UNCLE SAM BULLYING BROKERS OVER SILVER? [Plus, JPM's $7 Billion Blunder] By: malterwitty Tags: ECONOMY Woody O'Brien says that he's decided to do a "Barnhardt' and get out of the markets while the gettin' is good. O'Brien says he's been told by regulators that federally regulated brokers should not be giving advice about buying physical silver, so he's decided he no longer wants to be 'federally regulated'. Remember, physical silver really is the Achilles' heel of the corrupt fiat banking system. http://whatreallyhappened.com/
They are out of silver! But it while you can!
I can say that you bring a very good idea to the table suzie. But I must put this on the table also. If we are to rise above and defeat the ones that are in power we must at least be able to have a contingency plan, and to be able to put this plan in motion we must be able to afford one. The power is not in the ability to acquire wealth but to have the wisdom to put that wealth to purpose. No one person is above corruption, but a people of like minds can bring ideas to the table and decide the best route to take and the funds must be there to allow this plan to happen.
Nights of the round table converge.
My father and I were talking this very morning and he said to me " You must understand that power is corruption only by a different name. To be free of this is to know this. No one person is above corruption. To survive you are taught, to get along you go along".
I thought about this long and hard on my drive to work, which is around an hour at 60 to 65 miles per hour, and came to the conclusion that what he spoke was very true.
I looked at all the civilizations that I had read about, and all the things that had been shown to me as I grew up, and I realized that if the ability to survive was not there, it did not matter how smart you were, you do not survive, if you did not have the wealth to finish the process you can't be that smart.
I am really starting to think that if it is worth killing over do we want it? Maybe if we just used greebacks like Lincoln and kennedy did and create our legal debt free money ourselves it wouldn't matter who had all the silver and Gold .. I am starting to see it doesn't matter what we use as currency as long as it is debt free. If you loan 100dollars you pay back 100 dollars it make `too much dammed sense to me ... remember that saying who ever has the gold rules THAT IS the golden rule .. I worry now that if silver is becoming rare do we even want it as our currency?? I don't know just thinking anything that gets us into a panic can't be good!
"Destroying the New World Order"
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