Sterilise the Unfit and Addicted! Eugenics Openly Being Promoted on the BBC!

By Neil Foster, August 26 2010

For anyone who thinks that the ideology of Hitler’s eugenics policies ever went away and that still doubt it came from New York and London, this ‘debate’ was held on BBC Radio 4 on the 25th August. This is only part 1 with part 2 to follow on Saturday.

I’m posting this now and will post the 2nd Part on Saturday with a full article on the ‘debate’

Here’s a brief synopsis of the argument put forward by what can only be described as the lunatic Professor Marsland to justify sterilisation of certain sectors of society.

It’s interesting that at one point he simply classifies anyone with an addiction as a candidate for mandatory sterilisation.

Although he cites, drug and alcohol addiction, as we well know, cigarettes are an addiction as is television, the internet, prescription drugs and even sex to many people.

Where does the list of addictions end whereby you’ll be sterilised?

Who decides if you’re mentally unfit? What is the definition of mentally unfit? I’ve heard many a green fanatic class ‘climate change deniers’ as mentally ill so it stands to reason that the new definition
for someone who is mentally unfit could simply be someone who disagrees
with the current views of whoever decides what the current views should
be and in what politically correct way they should be presented.

Here’s a description of Professor Marsland’s argument for the sterilisation of the ‘unfit’ as he himself calls them in a way reminiscent of characters such as the Huxleys and Russell.

I would urge those reading this to use the opportunity to email the programme at the address given below to express your disgust at this creature’s view that human life is worthless in his opinion if it has by
whatever unfortunate circumstance become less than ideal.

Edward Stourton chairs a live debate in which Professor David Marsland defends his view that the mentally and morally unfit should be sterilised. Professor David Marsland is Emeritus Scholar of Sociology
and Health Sciences at Brunel University, London and Professorial
Research Fellow in Sociology at the University of Buckingham. He argues
that the only way to prevent the abuse and neglect of children whose
parents are incapable of looking after them is to stop them from being
born in the first place. It should be open to police and social workers
to recommend that drug addicts, alcoholics and the mentally disabled
should be irreversibly sterilised – and the courts should be able to
enforce this. Challenging his views will be three expert witnesses
including a senior social worker, a drugs charity lawyer and a moral
Join in the debate by emailing or text during the programme on 84844.
Producer: Peter Everett.

Professor David Marsland

I wonder why they posted a black and white picture of this guy then I noticed a resemblance to another black and white picture I’d seen. Maybe it’s just a coincidence, who knows?

This is of course that infamous eugenicist and writer of Brave New World, Aldous Huxley

Here’s the link to Part 1 of the debate. Part 2 will follow on Sunday morning.

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Comment by niko47 on August 30, 2010 at 5:01am
Comment by Anti Oligarch on August 29, 2010 at 3:25am
They've been sterilizing massive amounts of people all over the world for many many years.
What do you think are "charitable" vaccinations of African children?
Africa has about a billion people and it should have at least double that ...
Comment by Anthony Kimbrough on August 29, 2010 at 2:00am
Good article, thanks. sadly I see a lot of "Christian" sites that are falling for this, only it is sugar coated for easy swallowing. I really think they will implement some form of Eugenetics pretty soon, with the money Bill gates and others are putting into this.
Comment by O.R.M.E. on August 27, 2010 at 4:09pm
Holy fire! Thanks for this article! Interesting :)
You are right! Who says who should be sterilised? Where's the line?!
This is totally wrong and this horrendous practice that should have died with the Nazi's is alive and well and living amongst us!
Sadly, Hitler got most of his ideas from British and American eugenicists! Check out the latest issue of Nexus magazine for an article on this :)
Well worthy blog! Thank you:)
Poppy and Holly (O.R.M.E.)
Comment by Anti Oligarch on August 26, 2010 at 3:54pm
Yes sister I'm with ya 100%.
Let's teach our children well and hope for the best.
Comment by Tara on August 26, 2010 at 3:42pm
Hopefully Professor Marsland will make good use of this theory, be the first one in line to be sterilized because he's definetely unfit and mentally deranged for being the Eugenicist that he is. What a cold hearted evil bastard!

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