventually break, they had been run over two or more times prior to this. - The damage sustained to the silver motor car, a smashed windscreen and dented roof, where the crease in the roof is in the strongest part of the edge of the roof along the upper section of the windscreen and not the soft top part of the roof in the middle. It was Sabina’s body that caused that damage, the very least she would have, is broken ribs and at least one arm and leg that took the main impact would too result in breakages of the bone, and especially the skin, - blood would be everywhere, yet Sabina shows no sign of bleeding or injury. 

She then leapt back up and tried to yet again escape, punching and decking a police officer in the process whilst jumping over the two main barriers in the central reservation more like a baby Gazelle, than that of someone who’s just been knocked 10ft in the air and caused so much damage to a motor vehicle travelling at speeds of at least 40pm, as I don't want to exaggerate.  

You can see by the damage to the windscreen and the hard section of the edge of the roof, that it goes without saying Sabina should have had injuries and not been able to walk freely out of the hospital only hours later.
In both these accidents and no matter who these vehicles might have normally hit, would either have been instantly killed or sustained serious injuries, that they in no way would be capable of doing what these two “sisters” did, - at the very least Sabina should have had fractured bones, minor cuts, scratches and marks.  We know Ursula, after being hit at least twice, and then picked on that articulated lorry, that would take out the toughest of titanium robots, - and all she sustained was injuries to the weak parts of the body, which were her ankles and skull.  

Even under a state of hypnosis or use of super drugs or adrenallin, would not result to this sort of outcome. We are talking about the human skeleton covered in a layer of thin skin that easily cuts, grazes and bleeds, yet this didn’t happen, and particularly in Sabina’s case, and like I said, Ursula was more seriously injured, so did bleed in the end, yet her upper part still wanted to get up and escape.   

It’s worth noting, when Sabina was in the home of Glen Hollinshead, in his friends statement who was there with them drinking beer and smoking, that at one time when the two men put a cigarette in their mouths, she swiped them out of their mouths, saying; “No, they might be poisoned” – You’ll see a list from Project BLUEBIRD, another Mind Control Project, and was approved by the director of the CIA on April 20, 1950. In a 1951 memo, Bluebird states that practical research was to be conducted to include these;

How can sodium A or P or any other sleep inducing agent be best concealed in a normal item, such as candy, ‘cigarettes’, coffee, tea, beer, medicines?  

Top secret: Terminators of the Soviet Union

Top secret: Terminators of the Soviet Union. 44929.jpegAmerican historian Jeff Strasberg in his book provides considerable evidence that within the period from 1936 to 1941 the Soviet Union was working on top secret project to create super-soldiers. He argues that the experiment involved some 300 volunteers of young age and cites numerous eyewitness accounts.

The soldiers were not stuffed with chemicals or drugged out. They were implanted gold electrodes in their brains, eliminating the pain center. Their limb bones were replaced with titanium implants that protected the soft tissues against landmines or shells, as well as from gunshot injuries. In this case, any injury was not threatening and would not cause crushing bones and amputations. 

The strange new craft of making life from scratch




David Shukman explains how synthetic biology works

Enter a set of labs at Imperial College in London and at first sight there is nothing exceptional: pale grey work surfaces, collections of bottles, racks of test-tubes.

But amid the bustle of white coats and the bright flames of Bunsen burners, a very modern version of alchemy is under way - the design and creation of forms of life that have never existed in nature.  This is the Centre for Synthetic Biology and Innovation, a hothouse for an endeavour unprecedented in human history and billed by its promoters as offering the next industrial revolution.

"If the 19th Century was all about the revolution of harnessing energy from fossil fuels, and the 20th Century was about exploiting the power of data, this century will be about controlling biology”

A report for the Royal Academy of Engineering concluded that this new science was of "critical importance to building the nation's wealth".  Imagine bacteria, fitted with artificial DNA, harnessed to churn out an anti-malaria vaccine - that is happening already in California.

Or imagine bacteria with synthetic genes that make them light up when parasites are detected in drinking water - that has been proven to work at Imperial.  Or imagine organisms transformed into factories to make us fuel or materials, or engineered to gobble up oil spills and industrial pollution, or crafted to provide the power and wiring for the next generation of computers.  Some of this happening now, but much more may also be possible in the future.

New life forms - When I asked one leading scientist where this could lead, he replied impatiently: "That's like wondering what a computer could do back in the 1960s - who can tell?"  But the concept of synthetic biology does take some getting used to - not just the very idea of creating new life-forms and the scale of the economic potential but also of course the implications, which are profound and, to some, very worrying.

Ultimately, this is about taking control of nature, redesigning it and rebuilding it to perform some task.  No wonder the phrase "playing God" comes up in almost every conversation. With it comes a grand historical vision.

If the 19th Century was all about the revolution of harnessing energy from fossil fuels, and the 20th Century was about exploiting the power of data, this century will be about controlling biology.

So how does one understand this brave new world?  The starting point is GM or genetic modification, the technology, with us for several decades, in which the genes of one organism are inserted into another.

Over recent years, GM has led to crops that are resistant to weed killers or insecticides.  Most recently, researchers have been shuffling genes to give ordinary oranges the health benefits of blood oranges or white rice the same nutritional value as whole rice.

Most startling are the goats that carry the spider gene that produces silk, as featured by Adam Rutherford in his recent Horizon.

Hostile response - In Europe, this kind of work has often been regarded with suspicion, even hostility. Trial crops have been attacked and the major supermarket chains in Britain, fearful of public nervousness, do not stock GM food.

"What makes this possible is a rather sobering fact: that DNA, the twisting strands that hold the genes of every living thing on Earth, essentially comes down to four basic molecules.”

But what is coming next with synthetic biology takes this research into an entirely different league, and only now is it entering the public consciousness.
The basic principle is that nature is treated like engineering. It is just a set of building blocks, and genes are mere components.  And just as with building a car or a plane, the different parts can be designed and assembled any way you want.

So instead of taking the genes of one organism and adding them to another, scientists dream up new genes, select their characteristics, get them made up artificially and then put them to use.

What makes this possible is a rather sobering fact: that DNA, the twisting strands that hold the genes of every living thing on Earth, essentially comes down to four basic molecules.

These are adenine, cytosine, guanine and thymine, better known by their first letters A, C, G and T.  And because these molecules are well understood, they can be manufactured synthetically.  Here is how it works. A scientist wants to get an organism to do a particular function.  They sit down at their computer and manipulate the patterns of the four molecules to design the genes that will make that function happen.  They then send off an order to a specialist "gene synthesiser"- yes, such companies now exist. Imperial College uses a firm in Germany.  They make up the new genes and send them back in the post - a tiny vial containing an artificially-made code for life.

Surge of new thinking - The synthetic genes are then inserted into a bacterium which has had its own original DNA stripped out.

The organism will do exactly what the scientist intended: a living thing, but under the control of Man.  That makes it sound too easy. This science is in its earliest days. But it is fostering a surge of new thinking and new approaches.

"I wonder if the dawn of the nuclear age had the same kind of feel, with science taking us to the brink of an unparalleled new power”

The largest of the synthetic biology labs in Britain is at Imperial College.  The likeliest of its products will be sensors, half-electronic half-biological devices that harness engineered bacteria to light up when parasites or infections are detected.  Others are pursuing different paths. Jim Haseloff at Cambridge University is thinking about taking control of cells to get them to build new tissue and materials.

Ali Tavassoli at Southampton University is working towards a wristwatch device in which synthetically-equipped bacteria detect blood sugar levels and then release insulin.  Jason Chin at Cambridge's famous Laboratory of Molecular Biology has inserted an artificial amino acid into nematode worms, as reported by my colleague Roland Pease.  A faint glow from the tiny creatures indicates that their synthetic ingredient is happily incorporated. The talk is of "accelerating evolution".

Concern over risks - So where does this lead?

Imperial scientists are at the cutting edge

The UK government has commissioned a group of industrialists and academics to draw up a road map to explore the industrial potential.  America is spending billions in this area and China is thought to be investing heavily as well, though less transparently.

Meanwhile environmental groups have raised serious concerns about the risks.  One ethics specialist describes synthetic biology as "exciting, but terrifying".  I wonder if the dawn of the nuclear age had the same kind of feel, with science taking us to the brink of an unparalleled new power.  Source:

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